Check in?



  • lisasdoinit
    lisasdoinit Posts: 216 Member
    Jess, i read about your arm injury on the "newsfeed"...i'm so so sorry! how are you feeling now? obviously you aren't healed but are you in much pain? I hope not!

    JeSuit - i checked out that spreadsheet and got all confused lol!! But i believe you about upping the calories and posted on your blog about it:) You are SO ROCKING THIS!! (yes i'm an 80's gal!).

    My daughter and i sat down and worked out our gym plan and our "to-do" plan for the week so we don't get knocked off course:) Although having a 16 year old daughter who is overweight makes me so sad for her, i am thrilled to finally have someone to focus with at home!

    Just finished the 3 mile DVD Walking Away the Pounds. Omg i was bored out of my mind. Gotta get me some Jillian and Bob this week (i have them, i just can't find them lol). No more "and step and step and step and step.."

    Have a great week!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member

    JeSuit - i checked out that spreadsheet and got all confused lol!! But i believe you about upping the calories and posted on your blog about it:) You are SO ROCKING THIS!! (yes i'm an 80's gal!).

    If you want to message me your numbers, I could do it for you. I know it looks overwhelming, but it's not that bad. Just giver yourself a minute to look it over, or just send me your info. :wink:
  • mnsnowflake
    mnsnowflake Posts: 18 Member
    Just joined this group so I'm checking in for the first time :)
    Not new to MFP but new to the supportive community... have used the app on my phone but not this part until now and LOVE IT!!!
    Im so impressed with all the motivation and support I have found!!

    My name is Susan. Single mom of a GREAT 9 year old girl.
    Im WAAAAAAAAY up north in MN and a teacher so many days I come home exhausted.

    Feel free to add me and I will stop in now and again :flowerforyou:
  • tljones63
    tljones63 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey girls i'm new to this group and would love to have some friends to talk to . I'm tring to lose 30pds it would be a dream come true.
    I live in Kansas, in the country. my girls are grown and married. I'm 48 years old and be married for 30 yrs. come July. so my husband is taking me on a trip this summer and i would love to look better.
    Have a great weekend
  • Lori02139
    Lori02139 Posts: 61 Member
    HI - I don't think there is a way to receive email notifications if people post to this group. You can 'friend' members of the group and then if anyone posts to the discussion board, it will show up in your News Feed.

    I must admit, I forget to check this discussion. I'll try to check more often. :smile:

  • lisasdoinit
    lisasdoinit Posts: 216 Member
    yay! we have two pages now!!

    welcome to the new ones!

    crazy week here..busy and rushing - hubby was out of town and oy! i forgot what its like to be a single mom!

    and for some odd reason i gained 2 whole freaking pounds!! i don't get it. i mean i know i didn't do GREAT but i when i look back i didn't do THAT bad either!

    still going strong this week though - and have a bit more of a plan!! although i'm sure i hear laughter from beyond when i say plan:)
  • Jessi40
    Jessi40 Posts: 75 Member
    thanks for asking... I got cast off already and am just in brace. I still have a hard time typing so only logging food. very thankful for scanning :)

    I am doing cardio: treadmill and stationary bike and on Sunday I jumped forever (or 30 mins) on a trampoline...

    Feel free to friend me too!
  • KechiaG
    KechiaG Posts: 55
    I'm new to the group too! I am 44 years old and married with 2 children (ages 9 and 12). I lost 50lbs about 4 years ago and I've gain every pound back! :ohwell: I am now on the road to recovery. As a wife and mother it is soooo easy to slip into a pattern of constant giving and putting everyone else before me. I am making a concious effort to make time for myself everyday and excercise. When I do, I feel more relaxed and I am better equiped to handle the occasional "curve ball" that comes. I just have to push past the guilt and anxiety I feel, when I change my schedule around to take care of me. I can do this! I can do this!!! :wink:
  • bethshines
    bethshines Posts: 41 Member
    OK -- so maybe no one will see this, since it's been about 9 days since the last post. I'm trying to add some community support to myfitnesspal...I so relate to many of the frustrations people are posting! I have just completed a "32 Day Challenge" to try to make some progress and be focused on tracking what/how much I eat and to really be devoted to 5 good solid workouts each week. I did the workouts -- and have enjoyed them. I even added some hiking on some hilly trails around here and LIKED it! But I am FRUSTRATED with the stuck scale. I had really hoped for a little boost in the weight loss. Sooo -- I'm discouraged. Again. But giving up is not an option.

