What's your hypothyroid story?



  • happyjoyousfree1
    happyjoyousfree1 Posts: 124 Member
    Welcome everyone! Rachel your a great leader!
  • Hey everyone! My name is Heather and I am 24 years old. For me my mother had thyroid cancer when I was much younger and right around 6th grade I was feeling very slugish and i had always been a bigger girl. Even though I was in dance and cheerleading..... The doctor checked my thyroid and nothing was wrong.... I danced and cheered for 9 years and was always the "big girl with the pretty face" I never really understood why in high school that I was bigger than all my friends even though I didnt eat as much as they did and I cheered and danced just like them... After high school I went to college and my husband now boyfriend then went over seas. That put a lot of stress on me, working, full time student and worrying all the time! A couple years later we got married and had our daughter who is now 2 years old. After having my daughter I joined a gym hoping to get in shape not only for me but for her! I was working out and eating right and just couldnt seem to lose any weight.... I was getting so mad thinking that I must be doing something wrong.... My mom said that I should go get my thyroid checked again, well sure enough I have hypothyroidism..... Thank God we got everything firgured out! Now I am ready to start my life long journey of changing my life!
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    Hi Heather!!! Welcome to the group.

    I am betting you had hypothyroidism when you were younger, too. That's the problem with doctors just treating us as lab results and not with a holistic approach. I had a very similar pre-teen/teen life. Then, because the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with my labs, they just told me I needed to eat less, which of course spawned a decade of guilt because even when i did eat a tiny bit per day, I continued to gain weight (I gained 40 lbs while breastfeeding an infant in 4 months... is that even possible?)

    At any rate, you are not alone with your thyroid issues and the ramifications of the disease. I know I say this a lot on these forums, but finding the right doctor is paramount and I encourage everyone who has this blasted disorder to do so. If for some reason you can't go to another doc, then at least educate the one you have so that you're getting the optimal amount of drug therapy.

    Okay - I'll get off my soapbox. ;) I'm really glad you're here, Heather!
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    Raemama, I also gained a lot, about 20kgs when breastfeeding. Couldn't believe it because everyone else said it was making the pounds just drop off, and I was getting bigger and bigger!
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    Raemama, I also gained a lot, about 20kgs when breastfeeding. Couldn't believe it because everyone else said it was making the pounds just drop off, and I was getting bigger and bigger!

    It was just awful... and then finally I was diagnosed (but not after I gained a total of 100 lbs... which, after almost 20 years, I'm still trying to lose)
  • jiggy_gibby
    jiggy_gibby Posts: 197
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in June 2011 but I had the symptoms a lot longer- maybe as far back as 1996! I thought I was just "depressed" and overweight.

    I found out I had ulcerative colitis in December 2010 and reflux in September 2011. I was SO SICK last year; it really sucked. I was sleeping all the time when I could and had a persistent nagging cough that never went away (it was the GERD). I took a bunch of meds until I decided to change my diet. Mostly dropping wheat and gluten and all soy. Limit tomato, chocolate, alcohol (hey I'm human... I eat those things and drink a glass of wine sometime!) GI Doc said he didn't believe it was gluten and soy allergy causing the UC flare - however, I dropped them from the diet and was able to drop the meds. Been off them for 6 months! All I care about is feeling better and not "who's right"; he's a good guy so I kept him as my GI Doc.

    Switched my primary care doc, however. Saw her 12 years and she never checked s**t except my cholesterol and iron levels even though I complained about being tired and cold all the time. Also, to be honest, I avoided going to doc except once a year - just thought I could tough it out and make it through on my own. Switched to a new Doc and she is FABULOUS. She supports nutritional changes and encourages her patients to experiment with what works for them (as long as it is not harmful). Dropped the reflux meds too. Now just taking the levothyroxine.

    Being diagnosed with three autoimmune diseases in a one year period sucked! There is little research about connection between hypothyroidism and ulcerative colitis/chrohn's disease/ celiac disease. I am convinced they are related! And so is GERD.

