
raqufern Posts: 794 Member
Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myslef! My name is Raquel, I am a mom to a 5 year old and 2 year old and have been working on finding myself again! I hit my highest weight before MFP and since I have lost about 30 lbs but still have about 15 more to go so I am glad I found this group. Lets see how we all do from now until may! Feel free to add me if you wish!


  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    Looking forward to your group. You are always positive and encouraging. I think you'll come up with some pretty interesting challenges too.
  • Hi! This looks like fun! I am a super yo yo dieter and would like to keep it off for good! Or at least until the end of summer :) JK...

  • vxmittyxv
    vxmittyxv Posts: 122 Member
    I am so excited about this group. Can't wait for the challenges. They are always my favorite part.
  • Hi! My name is April and I am looking forward to this challenge. I have about 20 pounds to lose.
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Hey girls! I also hope this is going to be a great group full of challenges and support. I am not the one running this group and havent heard from the person yet so I cant wait to see what she has in store for this group! I just felt like no one had made any introductions so kinda jumped right in there LOL! I know that the person in charge is captainlindarg.... so I hope we hear from her soon! Common Group we can all look so good this summer!!! woohoo!!!!
  • Alicebmartin
    Alicebmartin Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Girls! Would like to lose 15 pounds by July! Want to get back into my cute little Bikinis! I've just started really watching my diet and would love the support and challenges in a group setting!
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    I am SOOOOO in this group!

    I was part of her Feb weight loss group and really enjoyed it.

    My name is Sherri and first major goal is to lose 50lbs by my birthday. Since starting on Jan 3rd, I'm 20lbs into that goal already and really looking forward to losing some more.
    My wonderful hubby is on this weight loss journey and as of this morning he is down 32lbs!

    Looking forward to getting to know some of you through this group. I like to be an encourager because I always get back 100 fold what I give. MFP friends are awesome that way!!!
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    Wow, great to see people already getting excited about this group! Here's the link to the spreadsheet I made, and I'll be taking starting weights on Mar 1! :)

  • kms7035
    kms7035 Posts: 59 Member
    Soo excited! 12 pounds so far but I really need something to kick it up a little bit. :D
  • Drizzt_d99
    Drizzt_d99 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi I am Colin.
    I was also part of the February Weight loss Challenge and it was great motivator to keep going.

    I am looking forward to this one.

    I have been on this journey since January when I decided it was time for change.

    I still have a long way to go.

    Please feel free to add me if you want.
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    Oh, and durp... I'm Linda! Nice to meet all of you. The February challenge has been a great motivation for me, even though I didn't see the weight loss I hoped I would. I really want to look cute in a bathing suit this summer!
  • My name's Renee, and I too have come over from the February group! Lovely to meet everyone! It's time for me to get serious, here. I've got 30 pounds to melt away and I'm going to be rid of them by the middle/end of May!!! Weeee!!!!! (I've even gotten my sister to commit to three workout days a week with me. So, if I only do those three, I'm still doing it. Also, I'm really hoping to help facilitate her weight loss.)
  • Hello group! My name is Ali and I am brand new to the site and so nervous/anxious to hold my self accountable for what I've been doing to my body (eating awful foods and never working out). I'm hoping this will keep me on track because nothing else has seemed to work.

    Feel free to add me, I can use all the support I can get! March 1st cannot come soon enough! :heart:
  • Im new to the site and trying to lose 15 pounds by may. im excited to be apart of a support group because im lacking support and encouragement and that is what is holding me back. I cant wait for march first so we can all get to healthier and happier place in our lives.

    feel free to add me
  • Rose200
    Rose200 Posts: 48 Member
    This is the perfect group. Glad I found it before March 1st.
    Since Jan 01/12 I'm down 14 lbs. I'm currently 206 and would like to by 170 for the summer.
    Good luck everyone! We can do this!
  • edsaws
    edsaws Posts: 13
    Sign me up. I'm Ed I did the February challenge and found it keeping me on track. Looking forward to this challenge.
  • tsherm3850
    tsherm3850 Posts: 353 Member
    Hi, I'm Tina. I was doing the February Weight Challenge. I've met some very supportive people in that group and thankfully, they've already come over to this challenge. I have three children (Girl-14; Girl-10; Boy-6). My exercise has been a video here/there and walking. I look forward to getting to know you.
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Hi everyone! It is so nice to meet all these people that have one same goal: TO LOOK AND FEEL GOOD THIS SUMMER!!! I look forward to kick starting this on March 1st with all of you. Feel free to add me if you would like!!!
  • sassika
    sassika Posts: 95 Member
    Hi my name is Saskia and I have taken part in the February weight loss and it helped me to be more accountable. I have lost a few kilos and can see my goal weight getting closer and closer. x
  • I'm in!! Just joined MFP and was looking for something JUST like this! Cant wait to join the fun!