    I don't know what to change/adjust. Obviously I could eat less, but I get really, really hungry. As much as I try to manage with mini-meals, more fruits/veggies, I don't seem to be doing something right. Any suggestions?
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Beth, open up your diary. We can better help you if you do! When you exercise more, you will need to eat more. I suspect you aren't eating enough. Your body needs fuel so it can burn those calories and metabolize. If you open up your diary I will be happy to take a look at it and give you my thoughts. I am no expert, but I have learned a bit through this journey.
  • KechiaG
    KechiaG Posts: 55
    OK -- so maybe no one will see this, since it's been about 9 days since the last post. I'm trying to add some community support to myfitnesspal...I so relate to many of the frustrations people are posting! I have just completed a "32 Day Challenge" to try to make some progress and be focused on tracking what/how much I eat and to really be devoted to 5 good solid workouts each week. I did the workouts -- and have enjoyed them. I even added some hiking on some hilly trails around here and LIKED it! But I am FRUSTRATED with the stuck scale. I had really hoped for a little boost in the weight loss. Sooo -- I'm discouraged. Again. But giving up is not an option.

    I don't know what to change/adjust. Obviously I could eat less, but I get really, really hungry. As much as I try to manage with mini-meals, more fruits/veggies, I don't seem to be doing something right. Any suggestions?

    I am in the same boat. I lost 10 hard fought pounds and now I'm stuck!! I look and feel better but no more weight lost.

    I eat between 1200 to 1500 calories a day. Anything more than that just seems like too much. This is my third time shedding the weight and for me it always seems that my body has to "gear up" before I start shedding the pounds. Kind of frustrating to put in sooo much work and not see an equal amount of results. HELP!!!!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Ladies, it's impossible to help you if you don't open up your diaries. 1200-1500 is truly not a lot of calories. More than likely you are stuck because you're not eating enough.
  • KechiaG
    KechiaG Posts: 55
    Ladies, it's impossible to help you if you don't open up your diaries. 1200-1500 is truly not a lot of calories. More than likely you are stuck because you're not eating enough.

    Okay....I just figured out how to open my diary. Doing it right now. Let me know what you think. Thanks for your help! :smile:
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    IMO you aren't eating enough. Close up that calorie deficit and eat to closer if not all the way to your goal. There is wonderful and useful information at this group,, check it out and start eating your calorie goal! MFP gave you a goal to reach, not to stay under. When you stay under that goal you are depriving your body of fuel!!
  • KechiaG
    KechiaG Posts: 55
    Thank you for taking a look. All input is WELCOME! This is sooo confusing to me. I'll check out the group!
  • Kristy713ckm
    Kristy713ckm Posts: 54 Member
    Just checking in.... Sorry I missed all these posts. I joined 12/18/2011. Had a real tough time in Jan & Feb 2012 when I had nerve pain in my feet. Got 3 sets of steroid shots & doing better. But this is such a journey for me. Would love to be kept in the loop and continue to meet friends. I am 41, have a wonderful, supportive husband, an 11 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. I work full-time and homeschool my 5th grade son. VERY VERY BUSY, but always happy to join discussions on the group, and make new friends. Friends posts being in your Home Page is awesome. They support you, and you support them. It's awesome. Anyone who wants to send a friend request, I love & appreciate it! :smile:
  • BestCindyICanBe
    BestCindyICanBe Posts: 75 Member
    Hello all,

    Well, I have been on MFP and with this group for awhile but I been super busy. I finally have some time. I have lost almost 40 pounds in the 290 days I have been on MFP but I seem to have lost my motivation. I have 30 pounds to go and I really do want to lose it. I think I am just tired. Life is just so busy and I really don't want to exercise I want to sit and relax. I don't really want to count every calorie I eat I want to work on my cross stitch or read a good book.