WoW Servers?



  • I'm on Malfurion and Shadow Counsel

    Horde on Malfuction and Ally on Shadow Counsel. I been on Malfuction since it was just 5 mins old which was about 6 or so years ago. I was originally on Proudmore but my RL bf got tired of the 1 1/2 hour give or take wait to get to play back in pre BC
  • I play on the Alliance side. i am in Korin Tor.

    you know we could all start a new Guild on a new Realm and call us the MFP
  • Asheea
    Asheea Posts: 211 Member
    US Earthen Ring. Alliance all the way! :) Well, I should say that ER is my home for my main avatars.
    I do have an Horde realm Shadowsong but I don't play much Horde. Just can't seem to get into them that much.
    I have filled up ER so I do have a few Alliance alts on Sisters of Elune. :)
  • Horde on Winterhoof
    85 Goblin Shaman - Shámmywów
    85 Tauren Druid - Pitbüll
    81 BELF Priest - Evelina

    Alliance on Lethon
    85 Worgen Hunter - Pionden
    85 Draenai Mage - Icelord
    85 NELF Warrior - Valadhiel
  • ednabnana
    ednabnana Posts: 304

    Yumi 85 mage
    Badunk 85 Warrior
    Mabaho 85 DK
    Renovator 85 Druid
    rogue, priest, shaman, pally too
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Alleria - Alliance since day one of vanilla... ok, maybe it was day 40 :P and most of my toons currently reside there, though they have bounced back and forth between there and Thrall over the years. Still maintain a priest on Thrall as well since a guild of friends transferred there with one of the many realm splits.
  • Acherona
    Acherona Posts: 134 Member
    I am on the EU servers.

    I have alliance on stormrage and bronzebeard and i have horde on chamber of aspects :D

    I have one of everything My main big girl is Prozacneeded 82 human paladin :D
  • ashreycakes
    ashreycakes Posts: 12
    I play on Gnomeregan, Horde side.
    I have a couple Alliance alt's here and there but I'm a troll at heart.

    Rixe @ Gnomeregan if anyone would like to check my toon out. <3
  • traceyjayne64
    traceyjayne64 Posts: 262
    EU Vek'nilash Horde :smile:
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Underbog :)
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Exodar, mostly Horde. I just started a Worgen Priest on the same server though.

    We're exodar alliance. I play horde on Zangermarsh or i do some hordies on pvp relms, but our mains are on Exodar alliance, been there over 5 years, and have a decent size guild over there.
  • tai3
    tai3 Posts: 17
    Dentarg (horde primarily, have an ally 85 there as well)

    have also been on Draka (still have toons there)
    and a couple of others I can't remember off the top of my head
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    Exodar, mostly Horde. I just started a Worgen Priest on the same server though.

    We're exodar alliance. I play horde on Zangermarsh or i do some hordies on pvp relms, but our mains are on Exodar alliance, been there over 5 years, and have a decent size guild over there.

    Good to know. I plan on starting back up when Mists releases. We just had another baby so not too much time to invest in an MMO. Trying to finish Skyward Sword instead at the moment.
  • Neahpata
    Neahpata Posts: 322 Member
    Kael'thas, Ally
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    I recently started playing again after quitting for 2.5 years. I'm on US-Dunemaul, which is now a low population server, it used to be a lot better. I play a Beast Mastery Blood Elf Hunter and with my scroll of resurrection I created a Holy Paladin (also bloodelf). Since my boyfriend and I are some of the only people that play out of our friends, we're thinking of transferring servers since ours is DEAD! Any suggestions?!

    Go Horde :P
  • Nina2723
    Nina2723 Posts: 26 Member
    Sargeras mainly but have old mains on grizzly hills
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I played on mauradin.
    I think about it all the time. Like a drug addict. I want to go back but I can't go back. Ugh

    Eta: horde bloodelf lock ftw!
  • Muldactus
    Muldactus Posts: 6,972 Member
    I'm Alliance side on the Dawnbringer server.

    85 Shaman
    85 Hunter
    85 Warrior
    85 Mage
    85 Paladin (man, I suck at paly's)
    73 Druid
    53 Priest

    Anyone interested in exchanging RealIDs and chatting ingame sometime?