Day 13/ Day 3 (3/3/12)

Good Morning Ladies!! How is everyone doing today? I've noticed that not everyone has posted every day. Are we all doing it still? You ladies are strong and can kick Julian Micheal's Butt. I have faith in you all. I haven't done mine yet but will soon due to getting up late and in the living room were I do mine there is a bunch of family here right now. So I don't want to get in everyone's way. In a few I will get it done. Hopefully everyone else will too. Have a Fantastic day Ladies!! Happy shredding. :)


  • Tbirdgal_Stef
    Tbirdgal_Stef Posts: 141 Member
    Hi Craig and the rest of the Ladies :)

    Today we had work happening in the house, major structural work, so I did not shred but I was on my feet working all day long... My feet are killing me. Tomorrow I shred to keep my 5 days a week in =)

    I will check in tomorrow and Hope to see you all too!!
