new to the group

hey everyone! im a 25 year old mother of 3 young children ( 4 if you count my finance ) ;) ive struggled with my weight my whole life but after have 3 kids within 3 year the weight piled on... i look in the mirror and im discusted with myself.. im hopeing to change all of this and i believe i can if i can stay motivated. i took adipex about 2 years ago and lost around 60 pounds.. well now i weigh more than i did when i started taking it.. im hopeing that by doing it the right way i can lose weight and keep it off... hopeing to lose 95 to 100 lbs.. any advice or friend request would be greatly appreciated


  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Hi i'm Charlotte, 26, married with a little boy who is 5. I haven't been skinny since puberty struck grrrr!!!
    Slimmed down a couple of years ago but then went back to work and all the good work started to slip and here i am back to being over weight and no job !
    Hoping to make it stick properly this time, friends are always welcome.
  • hayleydev13
    hayleydev13 Posts: 9 Member

    Im 25 and since moving in with my partner ive gained around 50lbs!! eek!
    Looking to get that excess weight shifted!
    Any advice would be greatly appriciated and all new friends welcome! Good Luck everyone!
  • RunsForFood
    RunsForFood Posts: 110 Member
    Hi! I'm Ami, 24 and married with an almost 2 year old boy. I lost 15lbs over a year ago, and hit my I'm trying to lose the last 15lbs and finally hit my goals of losing 30lbs! I am new here too and could definitely use some friends :)