tljones63 Posts: 11 Member
Just wanted to here from some ladys my age, all most 50. Have 30pds. to lose. Have lost
6 pds. Thats better then putting on 6ps.
Love this web site. and myfitnesspal. was on ww i think this is better. !!!!Have a great evening


  • bcirone
    bcirone Posts: 11 Member

    I've been a fitness pal member for a while, but just started to log my food daily about a month ago and love it! I will be the big 5-0 in September, and thought I'd check out this group. This is the first time I've perused the message boards and hope we can share helpful information.

    I am a working mom of 14 yr old daughter, happily married for 16 years and live in Northeast (usa).

  • Greetings EVERYBODY,

    Feel free to call me FAITH! which stands for = Fully Achieving Independence Through Health (it also helps me remember what I need of most!) My FAITH! journey began after I lost my mother who had been a stroke survivor, but eventually died of a series of heart attacks. Later I learned that I was at risk of the same thing happening to me. I thought I was in pretty good health, just a little over weight. With 5 children I knew I had to reduce my risk and learn the warning signs of stroke, heart disease & diabetes to break the cycle since my mother's mother had died from heart disease also.

    Since starting my FAITH! journey in 2005, I've loss & KEPT OFF over 60 lbs. The year I turned 50 I pushed myself to the edge & then jumped over, lol... while on a cruise I went rock wall climbing which was AMAZING, then trail running & did my first FULL 26.2 marathon ever! Getting HEALTHY has changed my life. I'm no expert, but I've developed a love for helping people get healthy & fit before it's to late. I'm available to share what's worked for me in hopes to help, inspire & encourage others to reach their HEALTHY Fitness goals too!

    By the way, I'm brand new to this site, I just joined today as a way 2 help my facebook "90 Days To Summer FITNESS Challenge BOOTCAMP!" group so I don't know anything about how this site works so please feel free to let me know if I do something wrong :-) Blessings from FAITH!
  • wtp2000
    wtp2000 Posts: 10 Member
    Morning all .. thank goodness for the weekend. I am turning 50 in September of this year. I did WW last year and lost about 35 lbs., but put most of it back on after I thought I could do it on my own and dropped out of the on-line program. So I'm trying again. A friend at work pointed me to this site and I've been doing pretty good, but I've only just begun. We are having a "biggest loser" team contest at work, which is really helping since I have alot of people going through the same thing with me. Yesterday was our first team weigh-in and we lost 66.7 lbs. as a group (12 members). I contributed -5.6 lbs. and am very happy with that. I just need some friends to encourage me and keep me motivated after our contest is over at work and I'm back on my own again. I'd like to lose about 50 lbs. My daughter is only 12 and I want to be able to keep up with her and make her proud of me as she gets into her teen years (I also have a 19 year old and 24 year old son).
  • crafterpaula
    crafterpaula Posts: 47 Member
    hi ,i turned 50 last year and so far it's been great! I 've dropped 106pds and on the last 3 pds! and I am going to tell you it's been hard and trying but very worth it ! you will do it again and you keep telling yourself that your worth it because you ARE! the one thing that has really helpped me succeed is working out ,I work out 6 to 7 days a week i tyy not to burn less than 400 cal on most days i burn 800 cals and do weights 2 to 3 days aweek ;;;; you can all kinds of routines off the computer [just type in exersize routines and there will be all kind to choose from! and change up you work outs every 4 to 6 weeks thats what worked for me ! sorry I know I talk to much But all I want to do is help you succeed! please keep in touch even if you just want to talk ! its a long jouney and i would like to be a friend!
  • Hi, everyone! I'm 53 years old and have always struggled with my weight. I went to a nutritionist recently, and she directed me to this website. The only little difference is that she has me eating much more protein than is recommended here. I'm on day #18, and I've lost 6.6 pounds so far! Losing weight at this age is hard, but I refuse to give up. I lost my dad to diabetes a year and a half ago, and I'm currently caring for my mom with Alzheimer's. I had a baby in my 40's, so I know I have to be healthy if I want to be around to play with my grandbabies. That baby is now almost 12, and we are jogging together and ran our first 5k last spring. Life is good!
  • MyTyme2
    MyTyme2 Posts: 6
    Hi everyone! We have gained a lot of new members in the last week. I just joined mfp last week. I was doing great until the weekend hit. That is always a struggle-hubbie is not into all this fitness stuff. I am trying to get him to start using our Bowflex Sport though because he is loosing muscle tone in his arms. He is turning 60 this summer and I will be 59 so I want us to be in good shape and health for our "golden years". It is nice to read all of your comments and find out what works for people. I love to walk but it is snowing here in northern Idaho today so I did a 40 minute DVD of Jillian Michaels. Well, I need to get my protein shake so hope everyone has a great day!!
  • Dartmouth501
    Dartmouth501 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi MyTyme2, just give it some time and your husband might come around. After seeing my results my husband is totally on board with trying to eat healthier. He has always been active so that was not a problem, just unhealthy snacking.
  • crafterpaula
    crafterpaula Posts: 47 Member
    hi everyone !well so far i kept the weight off 108lb.., i decided to stop at 141 and feel good! i am just getting back into exersize ! i havent for 2 months do to being sick ! but i going to get fully back into the groove! i hope everyone is doing good and having a awsome summer!:smooched:
  • TeTeAngel
    TeTeAngel Posts: 66 Member
    Congrats Crafterpaula on getting it off and keeping it off. I am thinking 140 is about where I need to be (I am 5'4"). Sorry you have been ill, work your way back gradually. Enjoy your summer.
  • TeTeAngel, thats where I want to be too! and I am the same height I just started back again, cuz I gained 5 lbs since June-
    and I am making me some new goals! ( I have 36 lbs to go)
    Read my bible everyday
    Exercise 3 times a week
    Track my food
    Love my family
    Reward myself first reward---pedicure!
  • gina145
    gina145 Posts: 148 Member
    Just turned 50 in August...ran a 5K this weekend! I just would love to drop 15 pounds and it is a struggle. Hoping that the exercise will help to get it off and I like this site for support. Be Blessed, G.
  • made2wonder
    made2wonder Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome, gina. I'd like to lose 40 pounds, but it is certainly slow going for me. I'm 54, by the way.
  • CherisseT
    CherisseT Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Fabulous Ladies!

    I am new to the group. 2nd time around on MFP, but I plan on sticking it out this time! I want to lose at LEAST 70 pounds. Day one is today. Any help you can give would be awesome. Thanks so much.