Day 1

So today or tomorrow if its already to late for you... We will do Zumba Basics, okay I know its 57 minutes, but its FUN! Let's Zumba!

If you are not sure how to log it, create your own exercise and use this Zumba calculator to see how many calories you've burned:

How did it go for you?


  • CindyCountingCalories
    I've completed Day 1, according to the Zumba calories burned calculator I've burned 452 calories, (on low). Love it!
  • stefbrowne07
    stefbrowne07 Posts: 13 Member
    I completed Day 1 as well. I wasn't able to do Zumba Basics because of time constraints, but I have done it before, so I have most of the steps down. I did the 20 minute express workout today. I burned about 170 calories according the zumbacalories. Can't wait to do Zumba Basics tomorrow. Yay!
  • Hev_uk
    Hev_uk Posts: 82 Member
    I did the full hour of zumba basics this morning for the first time but I find the calories burnt to be rather high. I was out of breath during the step 3 parts of most moves but for quite a bit of it I wasn't working hard. I think I might log it as only 30minutes low intensity as I really don't want to go over my calorie goal.

    I am very sweaty though! And completely un-cordinated. I don't think I did a single step in time or accurately. The hour went fast though
  • CindyCountingCalories
    CindyCountingCalories Posts: 321 Member
    I did the full hour of zumba basics this morning for the first time but I find the calories burnt to be rather high. I was out of breath during the step 3 parts of most moves but for quite a bit of it I wasn't working hard. I think I might log it as only 30minutes low intensity as I really don't want to go over my calorie goal.

    I am very sweaty though! And completely un-cordinated. I don't think I did a single step in time or accurately. The hour went fast though

    I agree that calories seems a lot, I wont be eating them though...
  • Hev_uk
    Hev_uk Posts: 82 Member
    I probably did go over yesterday but it was a friends birthday so I did expect it. People do claim to burn high amounts doing zumba so maybe it is correct. I don't have a HRM but maybe somebody who does could see what it compares to
  • Dewdrop24
    Dewdrop24 Posts: 32 Member
    I did a 1/2 an hour of beginner following videos on youtube. Going to the zumba calculator, it says I burned 308 calories.
  • Dewdrop24
    Dewdrop24 Posts: 32 Member
    Did another 1/2 hour tonight. Found a different video, was faster with new moves...not a good idea to do this in jeans, long sleeved t-shirt & knit pullover...gotta find a workout outfit!