Introduce Yourself!



  • ADJ4665
    ADJ4665 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi My Name is Angie and I am a Mom of 4 kids and a 10 Grand kids I weigh 205 I would love to weigh 165 before Summer Gets Here . So I can Run and keep up with my grand kids when we are playing. AND I DO ZUMBA MIX CLASSES 2 TIMES A WEEK I ALSO DO ABDOMINAL MACHINES 2 TIMES A WEEK FOR 2 HOURS AND I DO TREAD MILL 5 DAYS A WEEK FOR ABOUT 30 MIN OR MORE AND I SO THE SAUNA 2 TIMES A WEEK FOR 45 MIN... I WALK FOR 7 HOURS 5 DAYS A WEEK NON STOP
  • rave266
    rave266 Posts: 10 Member
    Iam excited to join. Need some motivation to lose the weight. i have 20 more pounds to go. I have done the shred before like 4 months. and i completely lost track and gained 8 pounds. I would like to join and stay on track .
  • Gracebel
    Gracebel Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all,
    Glad to have a group to motivate me!! I started this DVD a few weeks ago but got a heavy cold so stopped :0(
    Loved it though so looking forward to starting again. March is a bit of a biggie for me .......... I turn 40 on the 8th, eek!!
    My aim is to be thin at 40 & seeing as I won't be by my birthday I have decided DURING my 40th year will my new goal!!
    I started MFP 2 weeks ago & have lost 5lbs, which I'm so pleased about. I have 20.5 lbs to go to my initial target & will then decide where to go from there.
    Good luck to all & thanks in advance for being there!!
    Lisa xx :smile:

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  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    Hiya everyone!
    Im Laura, from the UK, Newcastle if you have heard of it. I'm 21. I've never done this before i just reley on the gym, but i so excited to be a part of this group and to hopefully see results!

    I started MFP a while ago but my weight has yoyoed the past year!
    My highest (recorded) weight is 184, although judging by photos i have been heavier
    My current weight it 169.8 (as of this morning)
    Goal weight was 120 but im 5 foot 6 so this might not be acheiveable, i dont have a goal weight as such anymore, more of an ideal image!
  • sansouchi1050
    Hi everyone. This is my second go at the thirty day shred. My first was the month of January. I completed 30 workouts in level one and level two. I never felt I was ready to move on to level three. My plan is to take a rest day after every 4 workouts. I tried to complete 30 consecutive days and just felt too weak on the 5th day in a row. I started today in the hopes I will have the same finish day as the group.
    My results from my first shred were good. I lost around 5 lbs total and increased my lean muscle mass by 2lbs. I deceased waist by 3 inches, hips by 4 inches, arms by 0.5 inches each, and thighs by 1.5 inches each.

    I'm 38. 5'4.5 inches
    Starting weight today ( unofficial bathroom scale) 168
    Mini goal to be 163 at the end of the 30 days and to lose 2 inches off my hips ( I'll post measurements later)
    Ultimate goal to be 135ish and a size 6-8 (U.S. size)
    I see my doctor every two weeks and i have a body composition analysis. I see the doctor on Wednesday, and I'll post those results then for my official weight.
    Good Luck to everyone and Happy Shredding!
  • carlaunderconstruction
    I want to try this one for March. I have the DVD, but I have never done any of the workouts. Recently I have been doing cardio 4 time a week, and strength training 2 times a week. I'm hoping that while I am doing the 30DS, I can still manage my 4 cardio workouts, since I have a 10K race at the end of April.
    I joined MFP January 15,2012, and I love it!
    HW:234 CW:211 GW:150

    I am also looking for new friends on MFP, so please add me.
  • caitpre
    caitpre Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all! My name is Caitlyn. I'm a elementary school teacher and I've been trying to lose the freshman 15 from college for a while now.

    I'm starting the 30 Day Shred to get a little toned. I am completely out of shape. I just did Day 1 yesterday and thought the video was perfect for my level right now. I am starting the 30 Day Shred now because I'm going on vacation March 2-6, so I'm making up for those missed days right now. I can't wait to see everyone's after pictures at the end of this! Nice to meet y'all!
  • Gillporteousx
    Hey Everyone ..

    I'm Gill I'm 23 from Edinburgh and have just ordered the 30 day shred with some weights to start this week.

