Day 1 Weigh In :)



  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    SW: 140.6
    GW (end of March): 135
    Ultimate GW: 125

    Hope to look good this summer and for my 28th b day in June!!! Want to be able to wear shorts and dresses and tank tops and feel hot! woohoo!!!
  • kcarreno
    kcarreno Posts: 45 Member
    GW for end of March-210
    Goal weight: 130-145

    I am so excited to run around with my kids this spring/summer and not be tired after 10 minutes!
  • addiograsso
    addiograsso Posts: 479
    SW - 271 (Gulp....) I'm guessing I get the prize for being the largest... :( Yeah - some prize...
    GW (for March) - 5% has me losing 13.5 lbs, hmmm. ok, i'm going to push for 10 - 261!
    GW Long Term - 132-135 - Yikes! WHEN i get there (not if) I'll know. really don't care what the scale says - just want to take back me - want to be in a swimsuit and sit in a chair comfortably and wear a skirt and just feel good.

    Ok - water and exercise - let's get to it!
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    SW: 128

    Looking forward to losing those last 5 lbs!
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 619 Member
    Hi all

    SW: 142.2 ( as of tuesday)
    GW (march) :135
    UGW: 125

    I'm starting to get to the point where I have lost a decent amount and really want to start building muscle and lowering my body fat (currently 20.5%) so i'm hoping I can get some extra motivation from you guys, some new workouts, and a little extra push!
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    My SW: 307.8
    My GW: 170

    I am looking forward to be able to do run a whole mile straight (I do interval training now) and I am hoping to do a 5k in May!
  • mmgomez28
    mmgomez28 Posts: 85 Member
    My SW: 253
    My Goal Weight: 150
    My goal by March: 240-238

    I'm looking forward to a new me!
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    Today's Weight: 235.4
    My Goal for March: 225.4
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125

    I'm looking forward to being healthier!
  • nhibbitts
    nhibbitts Posts: 18 Member
    SW: 208.8
    GW (march) :198
    UGW: 145-150

    I look forward to being healthy and fit!
  • beybicakes
    beybicakes Posts: 4 Member
    SW: 364
    GW : 354
    UGW :175

    To get healthy and stay healthy! :) Spring is comming and I love spring dresses. :)
  • Peachy_T
    Peachy_T Posts: 138 Member
    SW: 217.2
    GW: 209.0
    UGW: 150

    Looking forward to fitting back into a closet full of clothes I can't wear!
  • RhinestoneRocky
    RhinestoneRocky Posts: 124 Member
    Hey everyone! Looking forward to starting this challenge!

    Inspiration- Summertime clothes!! Shorts! Short dresses!
  • hellcatx
    hellcatx Posts: 17 Member
    My SW: 197
    MY GW: 150 (ultimately)
  • rachelsholiday
    rachelsholiday Posts: 12 Member
    I'm so excited for all these challenges!

    My current weight: 154 lbs.
    My goal weight: 135 lbs.

    I'm hoping to lose 4 pounds this month. My birthday is April 12 and I want to be 148 pounds by then.
    JMSKCW Posts: 43 Member
    Current weight: 181
    Goal weight: 148
    Goal for March: 5 lbs
    Exercise goals for March: 1,300 minutes
  • luvlyjanny
    luvlyjanny Posts: 85 Member
    sw-195.1 according to dietician weigh in this morning
    gw-185.1 by the end of march (fingers crossed)

    looking forward to being able to wear shorts this summer :)
  • sammyjbray
    sammyjbray Posts: 146 Member
    SW 232
    GW 140

    Not going to manage all that in March, obviously!
  • SW- 291
    GW- 276

    I'm looking forward to fitting into a pair of jeans I have as an incentive. To fit in them and be able to breathe!
  • bluberrygoo
    bluberrygoo Posts: 222 Member
    Sw: 102 lbs
    Gw: 88 lbs

    I'm looking forward to smiling when I see myself in the mirror.
  • AvocadoWolf
    AvocadoWolf Posts: 4 Member
    SW: 210
    GW: 150

    Being able to play with my son for more than a couple minutes and not feel like I want to pass out.