Phase 1, Week 3 and 4

For all things related to Phase 1, Week 3 and 4


  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    Today was my first day of week 3 which included workout 3 as well as cardio 1. Even with both workouts I only burned 446 calories BOOO. Workout 3 was good it was a little step up from workouts 1 and 2, but definitely still manageable! There wasn't a single second during the workout where I thought I couldn't handle it or couldn't breathe. The bottom line is that workout 3 is still VERY beginner especially if you've had experience with JIllian before! Excited to do workout 4 for the first time tomorrow!
  • sdsmom
    sdsmom Posts: 62 Member
    Today was my first day of week 3 as well. Congrats to you for being so in shape because workout 3 kicked my bootie! I have not done a lot of Yoga in the past so I definitely had to pause and back it up a few times trying to get it right. The hardest move for me was the crab move of all things. I made it through though and am proud. :)
  • myeatman
    myeatman Posts: 19 Member
    Anyone following the 90 day meal plan strictly? I'm having a hard time finding all the ingredients. Also, can we still eat the foods from the kickstart plan?
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    I "tasted" workout 3 today. I had done my elliptical but was itching to see how bad it would be. She mentioned that we'd be doing more jumping and honestly, I just don't jump. I'll do my best but it's going to be a double sports bra kind of thing. It wasn't as bad as I expected, but it will definitely challenge me more than the 1/2 did. I can do push ups now, I can't remember ever being able to do pushups!
  • sdsmom
    sdsmom Posts: 62 Member
    Myeatman, I believe you can do the kickstart meals anytime during the 90 days. I'm still using some of the recipes. Congrats Roander on the push ups! I about died the first time I did workout 3 but it was a lot easier the second time I did it.
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    Did day one of Week 3 yesterday. There were definitely a few things I have to work up to, and it didn't seem so awful at the time, but today everything hurts!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Today was my first day of week 3 which included workout 3 as well as cardio 1. Even with both workouts I only burned 446 calories BOOO. Workout 3 was good it was a little step up from workouts 1 and 2, but definitely still manageable! There wasn't a single second during the workout where I thought I couldn't handle it or couldn't breathe. The bottom line is that workout 3 is still VERY beginner especially if you've had experience with JIllian before! Excited to do workout 4 for the first time tomorrow!

    I haven't ordered the program yet, but plan to after we complete our taxes. Does she suggest or require you complete 2 workouts a day? I thought the "sell" of the program was 30 minutes a day? Or are you adding some additional workouts?
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    Today was my first day of week 3 which included workout 3 as well as cardio 1. Even with both workouts I only burned 446 calories BOOO. Workout 3 was good it was a little step up from workouts 1 and 2, but definitely still manageable! There wasn't a single second during the workout where I thought I couldn't handle it or couldn't breathe. The bottom line is that workout 3 is still VERY beginner especially if you've had experience with JIllian before! Excited to do workout 4 for the first time tomorrow!

    I haven't ordered the program yet, but plan to after we complete our taxes. Does she suggest or require you complete 2 workouts a day? I thought the "sell" of the program was 30 minutes a day? Or are you adding some additional workouts?
    I'm choosing to do two workouts a day because I feel that I'm at a higher fitness level and doing only one workout per day I hardly burn any calories. So yes the original program is only 30 mins a day :)
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    If you choose to do the first week "Kickstart" you will do two workouts a day for a week - one AM and one PM.
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    Week 3 / Day 3

    I've never had my whole body hurt before. LOL
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    I start week 3, workout 3 tomorrow. Can't wait! Today is my rest day, so I previewed workouts 3 & 4. Oh my! :)
  • charlene_1980
    I did week 3, workout 3 today... ouch! I think my arms might make me suffer tomorrow lol I didn't preview it so it took me a few moments to figure out some moves (which is fine because I had to stop to catch my breath lol) I definitely felt it was a step up from the last 2 weeks... Ack... they were easy for me... today, not so much. My HRM says I burned 355 calories though, which is 75-100 more than it told me I burned in week 1 and 2... Hmmm
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    I did workout 3 yesterday and this morning did workout 4. These two are definitely a step UP from workouts 1 and 2! I woke up this morning and everything was sore. But still had to push through workout 4. I'm looking forward to only doing cardio tomorrow! Lol
  • charlene_1980
    I did Week 3, Cardio today... mid way point of the week and my everything hurts lol I'm glad today was cardio day (can't believe I said that!). How are you all doing this week?
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Hi:smile: I watched workout 3 and 4 today.I was going to start on Monday.But I decided to start tommorrow on sunday.I'm going to have to do workout 1,then 2 then again 1 then 2 cardio unless I do back to back workouts.I'm trying to figure out how to fit them all in this week.I won't be able to workout fri through to sunday.I'm going to my sons wedding.I'm so excited and happy for him.:happy:
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Ok,I started phase 1/week 3 workout 3/'Day 15 today of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution.She promised the workouts would get harder.Well,she delivered on her promise.The plank going down on one arm then coming back up.Then doing the other arm was the hardest for me.I'm weaker in my left arm.I will have to work at that.But over all I feel great. Fantastic workout and music.Have a happy day everyone.We can do it.:happy:
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    Finished with phase 1 and ready to move onto phase 2 :)))
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Ok I did phase 1 week 3 workout 4/Day 16 today of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution.I liked it better because of the weights.It had less push ups.I'm not too good at push ups and using my own body weight.I'm better with weights.But I'm am getting better and stronger.I am getting a little sorer(did I say that right LOL) with workouts 3 and 4.I'm am really enjoying Jillians Body Revolution.:happy:
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    I have trouble with those down/up plank things too! And the Hollow Man, forget it. I'm up, no I'm down, I'm up! No wait...can't hold it, I'm down. I have to double up my exercise mat to do the sit on your hip, pull your legs up to your arm bit. The floor really hurts!
    Week 4 starts today.
  • Mira710
    Mira710 Posts: 194 Member
    How many calories on average are you burning for workouts 3 and 4?