[: Introductions :]



  • autumnreign
    Hello, my name is Claudia and I am pretty new to this site.

    I have been on it for a little over a week and I love the idea of this group. I have actually have had this DVD for a while now and never got around to actually doing it. So I am hoping this will keep me motivated during my first run. I actually have her yoga one as well and will be doing that here and there with the 30 day shred.

    I believe my starting weight will be around 205 pounds (I will have to double check that tomorrow in the morning before I start). I am really excited and this could not have come at a better time!

    We can do this!
  • emilybeatrice1
    emilybeatrice1 Posts: 163 Member
    Hello everyone i'm Emily. I have two pre-teen boys and they are my number one motivation. I started my weight loss journey 2 and a half yrs. ago at 256, i am curently 180. At one point i was 156 and hit that hundred mark. in the last six months i have gained and now i'm on MFP and ready to get to my goal and stick with it!!!
  • Moomari
    Moomari Posts: 3
    Hi everyone! I joined MFP about 8 months ago and did great-getting down to 125 pounds. September 2011 I had surgery and couldn't lift or exercise for 3 months and I put on about 10 pounds. I currently weigh about 135 and would like to get to 120. My husband and I are headed to Costa Rica in April so I need this group and Jillians's help to get swimsuit ready!
  • mscargill
    mscargill Posts: 13 Member
    HI, my name is Mo and I live in England. This has been such a great way for me to lose weight! I have tried every single class going, joined clubs, paid dues, subscriptions, accounted to everybody but myself for my weight. Here I can get on with the job of losing weight WITHOUT accounting to anybody for anything I eat. I don't have to feel guilty for not losing or for letting somebody down. I have lost 16 lbs in 6 weeks and am pleased with that. This week I have lost the plot a little but am trying to sort it out. Thanks.
  • GMC_81
    GMC_81 Posts: 193 Member
    HI there, I'm a 30 year old uk mum of 3, my youngest is just 5wks old. I'm desperate to get back on track.
    Seeing this group has inspired me so Jillian is back out and I'll be firing her up later when baby is asleep.
    Really love the 30DS and it was great pre-baby so I'm hoping for great things post baby.
    Gotta put the effort in if you want results though right? So I'm hoping we'll all be motivated together and we can rock this!!

    Good luck everyone.
  • leikelamorgan
    Hi my name is Rachael and yes I am new so new I dont know what the 30 day shred is could someone fill me in because Im keen to get started Monday. Im a mother of 5, I just recently gave birth to twins and want to et fit and healthy again. I just lost 15 kgs doing HCG Diet and Im ready to get toned up!
  • PrincessGlitterTush
    Hi guys :)

    I'm Sam, and I'm from South Africa. I joined MFP by chance last year as I was looking for a calorie counter. It's the best thing that has ever happened to me - WHATS FACEBOOK???

    I started the shred yesterday, so I am 1 day on level 1 done already.
    Will do D2L1 tonight after work.. So STOKED :)
  • CindyCountingCalories
    CindyCountingCalories Posts: 321 Member
    My name is Cindy I'm from South Africa 1.63m (5'3), married 1 year :-) ,no children. Also I'm not working, so no excuse for me not to exercise lol! I love Zumba and Spinning! But Jillian Michaels RULE! I've completed 30DS once, but would love to do it again, I'm currently busy with Ripped in 30 Week 4 day 3, and Zumba beginner Challenge Day 2. Oh and 30DS :bigsmile:
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    hi all,

    i'm cortney and this will mark round 2 of the 30DS for me.

    insert 30DS into my training schedule...and deduct several inches of worthless fat off my body. woo-freakin'-hoo! :bigsmile: i can't tell you how many hundreds of miles i have run over the past 2 years, what i can tell you is that they did not give me the results that jillian did in one short month (literally, because it was february) ... i love jillian michaels! she may be a crazy woman, but she gets results.

    “You know when transformation happens? Right now. It’s a present activity. Who is the new you? Show me the new you.”
    ~Jillian Michaels

    THANKS, Cortney...you are my reason to do DAY 1 Level 1 of JM30S...Glad you are here!! Love your Cheerleading skills already (big smile)...

  • penny260
    penny260 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm new on here. Wanting to lose a few pounds or more, currently weighing in at 150 lbs and would like to lose a few by the end of March. Recently quit smoking too so really motivated to clean up my act.
  • GMC_81
    GMC_81 Posts: 193 Member
    Hi my name is Rachael and yes I am new so new I dont know what the 30 day shred is could someone fill me in because Im keen to get started Monday. Im a mother of 5, I just recently gave birth to twins and want to et fit and healthy again. I just lost 15 kgs doing HCG Diet and Im ready to get toned up!

    Hi Rachael, The 30 day Shred is a workout dvd by Jillian Michaels, have a google and you'll find loads of information on it.
  • stormy_eyez742
    stormy_eyez742 Posts: 37 Member
    I am fairly new on MFP. I have struggled most of my life with food/weight. I remember being 181lbs when I was 15yrs old. I am now 38 yrs old (as of 2 days ago) 5'5'' and 181lbs. I'm married, have 4 kids (3 at home and 1 left the nest). A little over a year ago I was not able to walk most days without assistance due to a fractured spine and nerve issues. I had a rod, screws, plates, and bone grafts from my hip 'installed' a year and 4 mo. ago. I have since lost 30lbs. but I have an extremely weak core. I'm almost afraid to commit to this because I am terrible at sticking to things like this especially when the pain gets bad.

