Day 5 Level 1

momotivation Posts: 72 Member
I did it got my *kitten* up and out of bed at 6 this morning to workout!! and I feel GREAT!!! It is getting easier but still totally kicking my *kitten*!

I was really nervous about today and this week in general. I have been laid off for 2 months now so I could workout really whenever I wanted. I was concerned that I would be motivated enough to get up when my alarm actually went off. but I did it today and it was really a nice way to wake up. I am positive that this won't always be the case.

but WOOT!! 5 days down only 25 more to go!!!


  • CNG223
    CNG223 Posts: 127 Member
    great job! I had a headache this morning so I didn't get it done before work, but now my headache is subsiding so after work I'm going to get my shred on :)
  • zoesmomcooks
    zoesmomcooks Posts: 6 Member
    i usually end up shredding when i should be in bed - soooo super late. and that will be tonight too. i'm excited about being half way done with level one... kinda scary and exhilarating all at once.
  • CindyCountingCalories
    CindyCountingCalories Posts: 321 Member
    Done, late but done, Mondays I will always be late tomorrow back to normal.

    My arms hurt so bad :(
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    YAY...I'm DONE for today!! I can lift the 5 lb weights much easier on the anterior lifts. The second time is still a bit difficult, but I am learning to CONTROL all my movements as I am getting STRONGER. STAY EMPOWERED everyone...YOU ARE FANTASTIC!!

    :flowerforyou: Debbie
  • emilybeatrice1
    emilybeatrice1 Posts: 163 Member
    i did it!!! I really didnt want to, but i did. and then i walked a mile. thanks guys, i feel like im held accountable, and if i didnt feel this way i would have wanted to quit already
  • CNG223
    CNG223 Posts: 127 Member
    Great job everyone! I finally got my day 5 level one in, I really didn't want to do it after work, but I feel so happy now that I did!
  • Bibil
    Bibil Posts: 25
    I really didn't want to work out today. After reading your posts. I felt like if I don't it today I might not want to do it tomorrow. So I had have to stick with the plan. Can't give up when I getting close to the finish line.
    Thanks for your motivation.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    I skipped the weekend, Saturday because I was soooo sore (I feel like it's best to listen to my body) and Sunday was my birthday and I was LAZY :drinker: But I got up at 5:15 am and did day 3...then after dinner I ran almost 2 miles with my husband and the dog! I feel awesome my MOJO back!
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    I did it got my *kitten* up and out of bed at 6 this morning to workout!! and I feel GREAT!!! It is getting easier but still totally kicking my *kitten*!

    I was really nervous about today and this week in general. I have been laid off for 2 months now so I could workout really whenever I wanted. I was concerned that I would be motivated enough to get up when my alarm actually went off. but I did it today and it was really a nice way to wake up. I am positive that this won't always be the case.

    but WOOT!! 5 days down only 25 more to go!!!

    WTG!! You can do anything you put your mind to :drinker:
  • mobskee
    mobskee Posts: 200
    We're half way done with level 1! Woo hoo!:drinker:
  • NubianSpirit
    NubianSpirit Posts: 101 Member
    day 5 done ... kicked myself in the *kitten* quiet literally with double intention: a) i want to look like natalie when this month is over, and b) i made some bad food choices today (i think i munched my entire calorie allowance in almonds) so i needed to make up for that (should have done a double workout, but it's been a long day).

    halfway done with level 1 - way to go 30ds-ers!
  • nmb92883
    nmb92883 Posts: 29 Member
    So i haven't been posting everyday BUT i have been doing the workout and i am right on schedule =) Today was a very long day for busy busy busy but luckily i decided to do it shortly after waking up. =) after 20 mins of finishing it i got a phone call and its been non stop since... Now its time to relax and prepare myself for tomorrow. =) Oh and on the up side i didn't feel as sore today i even went to 5lb weights for some of the exercises... (stuck w/ 3lbs on the swat and press and the side lunges w/ arm raises.) and i'm getting a slight bit better at the pushups. K good night everyone!
  • louisey112
    louisey112 Posts: 573 Member
    Tonight will be Day 5 for me (I missed Friday so I plan to do a double workout on Saturday to make up for it). I can't workout until after I get home from work and I'm usually tired, but I make myself do it. My arms are the worse-for-the-wear during the strength exercises, but I am doing more now than I did at Day 1 and techincially I've only been doing it for 4 days so I guess I can't expect that magic will happen overnight. I don't think I look any different from when I started, but on Day 30 I truly believe that there will be a major difference. I can already tell my cardio is a lot better as well. This is tough, but having you guys doing it as well really helps! I'm gonna measure again on Day 10 and post them. I haven't really had time to go through and add friends, but I think that's an awesome idea - especially having ones that are doing the same thing you are so with that said, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ADD ME AS A FRIEND - anyone is welcome in my circle of friends :)