Do any of u have problems sticking to your daily calorie bud

Hihi, am new to this site - today's my 3rd day tracking my calories and I'm finding it so hard to stay within budget! I'm recommended an intake of 1,200 cal / day. One western set lunch with my colleagues yesterday was already 1,019... so needless to say, I went over. Went over the 1st day too, when I had nasi padang for lunch. So much yummy food in sg, how not to eat? Staying below 1,200 is like way impossible? =(


  • sevcrucio
    sevcrucio Posts: 4 Member
    I try to stick to the chinese mixed rice stalls. Accroding to the Health Promotion Board, a plate of brown rice and 3 vegetables is about 380 calories. Makes it easy to count calories and stick to a moderately healthy lunch.
  • nexusangel
    nexusangel Posts: 1 Member
    Hey there,

    So far my no fail go to food is basically Yong tau foo with no noodles and nothing fried and fishball noodles in soup.
    For western food stalls, i stick to chicken, and i don't eat the sides (unless steamed veggies or green salad, coleslaw does not count) or have any sauces.
    Fast food i try to pick MOS burger's natsumi burger range, the lack of bun really keeps the calorie level low... oh and no fries.
    Nasi padang is a sure no no... as yummy as it is.. it's really highly caloric.

    I also stick to a no calorie drink at all times.. meaning water, teas or coffee with no milk or sugar. If i have no choice, i try to pick a diet soda (which can have less sugar than fruit juices by the way! I found out that many places augment the sweetness of the juices with lots of sugar)

    I've been hovering around 1200, with 1-2 cheat days where i hit abt 1300 or worse 1400, higher calorie intake days i try to supplement with a cardio workout (like swimming or jogging)

    So far i actually have more problems finding breakfasts! Ya kun kaya toast is so so so sinful...

    I hope all these help!
  • mmuhd
    mmuhd Posts: 1 Member
    Hey people, I have been using this app for a week and result is showing very clearly. Well, I think it is alright to eat what you want as long as you stay within your calorie limit. If you wanna eat more, then you exercise. Treat your calorie as your saving bank.
  • oats in the morning will be good, 100+ cal.
    coffee during afternoon tea time is a must for me, but i forgo the kaya toast.
  • cheeryel
    cheeryel Posts: 20
    For me I try to chose things I like to eat, yet easy to count calories,
    But try to pass fast food, fried food and all that, and exercise more if you go over your calorie count.
    I like mfp cause I can still eat what I like and just exercise it off :P

    Good luck (:
  • diddylove
    diddylove Posts: 30
    Try to plan your meals a day in advance, this will help you to fix your calories bud :)

    Never try to go below 1200, that is considered a deficit diet.

    Good luck!