Hanging on to those pounds

jenncg Posts: 5 Member
I have been doing calorie counting and exercising about 2 times a week with my pounds just hanging on! IT is super frustrating. :explode: I am breast feeding. We live on a small farm and I have 5 kids the youngest is 5 months. I have never had the weight stick to me like this and I am frustrated!!!! So I have made a new change. I have followed Weston A Price and Nourishing Traditions diet for years and I am much healthier for it. To loose this weight I am going to do one 1 serving of carbs or sugar a day. No serving of these if possible. If this doesn't make a difference I do not know what will!


  • myminnieme
    Sounds like you are doing everything right. Your body may just have hit a bump and will hopefully shed the lbs for you the way you want very soon :-) Hats off to you for having 5 kids AND working on yourself as well! It certainly is a tough task!! Good Luck to you. Feel free to add me as an extra support person if you want!

  • pinok88
    pinok88 Posts: 7 Member
    Baby weight seems to be diff then any other weight gain I have ever experience - def frustrating :angry: