Anyone else fallen behind already?

logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
I feel so sh•tty about this, but with helping my parents move on my days off work (they live an hour away) I've ended up only working out 4 of the first 8 days. I certainly don't plan on missing any more days, but I also don't know if I can play catch-up by working out twice in one day, plus I'm not sure if that's a bad idea. Has anyone else tried multiple workouts in a day? Thoughts?


  • GMC_81
    GMC_81 Posts: 193 Member
    Me!! *raises hand*
    I'm behind, the weekends throw all my plans out the window, so I'm not where I had hoped or keeping up at all right now, but the way I look at it is for every minute I do complete I'm winning the race with my old self who'd still be on the couch making more excuses.
    Personally I wouldn't do more than one to catch up, think for me it'd be too much for me to be honest.
  • momotivation
    momotivation Posts: 72 Member
    I've am one day behind and i thought about doing a catch up as well but cant seem to make up my mind. I agree as long as you do try as often as you can limiting once per day you should be good. Maybe go for an extra walk our something to make up for missing out.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    I'm 2 days behind, but that's not my biggest issue! I overslept yesterday and had to do it last night...then I was too lazy to do it again this morning, so I'm stuck to do at night again...I think I'm gonna just go ahead and do it tonight, then suck it up and do it tomorrow morning then I'll be reset...I HATE WORKING OUT AT NIGHT...unless it's running with my hubbers...that I like...especially with more daylight starting Sunday...because running in the light>running in the dark and running outside>running on the treadmill!!!
  • beez89
    beez89 Posts: 182 Member
    I missed one day :)
    I have been helping with moving some of my family from to New York to Michigan.

    It's okay if you miss days, we just have to keep going! :)

    I missed a good 7 days out of the last round I did and still saw results, so aslong as we stay focused and keep working hard I'm sure we will be just fine :)
  • NubianSpirit
    NubianSpirit Posts: 101 Member
    missing a day is so easy to do, the important thing is to pick your weights back up and get back on track. i ended up falling behind on the february shread as well, and like bianca, i saw results anyway. :bigsmile:

    i missed one day this week, so i did a double last night. in terms of doing doubles, you definitely have to listen to your body when it comes to whether or not this is feasible for you. in the past (meaning february), i did my double workouts a couple of ways - sometimes i did them back to back, and other times i did one in the morning and the second one later in the day.

    best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    :happy: Wow...glad there is a TOPIC about falling behind...cause I did, too! For all who is JOURNEY...and as long as we don't QUIT...we WIN!! ... You gals are doing GRREEAT! I just completed Day 7, Level 1...but best of all I see the results in my body and my energy!!! WTG ALL!
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks guys! Glad I'm not the only one lol. Finished day 5 today, I'll probably get 2 in tomorrow since I'm not working, so then I'll have 7 days finished instead of 10.