    I tried 30DS on Sun. but caught a cold. I was unable to do all the exercises in their entirety but tried them all w/modifications. However, I am not just doing this for myself or for weight loss. I am doing this to build strength, endurance, and set an example for my 13 yr old daughter. She is overweight and struggling. So my goal is to stick with this, get stronger, and hope this will help motivate my daughter by being a positive influence. I will try to get my measurements entered today. I wish you all luck as we embark on this journey together!
  • th04
    th04 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Toni!
    I was one of these people who could eat anything and gain nothing! I was never particularly fit but I was roughly 115lbs before I had my son, unfortunately after I gave birth I could no longer eat what I wanted, and even more unfortunate than that, I didn't realise until I was 170lbs! My son is 4 now and I am determined to get this weight off. I'm currently down to 163lbs and my first GW is 140, and will see how I feel then! :). This is my first time doing the 30 day shred and my partner is doing it with me, but I'm looking forward to being able to share results in a group! I started level 1 day 1 yesterday so onto day 2 today! :) hopefully we will all get the results we are looking for!!!
  • tdyer10
    tdyer10 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello All,

    My DVD is in the mail, and should arrive by March 5. I'm really excited about this challenge, because toning is what I need desperately. I currently work out 4-5 days per week doing mostly cardio (zumba), and every Saturday morning I take a Boot Camp class. I am only trying to loose 10lbs and tone, tone, tone! Who new losing 10lbs can be soooo difficult!!! Like most people, I love to eat, so that's half the battle. I love this site because it has really help me to see just how many calories I've been taking in, and I know that I need to scale back considerably! I also need to add more light weight training into my regimine...so I'm excited about this challenge!
  • jlambdin84
    jlambdin84 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello All! I'm excited to be involved in another group! I have actually already started but since I struggle alot through the workouts I'd love to join this group as well for motivation and to offer support. =)

    My Name is Jen, I'm 27 well might as well say 28 since my Bday is right around the corner... I have two boys... Tristan who's 2 and Austin is 8. I work full time as an insurance agent and spend as much time as I can with my kids when I'm not working! I am lazy I've grown very accustomed to watching tv and snacking at night which is what brought me here. I've been on MFP now for about 2 months and I love it because I am actually held accountable for my actions. I've lost weight too which is so great!! Beez was the group leader of my last 30DS and she is amazing!!!

    Can't Wait to see everyone's results!!!

    Happy Shredding!!!
  • katetaylor999
    katetaylor999 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! I'm Corinne! When I started my weight loss journey I was 173..then when I joined MFP I was at 165 and currently I am at 157. My goal is to get down to 130-135 ish and really tone up! In January I switched to clean eating which I am able to stick to about 90% of the time...occasionally I do have some processed snacks. Also, I started running 4-5 days a week in Jan, but I would like to up that to 6 this month.

    My husband and I are renting a beach house with a bunch of friends and family for a week in June and I really want to be at my goal by then, I'm hoping 30DS can help me get there and not be so terrified of my bikini!! I'm excited to get to know everyone and see their results.

    What a pretty name!!! We are working towards that same goal :)
    I am 163 right now, trying to see 130's!

    I definitely think if you put your mind to it you will be able to do it!
    Nice to meet you!

    Hi to both of you. Snap for me too - I started at 173lbs, currently 161lbs and aiming for 130 having previously been 116lbs!
    Looking forward to a good grilling by Jillian having watched the 30DS DVD yesterday to get a feel for it - you know, one step at a time ;-)
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    Hi :). I'm a 19 yr old student. I really want to lose 20 pounds by my sisters wedding in July. I am around 140 right now, but would like to go down to 120. I've tried the 30 Day Shred before last year and didn't do it every day, but just by eating properly and doing that I lost 5-10 pounds in a month. I would like to stick to it every day this time haha,
  • ItsMeGg
    ItsMeGg Posts: 22
    I am a Nickita 34 year old mother of 3, 7 year old twin girls and a 4 year old boy. I am 5'7" and my goal is to get back to what I weighed 3 months after having my son which is in the 150s.
  • weltere
    weltere Posts: 1
    Hello! :D
    My name is Emily.
    I joined MFP about a month ago. I'm looking to get back into shape after gaining about 30lbs to jump me up to 140 about a year ago.
    I've gotten down to 120, but my weight jumps between 120 and 127 now.
    I'm looking for a challenge and something to get me motivated to get my butt in the gym and tone up. I've never done one of these challenges before, probably because I'm not really one to do a day to day check in.
  • medstudentchef
    Hi! My name's Jess. I'm soon to be turning 26, and this will be second round of 30DS. I gained a good bit of weight in college and at the start of medical school, and now I'm trying to lose it before it gets out of hand. I didn't lose any weight with the first round of 30DS, but I did lose a pants size. I'm hoping to keep toning up a bit, and lose some more weight.