    Age: 23
    Height: 5' 3"
    HW: 150
    MFP SW: 150
    CW: 131
    GW: Around 112

    hopefully this will keep us all motivated :~) xx
  • arilove9090
    Hiii :) I am Noureen and i am 21. I am hoping to lose about 22 pounds by my birthday on may 8. I am trying to make some changes in my life and be the person i want to be by the time i am 22 and weightloss is one of them. I am 123 pounds right now and i am trying to get down to 98. I really just want to be 100 pounds but i want to go down to more pounds just incase my weight shift cough weightgain cough lol. Oh and i am only 5 feet incase you guys think i am going way too low. Really glad to be onboard with all of you. All of you are welcome to kick my *kitten* as much as you need to so it can stay on track lol.
  • travellingmama
    travellingmama Posts: 20 Member
    I joined MFP today though I have known about it for a few months. I am an American living in New Zealand for the next two years, so counting calories is a bit different. I just figured out the conversion yesterday, so I think I should be able to use the counting calorie portion of MFP. Now that I can read the calories, I am a bit scared of the foods I have been eating. I need to revamp my diet.

    This morning before joining MFP, I completed day 4 of 30 Day Shred with the plan finishing day 30 by the end of March. I have never gotten past day 7 in the past and that usually takes a few weeks. I tend to focus on exercising for 2 weeks, sorta do it for a week, and stop once I am pleased that my muffin top isn't as noticable. 6 - 8 weeks later muffin is back and I start exercising again.

    I listed my goal as losing 9 pounds, but really I would like to lose 16 inches.
  • ckelferrante
    ckelferrante Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Everyone .. I have done the 30ds in the past on and off (more off than on, lol) it kicks your butt !!! I am going to try again and hope I can stick with it this time. I am unsure about doing it everyday as I do get really so easily (as I am super out of shape) but I am willing to give it a go.... Here are my stats.....

    Age: 33
    Height: 5' 7"
    Weight: 155
    Goal Weight: Around 130

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    JRRCLR Posts: 353
    Hey Everyone!
    I'm Jenni, 34, live in WI with my hubby and 7 year old son. I've been actively using MFP for almost a year now and am hovering at a 40 lb loss. I've done 30DS before but can't say I actually finished it. I probably did about 27 days. My weight loss has been tapering since I hit ONEderland and I still have 35-40 lbs to go so I need that kick start again.
    I've been Fitness Pals with Amber for a long time and she'll be a great motivator for all of us! :)
  • todaystuesday
    todaystuesday Posts: 77 Member
    I'm Linda
    I actually started on Friday. I just had enough and said I am starting this. But I would love to do it all the way through March.
  • mrshigatron
    mrshigatron Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Glad I found this group. Such a great idea. Really hoping to finally complete the DVD this time around. My name is Mari I have two kids and never lost the weight I gained from my pregnancies. Below are my details. I look forward to getting to know you all better while we work on reaching our goal weight! :)

    Age: 29
    Height: 4'11
    Current Weight: 141
    Goal Weight: 110

    LETS DO THIS! :)

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • arilove9090
    Welcome everybody, feel free to add me i am looking forward to upporting and being supported by all of you. excited for a great month ahead :)
  • todaystuesday
    todaystuesday Posts: 77 Member
  • megonzalez1230
    Hey everyone I'm Melissa, and I'm a mom of a 7 year old boy. I go to school full-time as well as work. I start another class this week actually.

    I started MFP over a month ago and I have been logging in ever since. So far I've lost about 10 pounds and I have been working out regulary. I still eat whatever I want, I just limit myself on how much.

    I've had 30ds since September. My first attempt was the beginning of October, it was great, did it for about 5 days straight and then bam my son had to have surgery. So those few days off kind of made me lazy and I didn't continue. Now that I am more focused and dedicated, I will finish this time around.
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    Hi all, this is going to be my first time using 30 day shred so I am sure it will be fun. I just got it this past Thursday and have been nervous to start but with so many others starting it at the same time I know I can do it. I am a stay at home mom of 4 kids ranging from 16 months to 10 yrs old. I am trying to get back to the pre-kid weight. I restarted using mfp dec 27, 2011 and so far am down 13 pounds after this past weeks gain.

    SW 213
    CW 200
    GW 135
    Age 31
    Height 5'3"
    Heaviest weight 245
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    This will be my first time using any fitness DVD - bought it about a month ago and not got around to starting it...keep meaning to though.
    SW: was about 194lb
    CW: 167
    GW: About 145 - not entirely sure
    Height 5'4

    Will give measurements at some other point.
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    Do you ladies mind if i tag along too?

    I'm Graham, 30 something, from Northern Ireland. I have done 30DS before with good results but i know a lot of that was down to a great support group on MFP so i came on today to try and find one and found this one.

    Will be starting today and aiming for 30 days in a row. I managed it last time so know i can do it.

    I'm great at losing weight....but then just as great at putting back on again. Trying to break the cycle so i'm hoping there's room for me on here!