Stopping smoking........



  • macandme

    I stopped smoking on 9th November 2011, I know how hard it is to stop as this is the second time I've given up. I started smoking again 6 years ago after not smoking for 15 years!!!!!!!!!!!! could have kicked myself, but hope it's for good this time :happy: .

    Dee xx
  • Anna_43
    Anna_43 Posts: 117
    HI Dee - thanks for posting.

    Did you use any nicotine replacement or went cold turkey?

    Well done :)
  • macandme
    Hi Anna,

    The first time I stopped smoking was easy it didn't bother me one bit but I really, really, really struggled this time, I tried everything from patches to Champix until I discovered Nicorette Quickmist and I've not smoked since, try it it's really good but I'm sure you'll get there when you're ready. The down side is that I've turned into a bit of a swill bin crisps, cakes, pizza and have now gained 10lbs and struggling to get it off :mad: so hoping to find a bit of inspiration from this website.

    Dee xx
  • Anna_43
    Anna_43 Posts: 117
    Thanks Dee - I have the nicorette inhallers at home, those worked for me once before so hopefully will do this time too and then it is a matter of wil power, huh?

    Well done you :)
  • SmudgerSmithRhino

    Glad I found this link.

    I've started smoking AGAIN! However, I usually give something up for Lent, usually chocolate, but thought well why not give up something that really would make a difference. So along with my pancakes tomorrow I'll be having my last cigarette.

    I am the boss of them they are not the boss of me!

  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member
    Good luck Smudger!

    I gave up on Jan 1st faltered for a couple of weeks when we moved (moving is massively stressful!), but I have been off them again now for 3 weeks today! :-)

    I found the Nicotene replacement patches really helpful and if you're lucky they may still be cheap?!

    Again good luck and you know where we are if you need us!
  • Twinkletoestasha
    Twinkletoestasha Posts: 53 Member
    Hi All !

    Reading your comments I completely sympathise and have been there. I wasnt a heavy smoker about 10 a day if that but my partner did at least 20 and smoked since 16 !!

    We both got give the following link - not believing anything like that could help we still sat and watched.
    By the end of it we couldnt belive how much sense it made and with that never finished the pack we had which sat in the kitchen cupboard for months. Copy & paste within the internet brower. Get comfy as it totals about 3.5Hours..definately worth it ! Havent looked back for over a year now. :D
  • Nuttytart2012
    Nuttytart2012 Posts: 15 Member
    After years of smoking and trying to quit I finally managed to give up the horrible habit on 10th July 2011.
    I was so desperate to quit due to health / money / my kids that I decided I would finish my last one that I had left then that would be it, I would buy no more.
    It was really hard for me because my partner and my mum who I lived with were still smoking.
    But if you have a good enough reason and you really want to do it for yourself then you should be able to achieve your goals.
    I read the book 'Allen Carrs Easyway to stop smoking' and I found that it helped me.
    But also when I had finished reading that book, I got myself a few new books to read so whenever I thought about smoking, I would sit down and read a few chapters of a book, then that craving would dissapear.
    So for a few weeks I was reading quite a lot - But you just do whatever you have to do to get your mind off smoking and with the money that you save, you should treat yourself once in a while :-)
    I hope nothing ever makes me start smoking again as I do not want to be stuck in that terrible place again and not being able to be free, its the worst!!
    If anybody needs any advice or support, feel free to add me x
  • blondeboms
    blondeboms Posts: 73 Member
    Im trying to quit smoking, not doing very well but trying. Just wondering what the best form of nicotine replacement would be as i dont think patches are the way to go for me because i have a smoke in the morning then nothing all day until i get back in the evening so have no probs being at work and going 8 hours without a smoke, it doesnt even cross my mind until im home and it all goes wrong. I quit a few years ago using paul mckennas book and cd but i cant seem to get into it this time round. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
  • cesctheman
    cesctheman Posts: 139 Member
    I gave up 5 days ago, but I've been social smoking for a while tho. I'm using an e-cig and it works wonders. I'm reallly trying to get fit now as well. So quit buddies would be really welcome.anyone add me
  • lyverbyrd
    Good luck with stopping smoking.

    Something to remember; a craving lasts no longer than three minutes, although they feel longer, and on average we have 8 cravings a day. So that's 24 minutes of real cravings, not just "ooh, I'll have a cig now" thoughts. 24 minutes in a day is doable.

    Look at your watch or a clock when one comes along and time it. It really is no longer than three minutes; it's just that addiction helps skew time when we're struggling; like the saying goes, how long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you happen to be :)

    An ex smoker since November 2010, and have never looked back.
  • Anna_43
    Anna_43 Posts: 117
    Well, the plan is.....

    Smoke myself stupid till Monday morning and then leave the ciggies at home while I travel to my new job for the first time.

    And take no cash/card with me.

    I doubt I have the cheek to ask anyone for a "spare ciggy" or borrow money to get some on my first day in a new job..... LOL

    And considering I will be leaving home at 7.30 and not getting back till 6.30....If I can do 11 hours (and I will have no choice) without a ciggy - that means I can stop LOL

    May, just MAY take the nicorette inhaller with me.... will see...
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    I quit smoking at christmas with the spray mist!

    Good luck every one! you can do it.
  • SmudgerSmithRhino

    I stopped on the 21st Feb and got an app on my phone called Quit Now! The app is telling me that so far I have stopped smoking for 19 days, not smoked 389 *kitten* and saved £139! I did it cold turkey, but really threw myself into exercise to take my mind of smoking and to avoid gaining weight. So far so good, I've been to the pub and didn't feel the need to smoke.

    And I don't stink of smoke!

    You can do it, believe in yourself. If you can get the app then do as it will also show you how quickly your body is recovering after not smoking.

    It is hard work at first but does get easier.
  • TransTina
    TransTina Posts: 82
    Ah, the smoking thing.

    It always rears its ugly head when on the 'fitness drive'.

    If I told you my 'smoking story' you would probably laugh your heads off and say that it I am talking jibberish, and need help. Thats a normal reaction..... And I have sought help to the tune of £100s!!!

    It has taken me a lot of guts to even broach the subject on here without getting upset.

    Lets just say this... with me it has nothing whatsoever to do with nicotie addiction.

    If you are interested I will try to expalin.

    To all of you who are trying to get out of the habit, very best of luck to you all, I know it's not easy for you.
  • Scarsnbumble
    Scarsnbumble Posts: 11 Member
    I stopped on 21 June 2001 and have just installed the Quit Now app on my phone just for fun (I used to have another app on my old PC). It's great to see how much money I have saved, but I'm blowed if I know where it all is!
    I went cold turkey after promising my wife I would never smoke another cigarette (she still smokes like a chimney, mind you) and I stuck to it. I'm now trying to get rid of the 50 pounds I gained and I'm about half way there so far.
    All I can say to all of you who are trying to give up is that it really is all in the mind. When I felt a craving coming on, I just used to say to myself "So I feel like a cigarette, so what? I ain't gonna have one, so there. It won't kill me to not have a cig, and if I have one, I'll only want another one later."
    Stick to it guys and try not to eat instead. Find something else to do with your hands :-).
  • Naffry
    Naffry Posts: 37 Member
    Like others have said, Champix worked for me. Although I only took them for 3 days and went cold turkey. My mom and dad both did the full course though and atleast 1 of them is smoke free.