Feeling slighted.

My 14month old is constantly eating off my plate. I mean, I'm trying to have portion control but I'm still hungry after I share which leads to more snacking (healthy snacks but still have calories). Any suggestions? :-)


  • editnonnalynn
    editnonnalynn Posts: 495 Member
    Can you have a little side plate for the toddler that is YOUR sharing plate. If it has the same items and it is Momma's, that might be good enough for the bonding time. It also teaches him/her that sharing is positive and hourding is not. Hope you find a working answer. Praying for both of you.:happy:
  • sdershaw
    sdershaw Posts: 3 Member
    I don't have any advice, but just wanted to say that I totally know what you mean! My youngest daughter likes to do the same thing! Usually I will just offer to put some of mine on her plate (so she can have what Mommy is having), and then I get myself a little more. :)
  • TrishaGuy
    TrishaGuy Posts: 63
    I think making a side plate is a great idea....my kids are grown but my problem was they never ate all of their food so not to waste it I would eat it for them....VERY BAD IDEA!!!!! Prayers that this will work of both of you :)
  • naturallyhazel
    naturallyhazel Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you Ladies! I do want to promote sharing so I will try the extra plate. I usually eat after she's had her meal. I'll change the structure and we'll eat together. Then we both can enjoy mealtime :)