How are you feeling about the program???

ged630 Posts: 145 Member
I am only in day two, doing the kick start, and so far I LOVE the workouts!! I feel so accomplished after I finish a workout. I am not following the diet plan but might use some of the ideas later on. I LOVE the way she talks, so inspirational. I would however like it more if she had some more average people on her DVDs. I am pretty sure none of those people got those bodies with 30 minutes a day. Just saying….

Anyway, I hope everyone else is enjoying their journey. Add me as a friend if you want.


  • I'm feeling great. I'm proud of myself for getting through these first 2 weeks and always feel wonderful after a workout. I'm on Week 2, day 5 and am ready to move on to week 3. I absolutely HATE cardio 1 and quite honestly would rather go for a run, but I figure they were made as a program for a reason so I may as well continue on as it's meant lol

    As a side rant, like on my profile, I lost 5 lbs the first week and have watched my scale slowly creep up 3 lbs this week... 2 steps forward, 1 step back I suppose... I'm sure at the end of 12 weeks it won't matter so much. I'm exercising and eating well so I know I'm heading in the right direction, even if my body is being stubborn.
  • ashiggins
    ashiggins Posts: 144 Member
    I've just done a couple workouts and I like them--they're a tad easy since I've been working out consistently for a few months, but I work up a good sweat. I always enjoy Jillian's workouts and I like her style of motivation.

    I do have to laugh at the perfect group of fitness gurus on the videos--however she does say that she chooses beautiful people to motivate us. I know that they probably have multiple takes in one day to record the workout, however, I still laugh when one of the perfectly in shape women pick up a set of 3-lb weights in workout 1.

    I'm also not doing the meal plan because it's a little too strict for me and I'm kind of a picky eater unfortunately---just trying to count calories and watch fat intake.

    I'll give more of an opinion after the 90 days!
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    haha i think its funny when they use 3lb weights too. i've been using 5lbs for everything, but bought 8lb dumbbells today. i like her motivation too... and i started watching other workouts and meme is so funny. jillian stops and just laughs in the middle of a future workout... it was funny watching it the first time, but i'm sure it will get annoying after hearing it seven times (kind of like the "all week long... all your life long" junk in cardio 1!!)
  • roander
    roander Posts: 191 Member
    I really like it and I've never stuck to any exercise program. Ever.
    Now I think about exercising and it is just expected that I will do it. I feel like I have more energy and will go for a short walk after doing a workout. I used to come home from work and sit on the couch and eat a bag of chips. I haven't had a chip in three months!

    My weight has not just fallen off, I don't see a lot of external differences so far but it's early in the game and I can feel my muscles getting stronger, I just have to work a little more to get rid of the fat so I can see them!
  • mawmawandlovingit
    mawmawandlovingit Posts: 45 Member
    I am just in day 2, planning on doing 2 a day workouts throughout the program. I find that phase 1 day 1 and 2 are fairly easy, I am using 5 lb weights.......I know this is just the beginning and I will wish for the easier routines later in the program!! I do not plan to do the Cardio DVD's every night because I will get very bored if I do, I plan on mixing up cardio routines and also jogging at least 3 times a week.

    Is anyone using a HRM? I was a little dissappointed that I am only burning 115 - 150 calories per routine. I am working up a sweat, and I am doing ALL the exercises full force. Is this normal? I was hoping for more!!
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    I have been using my Body Media montior and Workout 1 was around 240 calories, Workout 2 was around 180 and Cardio is around 300 for me. I think the more weight training involved the lower the calorie burn. It is frustrating and that is why I will be doing some sort of Cardio in addition on the days with a lot of strength training. I know with workout 2 I didn't feel lilke my heart rate was up very much and then after seeing the 180 calories, it seems to add up. I know I need to firm up everywhere so I guess I will take 180 calories if someday you will be able to see that I actually have some muscles. :happy:
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I am on my last week of month/phase 1. Though I find the workouts fairly beginner right now I cannot complain about my results! I've been adding additional cardio in after almost every strength workout and have lost 3lbs and lots of inches :). I use 10lbs weights for most of the moves and it definitely kills me seeing the girls in the videos picking up 3lbs lol. Can't wait to start phase 2 next week!
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Thanks so much for posting. I'm loving these reviews. I'm still waiting for my BR to arrive. :-) I'm planning to pretty much stick to the workout program but not the meal plan, but I'm sure I'll be doing some rollerblading and other workouts from time to time.
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    i'm using a HRM and i was disappointed this morning because on my 3rd time doing workout 2, i only burned 203 calories. i'm usually around the 230-275 calorie range for workout 1, workout 2, and cardio 1. i did move up to 8 lb dumbbells today though so maybe i'll see some bigger muscles soon :)
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    i'm using a HRM and i was disappointed this morning because on my 3rd time doing workout 2, i only burned 203 calories. i'm usually around the 230-275 calorie range for workout 1, workout 2, and cardio 1. i did move up to 8 lb dumbbells today though so maybe i'll see some bigger muscles soon :)

