New here, friends, question..??



  • metzica
    metzica Posts: 24
    Hi, I'm new to this group too. I'm really ready to get serious and take control of my weight! It's nice to see there are others dealing with the same issues as I am.

    I've been on Levothyroxine for about 7 months now. I think it made a huge difference at first. (I was severely hypo... TSH 126), I take it first thing in the morning 6-7 am. I have noticed some of the ups and downs others mentioned, but I think that happens when I don't take my dose at the same time or if I eat too soon after, etc.

    Right now, I think my dose is not quite enough, I'm on 112 mcg and my most recent bw said my TSH was 3.9. I've told my endo that I'd like to be lower in the range but he won't adjust my meds unless I fall outside the normal range. When I was on 125 mcg previously I felt much better. I don't feel totally terrible now, but can definitely notice a difference!

    Feel free to add me, thanks for listening! :)