Day 2 - Level 1 - Completed

GMC_81 Posts: 193 Member
Cracked on today and got day 2 completed while little girl was napping.

You know, I hate the windmills in the warm-up!! And I cant see me ever being any good at press-ups but day 2 complete and I feel good.

Hope everyone else has a good day.


  • CindyCountingCalories
    CindyCountingCalories Posts: 321 Member
    Day 2 done.

    I can't stand squat and press, its killing me.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    L1-D2 done!!!! oh, ibuprofin you are a friend of mine!!!!!
  • medstudentchef
    Day 2 is done! I really hate those stupid squat presses and side lunges, but I guess that just means that they're working.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    At one point Jillian says "The ones that are really tough, those are the ones that are working." I guess it's all working for me!
  • Ashley3915
    Ashley3915 Posts: 48 Member
    The squats are for sure the worse thing ever!!!! Blah!! But day three complete for me :D!
  • momotivation
    momotivation Posts: 72 Member
    Day 2 done on Level 1. Went way better than yesterday!!! I am most challenged by the push ups and the bicycle crunches.
    good job all!! keep it up!
  • RH_Brazell
    RH_Brazell Posts: 339
    just finished L1 D2 and it is def. a workout but i know and can already feel it's working
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Day 2, Lvl 1...also completed. Yay!...Congrats everyone!!!
  • beez89
    beez89 Posts: 182 Member
    Gosh you guys are so quick! haha
    Getting ready to give it a go here in about a half an hour!!!
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • momotivation
    momotivation Posts: 72 Member
    L1-D2 done!!!! oh, ibuprofin you are a friend of mine!!!!!

    I popped 2 Aleve today!!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    Day 2 done! Woo Hoo!! Three more days and it will start getting a little easier :smile: (from my experience and what I've read in people's posts)
  • th04
    th04 Posts: 32 Member
    Done day 2 last night, about to make a start on day 3, wish me luck! :)
  • Bibil
    Bibil Posts: 25
    Day 2 level 1 complete. I really hate lunges. Although hopefully come summer time and can finally wear shorts. Congrats everyone.
  • angelxxxx
    angelxxxx Posts: 11
    I am on day 3, i cant do the skipping rope part so i just jog on the spot, and cant do the bicycle abs lol, The first day i barely got through the warm up hahaha and i was exhaused, yesterday was easier i done the whole thing obviously with a few seconds break in between, i never realised how unfit i had become, day 3 today and im still struggling but so much better then day 1, and i found myself looking forward to doing it today which is something that shocked me as i barely got through the warm up on day 1. Well done everyone, it actually does get easier as the days go by!!!!!!!! keep up the great work everyone !
  • CNG223
    CNG223 Posts: 127 Member
    Day 2 complete! I don't know why but circuit 3 seems to be the easiest to me minus abs...circuit 1 is the toughest! Maybe just because I'm already warmed up by the time I hit 3, can't wait till this starts to seem easier! Great job guys!
  • medstudentchef
    Day 2 complete! I don't know why but circuit 3 seems to be the easiest to me minus abs...circuit 1 is the toughest! Maybe just because I'm already warmed up by the time I hit 3, can't wait till this starts to seem easier! Great job guys!

    I agree. I think circuit 1 is so tough. I really like circuit 3, except for abs. Those bicycle crunches are tough!
  • emilybeatrice1
    emilybeatrice1 Posts: 163 Member
    my legs r so soreit hurts to sit to use the bathroom!!! lol..... i hope this gets easier
  • NubianSpirit
    NubianSpirit Posts: 101 Member
    And done... And I noticed that someone is already done with day 3! Yea for our globally disbursed group!

    PS- long (unproductive) day at work, late dinner with the hubby, wasn't feeling up to it...he reminds me that doing my workout half assed is better than not doing it at all, and its only 20 minutes (in the end I'd say I brought it) =)
  • carlynishere
    carlynishere Posts: 330 Member
    my legs r so soreit hurts to sit to use the bathroom!!! lol..... i hope this gets easier

    I SO know the feeling girl!

    I am running a couple days behind y'all but will get caught up this week. D2L1 completed Monday night!