Tate vs Rousy

irridia Posts: 527 Member
From the mma corner website BEFORE the fight: "Unlike Rousey’s past opponents, Tate is an elite competitor who is well versed on the ground. She likely will be the superior striker in this affair, and brings a high level of wrestling into this match-up. Her combination of skills and experience will push Rousey far beyond 50 seconds, and will test Rousey’s all-around game.

While I don’t think Rousey will fail that test miserably, I do think she’ll be humbled in this outing. Tate will show Rousey just how much tougher the competition is at the very top of the mountain. In the end, Tate’s wrestling, striking and her submission defense will give her the edge en route to a unanimous decision victory."

I'd say that was a failed prediction and not one I would have made. Yeah she went more than 50 seconds, but not much in the greater scheme of things. Rousy almost had her the 1st time, in fact I think she damaged the arm in the 1st attempt, but OMG does Tate have some Rhino sized cahones! I was screaming at the tv for her to freakin tap! Then she was just laying there focusing on breathing while they did whatever they did to her arm. *shudders*

I still like Rousy despite her less than graceful post-win interview and Tate was quite gracious in defeat, though I think it was a bit much to have to have her arm literally bent backwards in order to give Rousy due respect.

AAND I would totally love to see Rush Limbah call these ladies "*kitten*/sluts" to their faces, one at a time or together, it really wouldn't matter. In a ring so they didn't git in trouble for being the instruments of Kharma!

(glad I'm not the mamma of a girl mma fighter, though I am of a boy) she shoudda tapped sooner!


  • neekz0r
    neekz0r Posts: 41 Member
    MMA girls are tough as nails. One of my athletes had her second MMA fight. She had her arm broken in the first round. She continued the fight til the third -- went all the way. She lost by judges decision -- and it wasn't unanimous. She literally fought with a broken arm for two and a half rounds and still won some rounds. How crazy is that?
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    crazy peoples! I felt like Nogera had less time to tap before Mir broke his arm and he was too late! Thus far the info I've found is that there's no bones broken but I bet her synovial capsule is busted and they are looking for ligament damage. Good thing it wasn't bone, I could see how braking the olecrenon could be career ending.

    Winning rounds w/a broken arm is just crazy. I don't think I would have gotten into mma had it been around when I was younger cause I don't like getting hit, but who knows. Hurtling towards 52, however it is nowhere in my cards.

    Also this is why mommies don't ref, I wouldda called it. ;-P
  • neekz0r
    neekz0r Posts: 41 Member
    She hid it from the ref and even from her corners. Sneaksy girl.