So, How's the week going??

tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
Just checking in to see how all of you are succeeding this week! I hope you are all feeling lots of successes. Remember you are the only one that can make this happen and YOU are definitely worth it!! Let's keep losing this 100+ pounds and see where we are this time next year! We will be thrilled with the outcome!:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:


  • smcfaye
    smcfaye Posts: 15 Member
    I am trying to stay positive... I did Curves 3 times this week, and stayed the same when I weighed in... But to be completely honest, I overindulged at least two days... and yesterday even though I was within calories, I ate out twice and had a piece of Dairy Queen blizzard cake... all that extra sodium wasn't good... The plan this week is to do Curves again 3 times, and try to only overindulge 1 day or better yet 1 meal.
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    I haven't done a lot of exercise this week, just a few lunchtime walks and had tea out with a friend last night. £3.89 carvery, stuffed myself with turkey, gammon roast and mashed potatoes, yum! Only had a couple of diet pepsis and no pudding :)

    Been quite good the rest of the week though I have found myself suffering from hunger pangs more than usual, not sure why.

    Given up alcohol and sliced bread for lunch. Hoping giving up bread will help me be more adventurous with lunch instead of just opting for a butty.

    Weigh-in day this morning and I've lost 2lbs - making a total of 14lbs since Jan2nd, yippee!
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    Ok have been getting lots of exercise but two nights out with friends ruined my 1200 calorie a day streak but the weight is still coming off so its all good! :tongue:
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    Hello everyone! I've had a great week! Not perfect, but I made good choices. I also exercised 6 times this week. I am looking forward to the weekend!:flowerforyou: :glasses: :flowerforyou: :glasses:
    I've gained about 20 pounds and am working to lose them so that I can get back on track. I've lost 4 pounds and have regained my positive attitude.
  • ravensfan1
    ravensfan1 Posts: 78 Member
    hello everyone I hope everyone is progressing in their weight loss. I have been dong Chalean Extrreme. Going into 2nd week and I can feel some slight changes in my body. I just did my weigh in for another group and I am down two more lbs. Woo hoo!!!
  • debk3p2
    debk3p2 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi all: Having a pretty good week. Went to aqua fit, line dancing class and an hour walk on Saturday. I weigh in on Friday.

  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 312 Member
    Pretty good week. I have been doing Turbo Fire and keeping up, which is pretty good for someone who is 100+ pounds overweight. (I do modify and take out most of the jumps, of course). With the nice weather this week, I've even been able to take my little boy to the park a few times. Today though, I am feeling pretty tired.
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    I am doing really well. Today I went to a conference and Andrew Zimmer (the guy from Bizarre foods) did a healthy food demonstration and it was fabulous!
    I am not 100% but I did better this week than I did last week.
    I also have exercised most days.
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    Hi all!

    Haven't been very motivated to exercise this week, only done a few lunchtime walks but I've lost another 3lbs this week :)
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Awesome job Hismissus! I know I already feel so much better with 18 pounds gone and I'm sure you do too!!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    That is an awesome gift! Definitely something you can use to rev up everything! Congrats on the halfway there....
  • jkimmett
    jkimmett Posts: 46 Member
    To be honest, I am not doing well. I am falling into bad eating habits lately and I know I need to stop. I thought that after a year of this I had this licked. I am so close to goal, why am I sabatoging myself like this now? I am eating everything in sight. Now thank goodness I haven't gained, but I haven't lost either. Imagine what I could have lost in this last couple of weeks if I was being on track. I am getting so pissed off with myself but can't stop. What the hell is wrong with me?!?!?!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    :heart: jkimmett,
    I hope you have found your groove again!! You have come soooooooooo far and are such an inspiration to so many, myself included!! I just read this and looked at your picture and truly prayed for God to give you focus again! You do NOT want to go back to the old self! I am there now and it is no fun! Nothing you can eat can feel as good as you looking at the new thin you in the mirror! Find that will power and self discipline needed to make this happen! You deserve it!!!!!:heart:
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    Hi all!

    Since I last posted, I've managed to lose 4 more pounds making a total of 20lbs (did gain a few in between but think I'm seeing a pattern to the weight gain) I've also started going swimming twice a week before work and this past weekend hubby has been teaching me how to ride a bike. I'm black and blue from falling off and banging into the pedals etc but am feeling good about it all. I'm now the lightest I've been since I was 23yrs old and possibly the most active. Now if only I could get my head around eating a more balanced diet at the weekend...