    It was the same for me girl and I've noticed with other people that their calorie burns are similar, but even though I don't burn too many calories I've noticed my body is looking a lot more toned! Don't lose faith :)
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm feeling great. I'm proud of myself for getting through these first 2 weeks and always feel wonderful after a workout. I'm on Week 2, day 5 and am ready to move on to week 3. I absolutely HATE cardio 1 and quite honestly would rather go for a run, but I figure they were made as a program for a reason so I may as well continue on as it's meant lol

    As a side rant, like on my profile, I lost 5 lbs the first week and have watched my scale slowly creep up 3 lbs this week... 2 steps forward, 1 step back I suppose... I'm sure at the end of 12 weeks it won't matter so much. I'm exercising and eating well so I know I'm heading in the right direction, even if my body is being stubborn.

    Don't think of gaining a few pounds as steps back, I think it migh just be that you are building muscle, which I've heard weighs more than fat.
  • roander
    roander Posts: 191 Member
    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat, it weighs the same. However, it takes up much less room than fat so you lose inches, but maybe not pounds.
  • The constant switch-up of moves within the workout circuits really appeals to me because it helps me stay focused and not wonder how much time I have left! I need to invest in some 8 lb. weights soon, like others here have done -- yay!

    The Cardio 1 DVD, however, does not appeal to me. I know that if I force myself to strictly follow the program, I'll veer off-track because I'll be dreading the cardio week after week. So, I've been doing some other form of cardio (elliptical, walk/jog) for 30 - 45 minutes and just imagine Jillian screaming at me to work faster and harder :) I get bored of workouts easily, so if I don't have some flexibility, I know I'm setting myself up for failure.

    And also like others on here, I'm not following the meal-plan strictly as I was already eating healthy beforehand, so I'm just continuing with that and throwing in some Jillian recipes heres and there (and they've all been delightful!)

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  • ufedak85
    ufedak85 Posts: 7
    I'm the same way! I already have my schedule set up where weeks 3 & 4 I do some other type of cardio rather than cardio 1. Cardio 1 8x a month would not keep me going. Almost through with week 2. Can't wait to try out the new workouts for weeks 3&4!
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    am feeling great about thwe program! My body is definately responding to it. And coming from Insanity and TF I was pretty shocked I got such good results so fast!!! I am just in week 2 right now. I have lost a pant size and 3.5 in the first week. :-)
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    i wish she had made 6 cardio workouts because i ENJOY the cardio workout, but after 4 weeks of it, i'll be ready to move on. i'm already for something new and i'm on week 2. i really enjoy how the circuits repeat and by the time you get one finished, you only have two left (at least for cardio). i think the workouts go by really quickly and i'm enjoying doing them... but i am ready to move on! i want to feel my muscles burning (my biceps feel a little sore today - two days later, but i enjoy it!)....however i would recommend this program to anyone who likes jillian's other dvds. my clothes are so loose right now and its great!
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    Currently on Kick Start week day 4. So far it is great because the workouts are short. Typed up a single document to track and check off what day I am on so it is easier for me to stay on track. Plus it looks nice in my workout book. Looking forward to week 2 so that it is only one video a day and I can add other programs back into my daily workout.Currently also doing HipHopAbs level 2. :0)
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    For those of you concerned about the amount of the fewer number of calories being burned during the work out, don't forget about the after burn effect.

    After a high intensity workout, your body will continue to burn calories for another 24-48 hours AFTER your work out.

    So even though your HRM shows you might have burned less than 200 calories DURING your work out, you're continuing to burn calories at a faster pace for the rest of the day and probably the next day.

    Just thought I'd throw that out there for a little inspiration! :-)
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I meant to say you're burning calories at a FASTER pace for 24-48 hours after your high intensity workout. Obviously you're burning calories any way but your body will burn it off faster after a particularly grueling work out!
  • Workout 3, in week 3, slightly kicked my butt! lol It was a step up and I enjoyed it, but I think I'll be hurting tomorrow lol I burned quite a few more calories (according to my HRM) on workout 3 than I did on workout 1 or 2 (75 to 100 more).