Trying to lose weight or build?

Just a question what are your goals on here? i started by wanting to lose weight. Went from 18 stone to 13"8 now am trying to build muscle along side with my boxing.


  • microMXL
    for me is just lose weight
  • Chubacca007
    Trying to gain. I've never broke pass the 160lbs mark. The more mass I gain, the more expensive (i.e food and supplements) it is, for me, to maintain it.
  • chickenmcv
    I'm trying to lose right now. I've spent a good 5+ years in the gym and you can tell I lift, but I want to be able to show off my results. I would love to be able to get down in the low 200's, then have to bulk up. That's my dream.
  • sean0912
    Saw the thread on The OG and figured I would try this out. Trying to lose, and lose a lot. I am just shy of 6 feet and 235 lbs. I drastically need to lose. I used to be at 165 lbs until I hit about 24, then I started packing on the lbs.
  • chickenmcv
    Get it brohim. If us other lazy fatties can do it, you can too.
  • BigCountry24
    Losing Weight is my goal....I am only a week of so into MyFitnessPal. Down 44lbs total since January 3rd. Thought this would help me get to where i want to be before i deadlines

    6'5" 254lbs Current

    Once i hit 225 i want to start leaning out as i have been overweight all my adult life this will be a significant challenge and a hope i can get to where i want to be....anything less than 225 would be great as long as i look the way i want to.