Pain :(

dreamin2bethin Posts: 111 Member
So does anyone else experience a extreme amount of pain during their cycle, seriously I would rather have the stomach flu, bronchitis or whatever else than be doubling over in pain, getting sick, and having migraines. So what has helped (sort of) is exercising and my WAY healthier eating habits but it still puts me on bed rest. My doctor prescribed migraine prevention meds and that helps, well when I feel the onset, but other than that nothing works. Pamprin and Midol can go suck it (lol) because they are worthless for any symptoms I have. I mean tylenol pm is awesome it puts me to sleep :laugh: haha but with 2 jobs and 4 classes, I can't do many naps.

Any suggestions and ideas that might help?


  • Stephany_W
    Stephany_W Posts: 4 Member
    I get migraines as well and I actually take the migraine prevention medication all the time, not just right before a migraine starts so that might be something for you to look into. I also take Naproxen for cramps. (Prescription dose of Aleve)
  • dreamin2bethin
    dreamin2bethin Posts: 111 Member
    Maybe when I am on my period I will take it everyday, that might help with that part. See I tried taking naproxen and it sort of works, it gets rid the achy feeling but I am still doubling over in pain. Sometimes this womanhood thing sucks, lol.