


  • HuntingArpegius
    HuntingArpegius Posts: 41 Member
    Hi I just started posting today. I'm a first year university student at the University of Toronto (Canada). I'm going for a bachelor of arts in the social sciences. I'm looking to major in sociology with a minor in anthropology and religion. But after my four years, I have no idea what I'm going to do.

    Question, do any of you use the gym at your school? I occasionally go, and the set up at my school is a cardio centre up stairs, and weight machines downstairs with a few cardio machines as well. I find that all the girls go upstairs to the cardio area, but I like to use weights in my workouts, to gain some lean muscle. But then I end up being all alone surrounded by a bunch of guys. It can ge a bit awkward, and then I become a bit self conscious. (I think I'm the queen of the world, and obviously all the guys in the gym would be looking at me because I'm hot:laugh:). And because of my self consciousness, I don't workout as hard as I can because I don't want to get sweaty in front of all these guys (stupid, I know). So I was just wondering, How other people handle the gym situation.

    I used be a thrower on the college track and field team and we always worked out with the football players. That's a LOT of testosterone in one place :laugh: Anyway I tend to ignore all the male attention and focus on my workout. Doing your own thing shows dedication and your not just there to get noticed by guys (like I see some other females do in the gym). After a couple weeks of this I find that guys come talk to me and we talk about lifting and working out. Soon you'll just be one of the guys :smile: unless you have ulterior motive then idk :wink:
  • Hello! My name is Sam.

    Im 21 years old and I am a 3rd year student studying contemporary theatre and performance in England (uk). I want to loose weight as I find it hard with university as I have to travel to university which takes me 1 hour to drive. And because we are in university at sill times and do not get breaks I find myself eating junk food all the time. I really want to change this and get healthier plus loose some weight I have always wanted to loose.

    I am currently 146lb and want to loose 10lbs

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • sportsciencegirl
    sportsciencegirl Posts: 36 Member
    HI All, name is Helen

    I'm 23 years old, and I'm a final year BSc Sport and Exercise Science student - on track for a first class honours.

    I used to be a competitive athlete, competitions etc...then I put on weight after I got injured which led me to stop exercising, eat crap to comfort myself and get depressed. I'm getting back on track now!

    I find the days I'm at university messes up my eating plans - classes starting at 12.....break at 2...finishing at 5.30pm.... I usually only manage to get up at like 10am which isn't good if I want a good breakfast etc.

    I want to lose 50lbs, get back into hockey and play for the local teams again!

    I want to work in a sport and exercise science lab, possibly specialise in exercise for health, as well as do freelance personal training (once I lose weight I can get on to this) ....

    I also played a lot of golf when I was younger and I'm relatively talented - played in a few competitions, went to an academy etc, so I would like to take it up again and try to get to a high competitive level!

    Basically I want my old athletic, lean body back! I think I could add extra value to personal training and gym sessions as I know how it feels to be 3-4 stone overweight, so I know the struggles both physically and mentally that people go through! Before, when I was a competitive Athlete, I admit I never thought how hard it could be to be overweight - I was physically and mentally able to do anything, but now I've experienced overweight, I can totally understand the struggles!

    Well here's hoping I can make a difference after I have got my old self back ! :D

    BTW: I'm a UK student!
  • smaugish
    smaugish Posts: 244 Member
    Hi guys =)

    I'm Hannah, I graduated from Lancaster University with a 2.1 (hons) in English Literature last year, and I'm currently preparing to undertake a MA in Medieval Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London. I started an MA in Viking and Anglo-Saxon Studies at the University of Nottingham back in September, but for a number of reasons I had to withdraw. Second time lucky, living from home so I won't have quite the same financial issues, and I'll be in a loving, family environment to help me deal with my personal issues.
  • Hi, I'm a Mathematics student in Wales, UK - in my final year so everything is so hectic! Weekdays are pretty much 9am-9:30pm every day, so I'm finding it so hard to fit exercise in. Managing to keep my meals reasonably healthy, but want to crack down on my snacking (i.e. my daily chocolate bar!) and reduce the amount of processed foods I eat. My starting weight was 200lbs: I'm now down to about 174 and I'm hoping to get down to about 155-160, although I'm trying to focus more on my measurements than my weight. My first aim was to get into the healthy weight range (I'm 5'11'' so the top end of the healthy weight range is about 176); now I'm there, I want to lose a little more fat and gain a little more muscle :) Hoping to find some motivation on here - everyone seems so supportive from all the discussion threads I've looked at and it's always good to have support when you're trying to break old habits I think!
  • MsDreaB
    MsDreaB Posts: 97 Member
    Hello all!
    My name is Andrea
    I am a psychology major about to graduate in Fall 2012 yay!!!!

    I want to lose weight so I can feel confident about my body again. Also I want to be able to fit into the clothing I use to wear!
    My college recently opened a gym on campus and it's beautiful. I've been going every day since it opened but I didn't change my eating habits so I am not see a dramatic change...I came to MFP to change up how I eat and really watch my calorie intake
    I weight 157 and I want to weigh 145-140 (depending on how it looks on me)
  • Ayeshat
    Ayeshat Posts: 209
    Hi Guys,
    Doing biomedical science iin London and also in my final year, before I go ahead and finish off whats left of my soul with another degree lol, I wanna loose weight mainly for health but also for confidence, I wanna be able to walk down the street and feel like i do when I walk in my own house....
    I'm 154 Ibs and wanna lose 35.
  • sn23
    sn23 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Guys :)

    I'm Sasha, I'm in my first year of studying Engineering in England. I want to lose weight because I am tired of being the overweight one plus I have two weddings coming up (in may and july) and I want to look really good :) Also I want to start running in the morning and going to the gym. Starting tomorrow I will be doing the couch to 5k program and then hopefully yoga when I get back to uni. Right now I am about 180lbs and I want to be about 160 by june/july.
  • Lilith47
    Lilith47 Posts: 52 Member

    I'm Michaela, 25 , studying ethnology and political science at the Vienna University in Austria. I joined MFP because of its food tracking app first, but now I'm finding the community a great bonus!
    I'm a bellydancer, I teach and perform,been dancing for over 8 years. In addition I looooove pilates! Getting into strength training lately.
    I'm trying to eat clean and get stronger, mainly to be a better dancer, but hey, looking better doesn't hurt too!
    If anyone wants to be friends, I'm looking for pals to support and keep each other on track!! I'd also welcome tips on how to keep eating clean while at school (healthy snacks, avoid fast food, get the best option at mensa.... )