Still so much to learn

JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
Since I am still very new to this, I am feeling very overwhelmed and a bit frustrated.

Last night for supper I had fish, potato and frozen veggies. I didn't read the label on the veggie packaged, I figured "it's just vegatables they have to be ok" Now I know WRONG!

I didn't sleep well, not feeling good at all. I woke up with a nasty headache, the first since going GF, feeling bloated, extra tired and so on and so on. I know it wasn't the fish, and the potato was plain so I grab the package of frozen veg and sure enough "May contain wheat" are you kidding??

So I have learned my lesson the hard way....EVERY label must be read.

Who thought at the age of 47 I would have to learn how to eat all over again!!!


  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    Aww sorry!!! Ive had this my whole life so its pretty easy for me. I've read labels since I was old enough to read. I can't imagine having to train myself all over.
  • mckshowie
    mckshowie Posts: 210 Member
    haha. been there, done that. except i READ the label and see the "MAY contain wheat" or "made in the same facility as wheat" and go with it anyway because I figure I'll win the battle.

    I never do though. I wonder when I'll learn...
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member

    I did that a few months ago. And it had BARLEY in it!! As I was eating it, I was thinking, boy... this doesn't look right. Sure enough, I was sick for 2 weeks :(.

    I'm back to being VERY careful about labels. The food allergy community has a saying 'Read it in the store, when you bring it home, and again when you go to prepare it!'.

    I've been GF for around 3 years, but my oldest son was born with a severe dairy allergy, so we've been label readers for 6 years now. It never gets easier, and it really steams me when companies change their product formulation!
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    I do so much cooking from scratch just to control what is in the final product. (Like right now I am making my own chicken broth from chicken thighs). But that takes so much time and planning that often I get depressed about it. There are no "quick bites".

    It is hard. And a pain.

    Just wanted to say I hear you sister, I hear you.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I was using fresh herbs from a tube, I thought it was just straight herbs, and it had whey and wheat in it . . .
  • Gosser
    Gosser Posts: 178 Member
    It seems to be in everything. If it isn't straight out of the ground or the sea I try to avoid buying it. Watch out for the term 'natural flavouring', if that is in the ingredient list it is often from wheat derivatives.

    I cook from scratch most of the time to avoid it and because it is quicker.

    I used to spend hours in the supermarket reading labels and that got very boring. Cooking is quicker and less expensive.

    Once you start to build a store cupboard of the flours, etc you can use the cost becomes less painful.

    I hated it when I first found out, but now I love it. I am so much healthier and happier :happy:
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    To be honest with you, when I first started, I refused to eat anything that wasn't natural or didn't say gluten free. Luckily here in my home town, the grocery store chain here is real good about marking what is gluten free for us. It makes shopping so much easier. But my rule of thumb is this, If it isn't a vegetable or meat that you didn't prepare yourself don't eat it. At least not for the first little while.

    Always always read the ingredients.

    And when in doubt, don't eat it. Because it isn't worth being sick over.

    Also,when in doubt, ask.

    Feel free to add me if you want. I will help you out the best I can.
  • KellyLin62
    Boy do I feel your pain! I was diagnoised in 2001 and I am STILL learning! I am so intolerant if my grandson eats gluten and kisses me my mouth breaks out like major chap lips! In Dec I made my dad real peanut butter cookies and ended up in the ER in his community hospital with Iritis!!!! took 3 months to recover from this ordeal! If it's in a facility or on a shared belt there is no way I can eat it! I read everything! I am realizing the closer to whole foods I eat the better I am!!! It's not worth the pain to eat if I'm unsure!!!

    Take care of you!!!
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    Wow Kelly, that is amazing! I am sure I am not that sensitive to it, I thought I had a challenge!

    My children are all grown and moved out, so it is just DH and I still at home. He is very supportive but still does not get it completely. I use a completely different cutting board now, and he doesn't get it when I get frustrated with him when he grabs the wrong one.

    I have started reading all the labels, and find grocery shopping takes much longer than it used to. But I am trying to stay with mostly natural foods, but on occasion I just want to feel like I can eat 'normally' so reading the labels is something I just need to remember to do before eating any packaged foods!

    It makes me feel less 'alone' in learning this new lifestyle and want to thank you all for your advice and support. :flowerforyou: