any gay parents out there?



  • I have two children, but now I am single..but hey! I'm still a parent :)
  • My wife and I have a 15 month old son (Liam) he is the light of our lives. It is hard when people question us about who the father is, is he is Liams life, we also get the question "so whos the dad or man in the relationship" I hate that question. But most of the people that have asked us questions ask because they have never known a same sex couple that had a child together so education is the key. :-)
  • LemonSnap
    LemonSnap Posts: 186 Member
    My partner and I have been together for nearly 14 years and she has, she says, enjoyed sharing the responsibility for my two children (their father and I were married and he is still in their life) since they were 10g and 12b.

    We all survived the teenage years with no lasting scars and now we delight in being Nanas to two little boys (3 and 1.5) and a baby girl (4 months).

    I feel very fortunate that we have both been warmly embraced by not only the 'spouses' of our children but also the spouses' families and friends. I would think we were a little confronting for some of our more conservative new extended family members initially.
  • My partner and I have 4 kids (10, 10, 6 and 4). I carried the twins and she carried the other 2 (I'm more efficient and knocked mine out in one pregnancy:) ).

    So far all of our kids have gone though the "But I want to have a Dad stage" I can't blame them - I liked having both a Mom and a Dad, but they all kind of "get over that" by around 5-6 years old. They're friends don't seem to care and the older ones have never said it's an issue at school. They go to a rather small private school where there are other 2 mom families so that might help. Mostly they want different parents because we're "mean" and "yell" at them too much just because they don't get their homework done and stuff. How dare we!!

    Oh - got a dog and a lizard also.
  • kieva626
    kieva626 Posts: 191 Member
    This thread gave me goosebumps, I can't wait to start a family of our own. We just got a puppy I guess thats a start lol.
  • narrington77
    narrington77 Posts: 98 Member
    I have 2 kids (obviously by the picture lol) and my girlfriend has an 8 year old son... so far i haven't dealt with any issue stemming from our life and relationship, the kids love her and her son is old enough to know we are together and he just wants her happy... my ex however makes life miserable sometimes.. but aside from that its all good in the hood :)
  • packersfn7
    packersfn7 Posts: 62 Member
    This thread gave me goosebumps, I can't wait to start a family of our own. We just got a puppy I guess thats a start lol.

    I really enjoyed reading this thread, too. My partner and I are still some years away from having kids. We're still adjusting to handling our two 15-pound dogs.
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    My wife and I have been together 12 years. We have 2 boys, one just turned 17 and the other will be 20 in May. We are eagerly looking forward to child free days :)
  • LemonSnap
    LemonSnap Posts: 186 Member
    My wife and I have been together 12 years. We have 2 boys, one just turned 17 and the other will be 20 in May. We are eagerly looking forward to child free days :)

    LOL Already started measuring up their rooms for the conversion have you Karen?

    We actually downsized after the kids left home but now that they have families of their own we find that we overflow into the 'Bed and Breakfast' next door when everyone comes for occasions like Christmas.

  • HopeBay
    HopeBay Posts: 32
    My wife and I have a 4 year old son.
  • TweedleDebo
    TweedleDebo Posts: 423 Member
    I have an 11 yr old son and an 8 yr old daughter from previous relationships with men. My girlfriend shares the responsiblity of raising them with me. Their fathers are in their lives. Let me tell you, it's interesting for sure. My children don't care that we are together. My son thinks of her as a friend, not just "mom's girlfriend". My daughter says that she is lucky because she has 3 moms: me, my girlfriend and her stepmom at her dad's house. I got a ring last week, not a proposal, just a right hand ring and my daughter's reaction was, "Does that mean that y'all are getting married?!" I told her no and she replied with "Dang it! I want y'all to hurry up and get married already. We can go somewhere so you can do it for real and I want to be your bridesmaid!" We live in South Carolina, so not only can we not get married here, but about half of the population is NOT okay with it. However, the kids both have friends come over to spend the night all of the time & I am completely up front with their parents that we are a lesbian couple and that I want to be sure that they are okay with that beforehand. So far I have yet to have one parent change their mind about letting their child spend the night with us or go places with us.

    On the bright side, I am happier than I have ever been. My gf and I both have excellent government jobs (she's a cop!) and we are completely out to anyone that asks. I actually have our family portrait sitting on my desk for all to see. The kids go to public school and are involved in recreational sports. All of the teachers & admin at school are on a first name basis with us and I was actually named Parent of the Week twice within the past 6 months. My gf was asked to help coach her T-ball team 2 years ago.

    It isn't all rainbows and smiles, though. The general public will get to you if you let them. We hear ridicule everywhere that we go from complete strangers and my own cousin turned me away from the church that we grew up in together. Her husband is the pastor now and she informed me that if I brought my kids there that they would be taught that I am a sinner and that they should be praying for me to change my lifestyle. Needless to say we will NEVER step foot in that church again. We have a church now that is wonderful & the pastor is totally fine with our family. I also catch it quite often from the dads. My daughter tells me constantly that when she is at his house that he talks badly about me and my gf, i.e. that she shouldn't live with us because we are gay. He actually accused me of trying to make her a lesbian. I have learned to just let it roll off of my back like water on a duck. He doesn't realize that he isn't hurting me. He is only hurting his relationship with his daughter. My son has been taught at his dad's house that I am a sinner and I am going to Hell because it says so in The Bible. That is why it is so important to me to show him that not every person of faith is against us.

    Wow...sorry for writing so much. Once I get started on this subject I can't stop.

    So, for the ones that do have kids: You will have good days & bad, but you have to keep your head up, be proud of the amazingly fearful person that you are and raise open-minded, accepting & loving children. For the ones of you that don't: Do not EVER let society place fear upon your heart. You are as deserving as any other human being to have children.

  • My son just turned 3 and I always wondered how I would explain it to him and how he would handle his mom being gay...this makes me feel much better! Thanks!
  • brayaddie
    brayaddie Posts: 101 Member
    My partner & I have (my) 6 year old to a previous same-sex relationship & our daughter (18 mos) & our son (1 mos) Life is happy being Gay!! My son says I went to school and had to tell about my family & when I said I had two moms a little boy in school said "No you can't have two moms!) my son proudly said " I do!" I agree with another poster here, The more we educate people about "us" the more accepting it will be!!! Feel free to add me!
  • mm2two
    mm2two Posts: 10
    I am the parent of a 4.5 year old. I adopted as a single person and continue to fly solo. I am hoping to adopt a second child sometime within the next's totally a work in progress. My daughter has several partnered folks in her life, including one godmother and one godfather (one was not partnered at the time of her baptism, the other is married to an agnostic Jew). She talks about her godparents and their partners all the time at school and so far everything has been great. Her teacher is very open to the diversity of living situations in the classroom - and there is enormous diversity...being a single lesbian parent is among the simple situations!

    I can't imagine life without my daughter and hope my second comes to us soon!
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    My wife and I have been together 12 years. We have 2 boys, one just turned 17 and the other will be 20 in May. We are eagerly looking forward to child free days :)

    LOL Already started measuring up their rooms for the conversion have you Karen?

    We actually downsized after the kids left home but now that they have families of their own we find that we overflow into the 'Bed and Breakfast' next door when everyone comes for occasions like Christmas.


    As a matter of fact, yes, we are :) We were just discussing that our eldest boy''s room would make a great exercise room. Right now we have a gym membership, but when he finishes college (2 more years) and has a place of his own....... Of course, we'll have to get a shovel to actually get in there in the first place! :)
  • novelty79
    novelty79 Posts: 11 Member
    I have an almost 3 year old son with my ex partner. We were together for 6 years, and separated about a year ago. We are getting better at co-parenting day by day :) Anyone that might have experience with this, I would love to hear from you!
  • My partner has a 15 and a half year old son.. yes the half is important because he just got his drivers permit. :) We've been together almost 6 years, before me she was with another woman for 9 years and with his dad before that. In some respects we are very lucky.. we live in the bay area so gay parenting just isn't an issue really, his dad is active in his life and has always been great about support even when he's been out of work.

    It's funny considering where we live, but all of his friends are totally ok with the "gay" thing, but he gets irritated when people ask him about his mom and if anything he steers away from the topic. He doesn't want anything to do with anything that is going to separate him from the norm right now. I think he's a little over sensitive to peer pressure and has unfortunately made some questionable decisions.

    We are in a good place now.. it's not easy, but it's stable after dealing with girls and drugs and ADHD and issues at school. He's finally starting to settle in. He spends the majority of his time when he's not at school at a mixed martial arts gym getting ready to start competing or working with our 4 month old Pit Bull puppy.
  • mSquared77
    mSquared77 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm a proud daddy to two boys ages 8 and 5. I was meant to be a dad, and they are by far my best attribute. =)
  • My partner and I have 4 children (I had them in a previous marriage and they live with their father) ages 15, 13, 8, and 7 - They love us together and we raise them together with their father and stepmother. It is not all peaches.There have been some hard times - never the first and won't be the last, but we manage as a family ;)

    We also have 2 Dogs - Rocky, Shyanne, 1 Puppy - Storm, 3 Cats - Jr, Chico, Dakota , and 2 Kittens - Chloe, and Zoe

    Full HOUSE!
  • Panaru
    Panaru Posts: 36 Member
    I am Bi and transgender (ftm) and have two kids. (2 1/2 and 8 months, both boys!) I Look like a women and act like a man but my kids don't ever seem to care!
    Their father is also Bi so we are one odd family.. Sometimes I wish I were just born a man so people would not be so freaked out..
    Sadly more people are upset knowing your transgender with kids then gay! I don't know why but I guess it's just hard for most people to get.
    I let my first son call my daddy a long time till his grandmother got really upset over it. Then we had our Peds saying they thought it was bad for him to call me that. Before I knew it I almost had to worry about them wanting to get the state involved..
    It has been a very long road for us dealing with it and kids. I just don't tell people anymore and look the part of a mom to keep people from freaking out about it.
    But my kids are "normal" I think. My older son like everything from toy story to hello kitty! I let his pick what he wants and don't judge him or tell him "this is for girls only" I try to let them be them and remember that liking Pink or Blue does not define who your are.
    I get lots of slack over toys I let them have too.. I let my son have a snow white baby doll for Christmas and people about shat bricks over it. Huhh.. Some days it is hard but I tell myself he will grow up knowing who he really is and wants to be and that's what matters! Gender rolls suck and I try hard to keep my kids free from them.