Eating more....and gaining



  • sedosher
    sedosher Posts: 142 Member
    I weighted at our work "weight loss" meetings today and gained 1 lb since last week! I was expecting it but it doesn't make it easier. :( I am defnitely sticking to it since I just started lifting yesterday but have slowly increased my calories over the last week. I weight at home for MFP weigh-in this Friday so maybe it will have improved by then. :) I try not to rely on the scale but it is very hard!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I ate alot of sodium this past weekend and lift really really heavy weights, my big muscles, quads, hams, and glute were screaming at me until yesterday, went up about 3lbs, this morning, it' all gone.

    I have been eating extra food for a week now.... hoping the scales are heading back in the right direction but we shall see. Have yet to measure myself to see if there is loss there.

    I had a rotten day yesterday, I questioned all of this.... but I had a great workout, fueled my body and back to thinking positive thoughts again.... if you have a rough day, reach out to us..... and just get through 1 more day....see how you feel the next !!
  • trishadams
    trishadams Posts: 104 Member
    I had a rotten day yesterday, I questioned all of this.... but I had a great workout, fueled my body and back to thinking positive thoughts again.... if you have a rough day, reach out to us..... and just get through 1 more day....see how you feel the next !!

    That is such great advice tabinmaine!! I am several weeks into increased cals and lifting heavier weights. The scale showed an increase on Saturday of 8lbs from when I started this experiment (that's how I think of it). This morning 4 of them are gone. And it's TTOM to boot! Now, here's the best part....I started to panic because I wondered if I was gaining enough muscle. While I know women are only capable of gaining a small amount of muscle per week, I had to smile at the fact that I panicked over a big drop on the scale!

    I have had a few hard days (mostly because I am a recovering binger and slip up every now and again), but I am committed to see this through! Getting through that one day where you start questioning if it's really the right thing to do is definitely the hardest part. Re-reading all the threads, articles or checking in with someone who has been through it always gets me turned back around.
  • redmapleleaf
    redmapleleaf Posts: 56 Member
    bumping to read later since I'm having the same problem and I'm starting to get a little nervous.
  • mstemen
    mstemen Posts: 111 Member
    I find this all very encouraging since I've been battling the same few pounds FOREVER! I lost 29 pounds since I started late Septemeber and I have been stuck for a few months. I just recently upped my calories from 1580 to 1720 which is just below my BMR so I'm hoping this will help. I've also decided to stop focusing on cardio so much and start lifting heavier.

    A question for all you heavy lifters, how much do you typically lift and what do you consider heavy lifting?
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I find this all very encouraging since I've been battling the same few pounds FOREVER! I lost 29 pounds since I started late Septemeber and I have been stuck for a few months. I just recently upped my calories from 1580 to 1720 which is just below my BMR so I'm hoping this will help. I've also decided to stop focusing on cardio so much and start lifting heavier.

    A question for all you heavy lifters, how much do you typically lift and what do you consider heavy lifting?

    It differs for each person. But if you could just keep going forever and ever (or beyond 12-15 reps,lol) your weights are probably way too light. Although different rep ranges serve different purposes. When trying to figure out what's heavy for you, try finding weights that give you a challenge in the 8-10 rep range, meaning that 10th rep should be a real struggle. You can base your other weight range choices around that weight so that when you change your rep pattern you can go up or down accordingly.

    For instance: If you can bench press 100 lbs for 10-12 reps, then at the 6-8 rep range, you'd lift 115 or so.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I find this all very encouraging since I've been battling the same few pounds FOREVER! I lost 29 pounds since I started late Septemeber and I have been stuck for a few months. I just recently upped my calories from 1580 to 1720 which is just below my BMR so I'm hoping this will help. I've also decided to stop focusing on cardio so much and start lifting heavier.

    A question for all you heavy lifters, how much do you typically lift and what do you consider heavy lifting?

    I just noticed you stated you are eating just below your should be eating 15% or so below your TDEE for weight loss. Please take a look at the TDEE topic on here for more information.
  • mstemen
    mstemen Posts: 111 Member
    I find this all very encouraging since I've been battling the same few pounds FOREVER! I lost 29 pounds since I started late Septemeber and I have been stuck for a few months. I just recently upped my calories from 1580 to 1720 which is just below my BMR so I'm hoping this will help. I've also decided to stop focusing on cardio so much and start lifting heavier.

    A question for all you heavy lifters, how much do you typically lift and what do you consider heavy lifting?

    I just noticed you stated you are eating just below your should be eating 15% or so below your TDEE for weight loss. Please take a look at the TDEE topic on here for more information.

    My BMR is 1888 and TDEE is 2259. 15% of that would be 1920 so they're pretty close. I have my calories on MFP set to lose 1lb per week which brings my calories up to 1780 which is right around the 500 calorie per day deficet instead of the almost 1000 I've been at. Does this look about right?
  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    I came here to ask a question and got exactly what I needed by looking thru the posts. ;-D so thankful for this group.

    I swear, I live by "THE SCALE IS A TWO-FACED LIAR" motto now and I rely on my husband's eyes as my mirror/scale and progress pictures. LOL I fluctuate sooo much during the week I truly don't know what the heck I weigh. But I do know that I am constantly seeing my strength increase and I'm definitely seeing quicker definition since I started lifting heavier (Barbie bells are for kids and do not produce results) and upped my cals.
  • SwimKitty
    SwimKitty Posts: 122 Member
    I gained 5 pound initially, now losing again.

    Anyway, you have to see this girl! Her transformation is just amazing! It's a great example of why you should lift heavy and NOT worry about the numbers on the scale.

    PS - absolutely no disrepect meant to nerds (I'm sure I am one in denial).
  • trishadams
    trishadams Posts: 104 Member
    I find this all very encouraging since I've been battling the same few pounds FOREVER! I lost 29 pounds since I started late Septemeber and I have been stuck for a few months. I just recently upped my calories from 1580 to 1720 which is just below my BMR so I'm hoping this will help. I've also decided to stop focusing on cardio so much and start lifting heavier.

    A question for all you heavy lifters, how much do you typically lift and what do you consider heavy lifting?

    I just noticed you stated you are eating just below your should be eating 15% or so below your TDEE for weight loss. Please take a look at the TDEE topic on here for more information.

    My BMR is 1888 and TDEE is 2259. 15% of that would be 1920 so they're pretty close. I have my calories on MFP set to lose 1lb per week which brings my calories up to 1780 which is right around the 500 calorie per day deficet instead of the almost 1000 I've been at. Does this look about right?

    Some increase their calories at a slower pace than others, but I would definitely get your cal intake at least to your bmr sooner rather than later.
  • mstemen
    mstemen Posts: 111 Member
    I find this all very encouraging since I've been battling the same few pounds FOREVER! I lost 29 pounds since I started late Septemeber and I have been stuck for a few months. I just recently upped my calories from 1580 to 1720 which is just below my BMR so I'm hoping this will help. I've also decided to stop focusing on cardio so much and start lifting heavier.

    A question for all you heavy lifters, how much do you typically lift and what do you consider heavy lifting?

    I just noticed you stated you are eating just below your should be eating 15% or so below your TDEE for weight loss. Please take a look at the TDEE topic on here for more information.

    My BMR is 1888 and TDEE is 2259. 15% of that would be 1920 so they're pretty close. I have my calories on MFP set to lose 1lb per week which brings my calories up to 1780 which is right around the 500 calorie per day deficet instead of the almost 1000 I've been at. Does this look about right?

    Some increase their calories at a slower pace than others, but I would definitely get your cal intake at least to your bmr sooner rather than later.

    Ok I think I'll just set it there and see how that works out for me. Thanks for all the great info!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I find this all very encouraging since I've been battling the same few pounds FOREVER! I lost 29 pounds since I started late Septemeber and I have been stuck for a few months. I just recently upped my calories from 1580 to 1720 which is just below my BMR so I'm hoping this will help. I've also decided to stop focusing on cardio so much and start lifting heavier.

    A question for all you heavy lifters, how much do you typically lift and what do you consider heavy lifting?

    I just noticed you stated you are eating just below your should be eating 15% or so below your TDEE for weight loss. Please take a look at the TDEE topic on here for more information.

    My BMR is 1888 and TDEE is 2259. 15% of that would be 1920 so they're pretty close. I have my calories on MFP set to lose 1lb per week which brings my calories up to 1780 which is right around the 500 calorie per day deficet instead of the almost 1000 I've been at. Does this look about right?

    Some increase their calories at a slower pace than others, but I would definitely get your cal intake at least to your bmr sooner rather than later.

    Ok I think I'll just set it there and see how that works out for me. Thanks for all the great info!

    Hey lady once you you try eating BMR, if you don't start loosing in two weeks bump up to the 15% off tdee cut. Hun I didn't loose until I started eating 1800. I tried 1500 for 6 mos..nothing and my BMR is 1459.

    Make sure t eat back exercise cal too.
  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    I find this all very encouraging since I've been battling the same few pounds FOREVER! I lost 29 pounds since I started late Septemeber and I have been stuck for a few months. I just recently upped my calories from 1580 to 1720 which is just below my BMR so I'm hoping this will help. I've also decided to stop focusing on cardio so much and start lifting heavier.

    A question for all you heavy lifters, how much do you typically lift and what do you consider heavy lifting?

    I just noticed you stated you are eating just below your should be eating 15% or so below your TDEE for weight loss. Please take a look at the TDEE topic on here for more information.

    My BMR is 1888 and TDEE is 2259. 15% of that would be 1920 so they're pretty close. I have my calories on MFP set to lose 1lb per week which brings my calories up to 1780 which is right around the 500 calorie per day deficet instead of the almost 1000 I've been at. Does this look about right?

    Some increase their calories at a slower pace than others, but I would definitely get your cal intake at least to your bmr sooner rather than later.

    Ok I think I'll just set it there and see how that works out for me. Thanks for all the great info!

    Hey lady once you you try eating BMR, if you don't start loosing in two weeks bump up to the 15% off tdee cut. Hun I didn't loose until I started eating 1800. I tried 1500 for 6 mos..nothing and my BMR is 1459.

    Make sure t eat back exercise cal too.

    Lucia...during those 6 months at 1500, did you ever attempt (or struggle with the temptation) to go lower before you finally went higher?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I find this all very encouraging since I've been battling the same few pounds FOREVER! I lost 29 pounds since I started late Septemeber and I have been stuck for a few months. I just recently upped my calories from 1580 to 1720 which is just below my BMR so I'm hoping this will help. I've also decided to stop focusing on cardio so much and start lifting heavier.

    A question for all you heavy lifters, how much do you typically lift and what do you consider heavy lifting?

    I just noticed you stated you are eating just below your should be eating 15% or so below your TDEE for weight loss. Please take a look at the TDEE topic on here for more information.

    My BMR is 1888 and TDEE is 2259. 15% of that would be 1920 so they're pretty close. I have my calories on MFP set to lose 1lb per week which brings my calories up to 1780 which is right around the 500 calorie per day deficet instead of the almost 1000 I've been at. Does this look about right?

    Some increase their calories at a slower pace than others, but I would definitely get your cal intake at least to your bmr sooner rather than later.

    Ok I think I'll just set it there and see how that works out for me. Thanks for all the great info!

    Hey lady once you you try eating BMR, if you don't start loosing in two weeks bump up to the 15% off tdee cut. Hun I didn't loose until I started eating 1800. I tried 1500 for 6 mos..nothing and my BMR is 1459.

    Make sure t eat back exercise cal too.

    Lucia...during those 6 months at 1500, did you ever attempt (or struggle with the temptation) to go lower before you finally went higher?

    ABSOLUTELY DID THAT!!! Over and over...I was so frustrated I can't express how much. Funny thing. Found days when I would spike eating I would have a loss but then back up it went...just up down over and over. It wasnt until I did 1800 that I started seeing such progress I have never looked back. I recently upped again bec I plateaued eating 1950...whew.
  • mstemen
    mstemen Posts: 111 Member
    I find this all very encouraging since I've been battling the same few pounds FOREVER! I lost 29 pounds since I started late Septemeber and I have been stuck for a few months. I just recently upped my calories from 1580 to 1720 which is just below my BMR so I'm hoping this will help. I've also decided to stop focusing on cardio so much and start lifting heavier.

    A question for all you heavy lifters, how much do you typically lift and what do you consider heavy lifting?

    I just noticed you stated you are eating just below your should be eating 15% or so below your TDEE for weight loss. Please take a look at the TDEE topic on here for more information.

    My BMR is 1888 and TDEE is 2259. 15% of that would be 1920 so they're pretty close. I have my calories on MFP set to lose 1lb per week which brings my calories up to 1780 which is right around the 500 calorie per day deficet instead of the almost 1000 I've been at. Does this look about right?

    Some increase their calories at a slower pace than others, but I would definitely get your cal intake at least to your bmr sooner rather than later.

    Ok I think I'll just set it there and see how that works out for me. Thanks for all the great info!

    Hey lady once you you try eating BMR, if you don't start loosing in two weeks bump up to the 15% off tdee cut. Hun I didn't loose until I started eating 1800. I tried 1500 for 6 mos..nothing and my BMR is 1459.

    Make sure t eat back exercise cal too.

    Awesome. I will try that. Thanks :)