Who drinks diet soda daily?

I have been reading through various forums and there seems to be a lot of debate over soda/diet soda. Personally, I drink several a day and have for years. I never drank them to lose weight, I just drank them as the healthier alternative. I've heard they contain poision, makes you gain weight, triggers cravings, dehyrates you, etc but my personal experience is none of these things have happened to me.

As a matter of fact when I first started my job, I had to go through a health screening. The nurse commented about how "well hydrated" I was. And yes, when you administer a TB test and the skin bubbles up from the injection like mine, its a sign of good hydration and at that time I was drinking nothing but diet coke lol Now I drink 80-90 oz of water/crystal light a day for no other reason than it makes my skin look healthier. I still drink 3-5 cans a day. I always have a drink in hand whether it be water/crystal light/diet coke.....unless I am sleeping I have a drink.

And it definitely hasnt hindered my progress either. Maybe I am just lucky, who knows. I would like to hear other's experiences, does anyone else seem immune to all the diet soda hype?


  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    I lost 22 pounds counting calories and drinking tons of diet soda. Never seemed to be a problem for me! ALTHOUGH, I will add that I did break my caffeine addiction and switched to caffeine free diet soda, so maybe that helped. (There is now a "zero" orange fanta with no caffeine! Yay!)
  • from what i have researched is the aspartame can cause stalls in weight loss but overall it depends on ur body and what ur body can handle..i now longer have crystal light type mixes(i use to live off these never drinking only water only added this to it) and when i do have soda its by the brand SHASTA which there is a diet cola sweetened with splenda which from what i read is the best way to go:bigsmile: but for the most part im doing all water its been a challenge but im really use to it now (im doing a low carb lifestyle)
  • Justforthebacon
    Justforthebacon Posts: 61 Member
    I drink min 4 diet pepsi a day. I also have sugar free syrups that I add to coffee and I drink PowerAid Zero. I have no issues with losing weight because of it.
  • mncardiojunkie
    mncardiojunkie Posts: 307 Member
    I was drinking around four cans of Diet Pepsi a day until Feb 5 this year. I dropped them and stopped salting my food. I still use the sugar free syrups for my coffee on occasion. I've dropped 23 pounds since then, but I've also been eating five small meals a day now and also initially following a very strict form of the Atkins diet induction circa 1974 and working out like a mad woman (adding HIIT to my cardio and upping my reps to my set in the weight room). So it might be a combo of all of that together that has made me drop the weight.

    HOWEVER, the REAL reason that I've dropped the diet pop (it's not been fun or easy, :grumble: trust me), is because a serving of that just adds to my sodium intake. One of the few but absolutely verifed things out there is this: sodium is one major factor that contributes to CELLULITE. :noway: Aside from a sedentary lifestyle and hereditary, it's the number one contributor. I want to wear a bikini without embrassment this year and when I saw the back of my legs. :sad:

    Now, my legs are much much better. Who knows if it's the excruciating workouts, me rubbing the heck out of thighs with Nivea Cellulite Serum and Cream or the removal of diet Pepsi :huh: ......but...if it's working, I'm not going back to Diet Pepsi.