Hi Everyone :) new to the group!

I am Becci, at the time of writing this I weigh 13st 4lbs, I am from Edinburgh :) and I have 50+ lbs to lose.

I started my journey on the 20th January and I have been blogging about it all here: http://becciweightloss.blogspot.com/

I have set myself a personal challenge and along with that I will be fundraising for the NSPCC. From the 2nd March to the 4th May, my goal is to loss 20lbs by eating healthily and working out along to Jillian Michael's Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism fitness DVD. In the month of April I will be stepping up my attempts and will be adding in Jillian's 6 Week Six-Pack DVD. I will be working out almost every day from now to lose those pounds and it is only fair that they go straight to the NSPCC.

Also the amount of lbs I lose, I will then be donating that amount to the NSPCC myself :)

here is the page if you are interested in seeing it and maybe even donating, Becci's Losing 20lbs For the NSPCC http://www.justgiving.com/BeccisLosing20lbsForNSPCC

After than I have signed up to do the 5K Race for Life in South Queensferry on the 6th May and then the 10K Race for Life in Holyrood Park (Edinburgh) on the 17th June. For these two I will be starting the C25K program in a couple of weeks :)

Feel free to add me and talk to me :)


  • JaneUK
    JaneUK Posts: 102
    Hi Becci - good luck with your weight loss and challenges! You have made a great start already :-)
  • beccci91
    beccci91 Posts: 214
    Hi Becci - good luck with your weight loss and challenges! You have made a great start already :-)

    Thanks! :) I just hope that I am as confident about all of them in a month or so! lol
  • gtfcnat
    gtfcnat Posts: 199
    Hi Becci

    Welcome to the group and good luck with your journey :smile:

  • beccci91
    beccci91 Posts: 214
    Hi Becci

    Welcome to the group and good luck with your journey :smile:


    Thanks :D
  • chicken46
    Hi All, I have just joined the group, its nice to find some people from the UK! I joined MFP about a month ago and have lost 6lb from the 10lb I intend to lose to get to my target of 9st. I am training for a 5k run in June this year and go to the gym three times week. Please feel free to add me if you want. Gill:smile: