Welcome! Introduce Yourself



  • TyShaBee
    TyShaBee Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone, I am 56 (did I really admit that out loud?) and live in Minnesota, with my cat-a tortie. I need to lose 50+ and am finding it difficult to get started and to stay motivated. I know that I can find that here.
  • joanneonline
    Welcome! So glad you joined! We're making it happen.....one day at a time. You can do it!
  • LisaVacc1
    Hi I am 51 and yes I too need to lose about 50 lbs. I started 2 1/2 weeks ago and started out at 184 , I am now 175. I plan to work out with power walking by leslie sansone which i really like. I can only make a mile so far but I have to do something to get started. I have another bad habit of smoking and that doenst help the issue. People may think I am strange for saying this but I am afraid to quit smoking right now. I have always heard when you quit smoking you gain weight!!! MY two goals is lose the fat and then I hope with the exercising I am doing now It will be easier when the time is right to stop smoking as well.

    My body isnt use to any kind of exercise in along time...So here I am trying to make a run at it. I am taking it goal at a time. My first goal is 10 lbs which I am almost there. I am just taking baby step and hopefully with encouragement I can lose the 50 lbs this year and keep it off.

    God bless u all
  • joanneonline
    Welcome, Lisa and congratulations on your weight loss! I hear you as far as taking things one step, one goal at a time. We all need the encouragement. I know this site is really helping me.

    My guess is, you'll soon start feeling so good from the changes you're making, you'll know when the time is right to leave the smoking behind. You're sure heading in the right direction. We can do this!

  • LisaVacc1
    Thanks for making me feel welcome :happy:
  • sams247
    sams247 Posts: 58 Member
    I am in preparation..... I have sent off for new scales, I have joined here, and am busy trying to mentally prepare for the journey ahead, its a long slow road for me. I am also preparing to be 50, come April that'll be me and I am quite happy to get there. No worries about ages in my camp.

    I live in the UK, have two grown children but not a grandchild on the horizon. (yet?!) I work in an office, am trained as a Montessori teacher but left it years ago. I am hoping to start offering foster care if I can get through to panel this year. So all in all this could be a year of great change and many positives. Hello to all
  • debloves2ride
    I am just barely still in my 50's (does that count). I turned 59 in november and became determined to loose 40 pounds. Of course joining just before the holidays didn't help, but back on track now and hope to see weight loss! I am modifying my eating habits etc... I have joint issues and haven't been able to exercise good for almost a year, so I have gained 10 lbs this year alone. that has got to go! I have a knee replacement (second one) scheduled for Feb 14th and just the therapy alone is really good exercise. Looking forward to our discussions and support!
  • joanneonline
    Welcome ladies! So glad you joined the group. Deb - of course 59 is welcome. I just thought "50 in my 50's" was a catchy title Deb :smile:

    It's a great site. It has really helped me to track my food and exercise and have friends to motivate me.

    I work in an office too sam247. I find I have to exercise on purpose (not always easy) - but knowing I get to come log it here helps!

    Here's to a fun journey, ladies - we can do it
  • Lululagrand
    Lululagrand Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm new and just finding my way around the site. I'm a very happy, 56, 5'2 eyes of blue makeup artist. Since I was born in '55 I though losing 55 would be a dream goal. Being more realistic losing 30-45 lbs would be great! So step by step...I now have an Pro-form elliptical trainer in my living room to help get me there. My favorite saying..."The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." So I am taking the step to get connected & get fit for my dreams of moving back to the beach someday! I want to be strolling the sand at waters edge or riding my bike on the boardwalk like I did in my youth! It's a slower pace of life in the farm country.
  • cecehite19
    cecehite19 Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome! Glad to have another in their 50's! I am 54 and trying to lose 50 this year. No specific date, I just will be on course until I get there! Slow and steady and hopefully learning better eating and exercising habits for life along the way. I am here for anyone and especially those in this group who are on the same mission! I want us ALL to meet our goals! !!! Log on and join in the discussion about your day and life!
  • IamProudofMe
    IamProudofMe Posts: 37 Member
    I'm a 51 year old in that "sandwich" part of life. I'm not talking about food but the sandwich generation. I'm a single mom of a 6 year old boy and I also care for my 82 year old father. Add in a full time career with travel and business dinners.......I'm sure many of you can relate to some portion of what I just wrote. So we care for others before ourselves, eat quick meals while rushing between obligations, then end up too tired to move. Well no more for me! I'm going to live the airline safety announcement life: Place the life vest of healthy eating and exercise on me first! It's all about being accountable to yourself and so far this site has helped me! I've lost 3 pounds so far with about 40ish to go. I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of not living comfortably in my body. This is the only body I'll ever get so it's time to give it-give me- what is deserved! I'm not going to ignore any of my responsibilities - this isn't about that. This is about a full life with my family! So who's with me??? :flowerforyou:
  • IamProudofMe
    IamProudofMe Posts: 37 Member
    Hi I am 51 and yes I too need to lose about 50 lbs. I started 2 1/2 weeks ago and started out at 184 , I am now 175. I plan to work out with power walking by leslie sansone which i really like. I can only make a mile so far but I have to do something to get started. I have another bad habit of smoking and that doenst help the issue. People may think I am strange for saying this but I am afraid to quit smoking right now. I have always heard when you quit smoking you gain weight!!! MY two goals is lose the fat and then I hope with the exercising I am doing now It will be easier when the time is right to stop smoking as well.

