Week One

So I thought I would place this here so we can spill how our first week is going, what challenges we are having etc. will be a good record in weeks to come as well :)

So today Day two Plyometric Cardio Circuit I hated ski abs OMG torture haha. Also my pushups are really pathetic. I am looking forward to seeing improvement. I really enjoyed the Basketball Jumps for some reason in my mind I had the saying "STFU and Squat" which made me "Dig Deeper" hahaha.


  • kristy919
    kristy919 Posts: 13 Member
    I had day 1 of Plyo yesterday. The power squats and level 1 drills get me the most. Haha, that's funny about the basketball jumps. I do the same thing. I push through those, but only to justify not doing all or even half of the level 1 drills. That will be a good day when I make through at least 15 seconds of those stupid things. LOL!!!
  • jrucktaeschel
    I am starting tonight. I am excited and nervous!!! Thanks for setting this group up!
  • sweetgzus
    I am in the second week.. let me tell it it only gets better :-)
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    Although I am on Week 3....Level 2 Drills..UGH! That is all I can say about that...lol
  • BeccaMovinUp
    My week went great! I really like the program so far. I feel like I`m constantly pushing myself harder. Day off tomorrow! Woo Hoo!

    Congrats to all of you making it this far!
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    My week turned to custard so I will be redoing week one :ohwell: so here's to a better week!!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I did Day 2 Plyo Cardio Circuit yesterday morning and I am so sore. Oh my goodness. I could not keep up at all! Those Level 1 Drills - HA! I can't jump back in pushup position - my arms barely support my body weight. I try to do as many as I can - but I know my form suffers and I have to stop and catch my breath so many times. Makes me feel like I'm too out of shape to do this - and I've been working out nearly every day for the past 2 months!
  • doublezizzle
    doublezizzle Posts: 42 Member
    Hurricane_C: I'm with ya on this one. I've been working out for the past few months, 4 times a week and thought i was pushing it hard then! This workout is SO hard.

    I'm having a LOVE/HATE relationship with this workout. At first I hate it, but when I'm done, I'm so glad I did it!! I can't wait until Day 60 when we celebrate the completion!!
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I just did the fit test and while I am still feeling a bit sick. I can not wait for tomorrow to do Day 2 Plyo Cardio Circuit.
    I am pretty nervous still, but after finally doing the fit test. I think I can do this!
  • doublezizzle
    doublezizzle Posts: 42 Member
    Anyone fall behind and try to double up on a few days to catch up? Or is that just...insane??
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    Anyone fall behind and try to double up on a few days to catch up? Or is that just...insane??

    I feel like that's insane... I don't have discs 4 and 5 (hoping to get them soon) so I took an extra rest day for cardio recovery and did cardio abs instead of pure cardio and today I'm back on schedule. I say if you miss a few days, just pick up where you left off. You don't want to do too much and injure/wear yourself out.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Day 3 week one Cardio Power and Resistance = Jelly arms and legs with sweat dripping everywhere. I really hate tricep dips eew my pidly wee tri's need some work on them. Power Jumps are horrible as well. I think Hit the floor was my favourite exercise today :smile:
  • chasity09
    chasity09 Posts: 18
    i have only done 6 days so far i havnt lost anything i feel like iam not doing good enough. How long did it take yall to start losing weight?
  • doublezizzle
    doublezizzle Posts: 42 Member
    That's what I thought...my coworker said he was going to double up for a day to get caught up. I missed two days but just adjusted my calendar accordingly.

    omg, i hated those tricep dips too! arrrrgh!

    chastity...i haven't been weighing myself but I definitely have noticed changes in my body. I would take measurements for right now to track your progress. You are probably adding muscle while losing fat and its very possible that the scale isn't moving.
  • Mismis28
    Mismis28 Posts: 36 Member
    chasity, I actually stepped on the scale two days ago and I had gained weight. I'm on the second week of insanity now and I think my weight gain is because of eating the wrong foods and too much on a couple of days, but another factor could be my muscles trying to protect themselves by storing water. It's better explained in this article: http://www.decidetostayfit.com/blog/why-am-i-gaining-weight-while-doing-shaun-ts-insanity-work-out
    As they state in the article, the weight should fall off in a week or so and keep dropping.
    I'll keep you all updated on when my weight starts dropping seriously!
  • doublezizzle
    doublezizzle Posts: 42 Member
    Yes, and you should follow the diet plan for the best results...were you able to find it?
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Day 4 Cardio Recovery ha!!! They may call it "recovery" I would prefer to call it "turn legs to jelly" OMG Shaun T!! And talk about cheeky with the comment "it's not cardio it's control" :tongue: Least favourite exercise today has to be the squat holds ewww My favourite would have to be Knee to chest :happy:
  • MariarR33
    MariarR33 Posts: 69
    The level 1 drills never get easy. Just do as many as you can. I find that I often have to go to my knees. however, you will see your ability to do pushup improve over time.
  • babymines2004
    babymines2004 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi new to the group but am on week two of insanity. It is really hard, but, I try to push through the whole workout. I have been seeing results here and there. It's so hard to eat right when everybody else isn't. My birthday was March 6 but I still workout. Just got done doing Pure Cardio today. Goodness it was crazy but I pushed as best as possible. Hope this group will help me stay motivated.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Hi new to the group but am on week two of insanity. It is really hard, but, I try to push through the whole workout. I have been seeing results here and there. It's so hard to eat right when everybody else isn't. My birthday was March 6 but I still workout. Just got done doing Pure Cardio today. Goodness it was crazy but I pushed as best as possible. Hope this group will help me stay motivated.

    Welcome to the group :smile: It's always hard to make the right food choices especially when other don't want to, but stay focused on your goals and just remember why you are doing this. Happy Belated Birthday as well :drinker: Keep up the great work!!

    Okay so I did Day 5 Pure Cardio and well it was torture!! LOL Favourtie part probably the Suicide drills least favourite the rest hahaha. Two more days till the end of the week woot!!