How much am I supposed to be eating?!

Hi ladies,

So, I will obvsiously ask my Doctor when I see him next week, but I was just curious as to what you guys thought about how much I should be eating now that I am pregnant...

MFP had my goal (pre-preganancy) at 1500 calories (goal of losing 1 lb per week). If I set it to "maintain current weight", it puts my goal up to 1800 calories. However, other blogs and articles suggest eating 200-300 calories MORE than usual when pregnant. Does that mean I should be eating 2100 calories?!

It might sound funny, but I am having a REALLY hard time eating 1800 calories. I feel like I am shoving food down my throat all of the time. I am struggling between whether I should be force feeding myself even when I am not hungry (in order to hit that 1800) or if I should just do what feels natural (being confident that as I get further along, I will be more hungry)

Side note - I have a history of not eating enough (I am one of those annoying people who forgets to eat), so my body is used to not eating a whole lot and not being hungry, which is one of the reasons I signed up for MFP in the first place....

I want to be sure that I am providing appropriate nutrition for my baby, but don't want to be eating unneccesary calories either....

Thank you!!!!


  • 200 to 300 calories more should be fine, I think. Just listen to your body. If you're not hungry don't over eat. Maybe just add a couple things here and there your meals like regular cheese or yogurt that are higher in calories. That should make up for the extra calories you need to eat.
  • Thats a good idea.... I am so used to eating "diet" everything, haha. I guess I can actually eat full fat cheese now!
  • philly1980
    philly1980 Posts: 25 Member
    I would be guided to an extent by your appetite - if 1800 calories leaves you starving and your eating a balanced diet then eat a little more.

    Chances are for the next few weeks you'll be nauseous and feeling pretty ick (if your really unlucky you'll be vomiting heaps too) so don't beat yourself up if you go over on the calories because nibbling on crackers all day or some other morning sickness remedy tips you over. I think weight gain is really only something to be cautious over during the 2nd & 3rd trimester when your appetite comes back!

    I threw up at least 4 times a day until 16 weeks and continued to throw up once or twice until weeks 24. The only meal I could keep down each day was lunch so I just went with any cravings I had and ate them figuring my body wanted it. Main thing I craved was capsicum which I found pretty odd, and once I was desperate for KFC chicken which I normally dislike :)

    Ahh the joys of pregnancy - can't believe I'm planning on going through it again :P