Introduce Yourself!



  • Hi! This is going to be my first go at the 30day shred, the dvd arrived today and am fairly fit but motivating myself to do it every day will be hard, hoping that this group will keep me going even though I know Jillian is going to kick my a*r*!
  • nowgirl2004
    nowgirl2004 Posts: 46 Member
    I am excited for this!!!! I will be finishing up p90x at the same time :)
    I am a soon to be 26 year old from Minnesota!!!!!
    Height: 5'8 ish
    HW: 230
    MFP SW: 211
    CW: 193.6
    GW: 150-160

    I think I maybe getting married around fall 2013 (not engaged yet) so I want to have that dream body BEFORE i get married!!!!!!
    I have lost 10 lbs since the new year! Slowly but surely!
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    Hi everyone. This will be my first time doing 30DS so a bit nervous but excited as well. I'm 28 and started this journey to not only lose weight but to take care of myself better.

    SW mid-Jan: 200
    CW: 187
    GW for now: 150

    Can't wait! :-)
  • nmb92883
    nmb92883 Posts: 29 Member
    My name is Nicole. I've done the 30 day Shred before about 2 yrs ago i think it was. I actually completed all 30 days but then never did anything after i was done. =( When I did it before i was doing it w/ a friend this time i'm on my own which is why i joined this group. I know i'll be needing some motivation. I plan on using 3lbs weights for level one and then maybe move up to 5lbs atleast in level 3 maybe 2. I remembering the first 3 days sucking butt. my legs being soooo sore that it hurt just to sit on the toilet to pee. lol BUT after day 4 i was fine and i actually looked forward to the next day =).

    Good luck to everyone. I'm excited to be apart of this group and I'll try hard to do my part in motivating others =)
  • Hey everyone :) just started the 30 day shred today :) looking forward to seein some results hopefully by the end :)
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 425 Member
    So glad to have everyone!! Excited to start tomorrow??? :)
  • AmberCHM
    AmberCHM Posts: 425 Member
    Also, don't forget to check the other threads. One is for checking in as often as you'd like. Another is for motivation...check for daily motivating posts from me. There will also be a separate thread for weigh-ins and measurement updates :)
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Hey everybody! I'm Tori (34)- mother of 2 amazing kids (3 and 2) and a full time teacher. I work out in the morning before the kids wake up and the speed train of my day begins. I broke my ankle in 2 places back in Novemeber running (my exercise of choice). I ended up needing surgery to insert 2 screws. I wasn't allowed ANY pressure on my ankle, much less exercise, for almost 12 weeks. I lost tons of muscle and gained 10lbs. I am officailly cleared for any and all physical activity at this point so I figured better start with Jillian (she kicked my butt last year before I started running and I really think she biult up my endurance so running 5 miles a day was attainable).

    Here's to a great month!!!!!
  • Hi I'm Jennifer, wife and mother of 1. I work and go to school full time. I did really well a year ago with losing 15 lbs, but slowly got back to my old habits and gained that 15 right back. I'm hoping MFP will help me stay on track and keep me motivated. I actually just joined MFP a few days ago, so I guess my journey starts now! I picked up the 30ds today and I'm really anxious to do it, in addition I will be going to the gym doing cardio and toning classes.

    Good Luck Everyone!!!
  • Ratchett13
    Ratchett13 Posts: 87 Member
    Hey! My name is Rachel. I am a wife and a mother of two beautiful girls, 6 and 3. I've always been the big girl, and I am so ready to change that! I joined MFP Jan. 30, 2012 and I have lost almost 15 lbs this month! I ordered 30DS last weekend and I am praying that I get it in the mail in the next couple of days. As soon as it shows up I am starting, so I might be a couple days behind. I am super excited to start and anyone can add me. I love to support and motivate!

    Here are my stats.

    MFP SW: 235 lbs (yikers)
    CW: 220 lbs
    30DS GW: 205 lbs
    UGW: 150 lbs
    Height 5'3"

    I measured my inches but I think I'll wait till the end to post those lol and I plan on taking before pictures which I will also share at the end if I can figure out how to post them lol. Add me!
  • SilmaraC
    SilmaraC Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Silmara, I'm 27, and mommy to 2 little boys, who are almost 3.5 and 2. I started using MFP on February 9th and have since lost 9 pounds! I am just about at my goal weight but I need A LOT (and I mean A LOT) of toning. My boys really did a number on my belly. I had the biggest belly during pregnancy that anyone I know has ever seen. My babes were 9lbs 6oz and 10lbs 12 oz, so you can imagine that they left me with quite the parting gift when they were born..hehe. To be honest, for a while I felt that surgery would be my only option, but since doing so well with MFP and with Zumba (started a week ago), I'm really hopeful that Jillian can help me feel good about my body once again :)

    I just ordered the shred today and should be getting it in the mail next week. Can't wait to begin and to get to know everyone! :)
  • undercovermother
    undercovermother Posts: 14 Member
    Hi my name is Angie and I am 37yo. I just got done watching the DVD, time to actually do it now!
  • ummmsorrybutno
    ummmsorrybutno Posts: 38 Member
    Joining a little bit late, but still joining.

    I'm Crystal... 29 year old mom of 2... goals are to stop letting everything jiggle when I walk...

    Current weight - 149.9
    Neck 13.5
    Waist 33.0
    Hips 42.0

    Next weigh in is tomorrow morning..

    Currently I do the following:

    Mon - JM 30 day shred
    Tue - Couch 2 5k
    Wed - JM 30 day shred
    Thur - Couch 2 5k
    Fri - JM 30 day shred
    Sat - Couch 2 5k and JM 30 day shred
    Sun - break

    I will also start two days a week with a personal trainer starting next week
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Sarah and I started 30ds yesterday. This is my second time starting it. I started it in January but got a really bad cold and had to stop. Just finished the second day and hoping to stick with it this time.

    I am 33 and a mother 2 beautiful girls 4 1/2 and 6. Still trying to get back to where I was before kids but alot closer since joining mfp about a year ago.

    I will post starting weights tom. as it is late here and I am falling asleep.
  • Hello, I know it looks like I am a late starter, but actually, I am just finishing Feb 30 DS with another group. I do my final measurements tomorrow with them. I was planning on starting all over. My SW was 222 with MFP, Sw with 30 DS was 211, my CW is 204 or so, my goal weight is healthier and feel comfortable in my clothes. I will tell ya, at last measurement on day 21 I had lost .5 in in bust and in my hips and had lost 2 inches in my waist. My clothes fits much better, nice and loose. So I am hoping after doing the 30DS for another month, I will be able to buy Spring outfits in a smaller size. :happy:

    I am a mother of son who will be 12 this month and have been married for 15 1/2 years to a wonderful and supportive man.

    I want to wish everyone luck with this journey. :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • alexandrahrah
    alexandrahrah Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I'm Alex! Just joining into the group now but I'm on L2D4 now, and my body is loving it! It's definitely a TOUGH workout and I'd love some friends going through the same thing everyday.

    I'm 19 and about 130 pounds, mostly looking to build muscle with this workout and stay in shape before summer comes! Feel free to add me as a friend so we can motivate each other! :)
  • Mom2thePookies
    Mom2thePookies Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm Katie. I have two boys, one is 4 the other will be 2 this summer. I have been doing the eliptical for a couple of weeks and haven't seen much in regards to results so I decided to join MFP to see if it could be a calorie issue or what not. I decided to do JM 30DS so I can start to see results. I did it once, couldn't walk for two weeks and it's been collecting dust every since. My goal is to do it 3-4 times a week, however I'm just going to take it day by day. I'm weighing in at 245 and want to lose about 75 lbs. I'm at risk for diabetes which scares the crap out of me so it's time to work!!! Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • NickiParris74
    NickiParris74 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi i'm Nicki aged 37 and I have 3 boys aged 15, 13 and 8. I'm on day 14 of JM 30DS, day 7 of level 2. Starting to get to grips with level 2 now so going to see it out until Thursday and then hopefully move up to level 3 on Friday which will be day 18 for me. The first week I lost 4lbs but when i weighed in this morning I had gained 3lbs! This has not bothered me too much as I have lost in inches :) Would be good to keep in contact with you all and see how everyone is doing.