    My body isnt use to any kind of exercise in along time...So here I am trying to make a run at it. I am taking it goal at a time. My first goal is 10 lbs which I am almost there. I am just taking baby step and hopefully with encouragement I can lose the 50 lbs this year and keep it off.

    God bless u all

    Please quit smoking! Your body is using up energy to fight the toxins rather than the fat! When I quit (cold turkey 23 years ago) I found its true you could gain weight. Not from substituting food for cigarettes, but because once the tar and nicotine left my palate, I could actually taste food. So go ahead and quit and taste the food - just make the decision that what you want to taste is delicious, fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats, not processed food filled with chemicals! Best of luck to you!!!!
  • joanneonline
    Hello everyone and welcome newbies! So glad to have you in the forum. I so relate to the "sandwich" challenges 2BFitby52! I'm committed to putting my health first this year. I'm so happy to have others to share the journey with. As stated, one step at time.

    We can do this!
  • LaurieLovesLife
    I all. I have been logging in to MFP for months now. I lost 7 and now have stalled. My fitness level is greatly improved. My clothes fit somewhat better, but I really need to lose 40+ more pounds. Frustrated but will continue to pursue my goal. Any suggestions would be helpful. Laurie
  • joanneonline
    Hi Laurie. Congrats on the 7lbs - that's great!

    How long since you last lost anything and are you doing any kind of workout?
  • bobthesmogs
    bobthesmogs Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, I'm 50 and would love to lose 50, although I'll happily settle for 40. I just found and joined this site today, and already finding it an inspirational eyeopener. A lifelong yoyo dieter, it often feels impossible to shed what has taken half a century to accumulate. I've a big, scary, holiday coming up in 36 weeks (read days in swimsuits), so that's my deadline. Also a smoker, and wanting to quit, I completely understand Lisa's worries about trying to accomplish everything at once. So I'm setting myself two small goals of 10lbs and no more than 10 cigs a day in 5 weeks time. When I achieve that, I'll be well on my way.
  • joanneonline
    Hi and welcome Bob!

    Congratulations on setting some great goals. And since we can't lose 50 without losing 40 first, go for it :wink:

    Good for you for starting on a path to quit the cigs too.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. Good luck to you too - you got this!
  • Lululagrand
    Lululagrand Posts: 16 Member
    Greetings form PA. I have been on a Whole Living Detox diet now for 11 days & joined MFP to track progress! I feel great with my 57th birthday approaching in May my goal would be to drop an agressive 45 lbs. I am seriously 5'2 eyes of blue! After a car accident a some nagging injuries my weight sky rocketed to 170lbs over a three year period. Inactivity & poor eating habits. (Although everyone who knows me says I always look the same?!). I love the iphone app. & it is transforming my life!!! I have always been a visual learner so it's great to get "The Big Picture"and see the progress. As a makeup Artist I have told women for years that beauty comes from within. Now I can really see the transformation inside of me. I now have an Elliptical trainer in my living room and the low impact workout is doing well for me. I am a workaholic & spend a lot of time on my iphone to connect where & when I can with my crazy retail schedule.It's never the same! However I am finding MFP to give me the structure & focus I needed. I welcome connections. Add me as a friend if you'd like. :flowerforyou:
  • crazylizz
    crazylizz Posts: 47 Member
    Hello, my name is Liz. I live in Ohio, am married to my best friend for 22 yrs, no children (in hind site, infertility probably due to weight), one spoiled cat, nurse for 30 yrs.

    I have tried about every diet available to mankind with little success. I was underweight as a child and doctor made mom feel like a bad parent so she started shoveling the food in, unfortunately that was right at puberty and boy did I blossom! :embarassed:

    Finally last year after turning 50 I knew I had to change or I was on the road to early death. I started eating healthier, and then my wonderful employer decided to start a program to help its largest employees. They gave us access to a dietitian and weekly meets with our personal trainer once a week for a year. I am so blessed! We are 6 months into it and I have lost another 30 lbs. Our trainers have all amped it up and meet with us at least 2 x's a week, I work out with mine 2 x's a week individually and 2x's a week in groups. Each trainer also offers weekly group sessions to our whole group and I attend 1-2 of those. So working out 5-6 days a week. I love it. I have lost 52 lbs from my high, I have 140 to go but this time I know I will do it. I love the way I feel and I am not going back. MFP has been a life saver as well.
  • joanneonline
    Hi Liz and Welcome! Your story is so inspiring, what amazing changes you have made - I'm so glad you shared it :smile:

    I just started MFP in January and it is really helping me. I made some amazing friends in this "50's Group" and having them to share the journey and support one another has really inspired me.

    Please feel free to friend me. --Joanne