Exercise on LC/ Atkins Diet

Hi there everyone,
i hope i'm not being redundant with this question but i've read a lot of data recently and am confused. I was reading the Reddit.com/r/keto forum and someone on there had said that you don't want to exercise much when you're first starting out a keto/low carb/the atkins diet because you'll gain muscle and the muscle will get eaten before the fat can be burned through the ketosis process. My problem is i've been at the same spot of the scale for awhile now while fluxuating daily b/w 210-215lbs. I'm doing a biggest loser competition at work right now and really need to start losing quicker to help out my team. I feel wrong not exercising since i've been at this diet and wanted to know, based on your own personal results,did exercise hinder, or help your weight loss while on a LC diet? ANY and all feedback is most certainly welcome! Thank you!


  • 30yearssincebikini
    I can't speak for anyone else, but I have been exercising for an hour or more at the gym four to six days a week and I have lost four inches off of my waist and three off of my hips since I started. However, I have only lost seven pounds. But the inches are falling off and I look so much better. My waist curves inward and my tummy is flatter than it was. So I say definitely exercise. You should take measurements and retake them every week. The scale can be tricky, so I wouldn't worry as much about the scale as measurements. Good luck!
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    I will just tell you my personal experience. When I work out, the scale doesn't move as fast because I am retaining water and the existing muscle I have. When you don't work out and don't eat enough protein, part of your weight loss will be muscle. So in my personal opinion, work out. I've stopped for a while and dropped huge numbers, all while my body got mushy.
  • ashielovesdashie88
    Thank you two soooooo much! i've been going crazy trying to find out what other people have done because i dont know if the way my body reacts with exercise (the scale doesn't move) is normal or not. But i totally appreciate your personal experiences! Thank you!
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    Wow, I'm the total opposite. I can eat 800-1200 calories a day, and less than 20 carbs, but the scale doesn't move if I don't get my cardio in! My weight training has suffered a lot from doing the low carb thing, though... I can't do nearly as much as I could when I had carbs in my diet.

    I've been on a plateau for over a week now because something triggered a bad allergic reaction which is mostly on my feet and I can't do fast, long walks on them without significant pain. I miss my exercise! :(
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    someone on there had said that you don't want to exercise much when you're first starting out a keto/low carb/the atkins diet because you'll gain muscle and the muscle will get eaten before the fat can be burned through the ketosis process

    The quoted statement is pretty absurd. Exercise could help or could hurt weight loss, depends on whether it leads to secretion of Cortisol or whether it causes you to eat too much if you aren't restricting calories.

    I'm not going to give advice on fast fat loss other than I think its pretty dumb.
  • Justforthebacon
    Justforthebacon Posts: 61 Member
    TONS of people work out doing low carb. It is suggested that you don't start a NEW workout program if you haven't worked out before when you first start a LCHF diet. That just makes good sense though. If you have been doing the diet for a few weeks and would like to add in some exercise go right ahead. Especially if you are going to add in some weight training. If you find that your weight loss has plateaued (on the scale) take measurements. The scale is a dirty scumbag liar! :)
  • dennydifferent
    dennydifferent Posts: 135 Member
    I agree with grinch, that statement about gaining muscle etc is absurd. The only reason I know of that people warn about exercise at the beginning of a ketogenically low carb diet (e.g. Atkins induction) is that it can affect endurance. It certainly did for me. I just couldn't work out, even if I wanted to.

    This (if you experience it) fades eventually (in my case within a month, others may be quicker or slower), and you can do whatever you want.

    I too lose more quickly without working out, but lifting heavy weights definitely made a big difference to how I look.
  • manda1028
    manda1028 Posts: 148
    i am losing , i eat about 20 carbs per day. i read working out for 20 minutes burns the carbs.. i dont know if it is true. but a low carb dieter who only works out for 20 minutes is better than a low cal dieter who gets in 40 minutes. i use my gazelle for 20 minutes almost every night after work. seems to help me. maybe becuz its low impact. i also will take my dog on a 1.3 mile loop in the hills so my leg muscles get something different every now and then.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I'm not sure that I'd trust some info on a Reddit forum. If you are following a particular plan I've not seen a one that doens't recommend exercise. Atkins was a big proponent of exercise and there is no reason that you should gain weight while doing low carb and exercising.

    Also the idea that muscle will be burned before fat when exercising on low carb is just plain wrong.
  • ashielovesdashie88
    Thank all of you guys and gals so very much for your input. i've been literally in tears over the scale just not moving and worried that if i exercise it would hinder my ability to lose weight. i really want to get to a point where i'm happy and healthy and totally plan to make Low Carbing a lifestyle. It's really hard to see the scale not move when for years all i did was calorie count and my only indicator that i was doing well was the scale. Now with L/C i have to remind myself that measurements are more important. Thank you again for your opinion i'll keep up exercising and plan on going on a hike tomorrow morning and then swim on thursday. It'll be nice to work out like i was before now that i know it's okay! :flowerforyou:
  • manda1028
    manda1028 Posts: 148
    good luck :)