    2011 was difficult - maybe most difficult of my life. But here I am... I am taking it one day at a time and glad to be where I am.
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am a Cushings Survivor. Cushing's syndrome is a hormonal disorder caused by prolonged exposure of the body's tissues to high levels of the hormone cortisol. Sometimes called "hypercortisolism," it is relatively rare and most commonly affects adults aged 20 to 50. An estimated 10 to 15 of every million people are affected each year. I was so lucky to have a rare form of this disease. I could have died if it went without a DX. I had so many symptoms and my Primary Care Doctor (at that time) gave me labels of fybromylgia, diabetic, serious high blood pressure etc. The last thing he said to me was.. you need to go to a physcologist. I told him I needed a doctor that will tell me what is wrong with me. I know my body and something is so not right. He then said the magic words... I will send you to and Endocronologist.


    I'm so glad you're here, too - and glad you're alive! A lot of people don't know about Cushings. What were some of the initial tests that you had that confirmed or suggested the diagnosis?


    I had a rare form of the disease they told me. I had a tumor on my pituitary gland that was not seen on my MRI. I had stretch marks on my mid section and upper thighs. They were not like ones that I had during pregnancy. They are called striae marks. The were thick and purple in color. I had the "moon face and red complication' I DIDN'T HAVE THE BUFFALO HUMP!! (one blessing). I couldn't control my body temp and was always extremely hot always.I always was sweating. I had balance issues. My bone mass was weak. I kept a food journal and only ate 1,000 calories a day for over a year prior to the DX. I put on like 30lbs a month near the end prior to my surgery. I suffered ESTREME fatigue, depression and developed diabetes, high blood pressure (extreme), thyroid issues. I am now and will always be Adrenal Insufficant with out my pituitary gland. I am alive.

    I had a couple 24 hr urine tests for free cortisol. I had Dex Suppression tests, High-Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Testing, I also had a mass on each adrenal gland. I had to undergo a test (unsure of the name) where they entered my groin and went up into my brain with a scope to determine where the tumor was located. They went in both of my legs/groin up to the brain... very uncomfortable. But, the tumor didn't show on my MRI and they had to locate where it was. I had off the charts levels of Cortisol and ACTH hormones. These are common with a pituitary tumor. I was in surgery within a couple weeks of my DX.

  • justmel4now
    justmel4now Posts: 9 Member
    I am 49 facing menopause and have been hypothryroid for most of my childbearing years...am stable on medication-synthroid 75 mcg. I have technically 116 pounds to lose but I would be happy to lose 75-80 at this point. I have been using fitness pal and have tracked my food and exercise religiously...a couple of pounds lost then gained then lost and so on. I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. I started out 1500 cal exercise an hour a day(very low impact) and did that for the first month, nothing moved. Then I went down to 1200 with daily exercise of 45 min to an hours...very little change. I've tried eating back exercise calories and not eating back exercise calories and I don't see the difference. I try to drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water daily and no diet pop. Now I'm paring the carbs down to 75 g or below to see if that makes a difference. Whoever said that weight loss is just a matter of eating less and exercising more ought to have their head examined because for some, if not most females, it is not that easy!
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    Hello - I'm glad you joined the group! Welcome.

    Wow - that's so so so frustrating!!

    When I read your story I can't help but think you're not getting enough thyroid replacement hormone. 1200 calories a day plus exercise should really be taking off noticable weight. When's the last time your saw your thyroid doc?
  • justmel4now
    justmel4now Posts: 9 Member
    Just had blood tests a month ago, everything was ok-no change in meds.
  • Hello Everyone,

    I was diagnosed with hypothyroid just 2 weeks ago, I didn't know that you need to take meds for life so when the doctor told me it was a shock for me because i have diabetes too. I never felt any fatigue or anything just it costs me alot to lose weight it took me one year to lose 30 lbs., because i gain it back easily. I used to weigh 295 now I am on 261, do you guys need to follow any type of diet or avoid any food? The doctor just told me to follow a low fat diet and portion control Thank You..
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    Hey there - so glad you joined and I'm sorry I didn't get back with you before today.

    Good question. Be very sure that you take your thyroid meds on an empty stomach - at least 30 minutes before eating or two hours after eating. And, stay away from calcium, iron and soy heavy foods during the meals around your meds. There may be more to stay away from - hopefully others will weigh in on this post to help list them. I used to actually take my synthroid at night to make sure I didn't have any food interactions. Now I get up early enough to take it in the morning. What did your doc put you on?

    You've got something to really look forward to: If you're able to lose weight more effectively (and you will, because you're getting thyroid support), you will be able to control or perhaps even eliminate the diabetes!

    Go girl!!!
  • Sorry I didn't check the post, I am currently taking levothyroxine 50mcg daily once a day. Is it safe to take herbalife with this medication? I am desperately because i am not losing weight i follow a 1400-1500 cal a day and do a 45-60 min on a recumbent bike 5 times a week and not losing. I want to try herbalife , thanks for any advice, For breakfast i usually eat cereal with fat free milk that means I cant drink milk ? thanks
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    I would just make sure that your milk consumption is a good bit of time after you take your pill.

    I would ask your doctor or pharmacist about the herbalife thing as I'm not sure what that is.

    The fact that you're not losing weight on that amount of calories with exercising should be cause to go back to your physician and request additional testing!

    Hope this helps a little :)
  • Thank you so much for the advice:smile:
  • Shannonbayer
    Shannonbayer Posts: 78 Member
    I'm in the beginning stages of blood test -> wait months -> blood test -> wait months, so far there hasn't been any relief.

    I have had hypo symptoms since my early twenties ( I'm 33 now ) but when I finally had insurance my ASH was .01 then .03 but the majority of symptoms didn't fit with hyper (I had anxiety and panic attacks and stopped being able to drive). I was told by my endo that I probably have hashimoto's disease. He couldn't give me anything for the results that he could read that wouldn't make they hypo symptoms worse. He asked me to come back in for blood work in six months hopefully my results would reflect his conclusion, but in the meantime I just had to cope. Fast forward to last week. My ASH is "normal", My T4 is low and my energy is on the floor with it.

    I've been dieting for two weeks and I lost a ton of water weight. I no longer have super swollen feet and legs at night, but then the loss just stopped . I'm eating 1300 calories a day and exercising 20-40 minutes a day on top of adding "more" to everyday activities. IE I've been playing music in my house all day and when an upbeat song comes on I'll stop what I'm doing and dance like an idiot, parking further, and making extra trips up and down the stairs.
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    Welcome, Shannon!

    Hopefully you'll get the relief you need shortly - did your doc mention a script?
  • ajwang
    ajwang Posts: 11
    Hi Everyone!

    I was always the cute but chubby kid, teenager, adult..ect. My mother signed me up for what I refer to as "fat camp" when I was 15 and sent my father with me. I was always active playing sports, soccer, softball, basketball and dance. At one point in high school I was playing on three softball leagues at a time (church, high school and local), and I was still packing on the pounds. I finally convinced my Mom to take me to her doctor (I didn't have my own), he took blood-never mentioned results, and then sent me to a nutritionist. I took the nutrionist seriously, and wrote everything I ate in a journal for a month and then went back to see her. Her only response was, "I don't see anyway I could help you." My Mom put a lock on our pantry door and thought that was the answer.

    Seven years and seventy pounds later, I finally gave myself an ultimatum. I was in a routine after getting a full time job, Iand I dedicated 6 months of my life to eating right and exercising like mad. If I didn't lose weight after all that, I would finally go see another doctor. I dropped 14lbs but ended up gaining it all back and more while still eating right and exercising.

    I went to a doctor in March who immediately requested TONS of labwork (5 tubes of blood worth) and I was so relieved she believed something was wrong with me. Three days later, she called me and told me I had high prolactin levels and I was hypothyroid- go pick up my meds and start taking them tomorrow. She also recommended an endocrinologist.

    I've been on the thyroid meds for almost a month now and it's been a rollercoaster. Week 1- nothing. Week 2-hormonal as a pregnant lady. Week 3-even worse symptoms than just the hypothyroid ones. Turns out, I am one of the unlucky people who had side effects from taking birth control and thyroid medicine at the same time. Now that I am off birth control, those symptoms have gone away and I've actually lost some weight.

    Now that I know I can lose weight, I am very excited to start the weight loss journey!
  • Raemama
    Raemama Posts: 203 Member
    Oh my goodness! I'm so glad you went to another doctor and on your way to feeling better.
  • Trutra
    Trutra Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome! Sounds like a long journey you have had.