new to the group

I am new to the group and thought I would say hi. I can see how this will work, I just wont eat so I do not have to log it. Day one starts right now.


  • Kanohane
    Kanohane Posts: 112 Member
    YAY! Someone made the group! Hi everyone :)
  • I'm new too! We can do this!!
  • LolaVaantz
    LolaVaantz Posts: 74 Member
    Hi folks! New to the group, will there be challenges and check-ins or just some solid supporting of each other? I'm up for either
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Just discovered myfitness pal! Looking to shed as many pounds as I can, which is a lot! Looking to meet some people and make some friends along the way! :D
  • linsey76A
    linsey76A Posts: 102
    Hello everyone. Just joined the group myself. Stared using MFP about a week ago. So far I am loving it. I am glad to see a group for support for people with a goal similar to my own.
  • Jocy50
    Jocy50 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this group and need all the help and encouragement I can get. I've been a member to MFP for a while now. I stopped coming but am now determined to make it work for me!
  • Bunn11
    Bunn11 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi new to the group but hoping a group with similar scale (no pun intended) goals will help encourage me to get there!

    Good luck everyone
  • ALHicks
    ALHicks Posts: 104 Member
    Hello everyone and welcome to the group. I made the group because i have some friend on MFP that work with me or are real life friends and we are doing a little compettion(I am a little competitive). However; they only have small amounts to lose and I wanted to have a group of friends who were dealing with the same struggle. I have been on MFP since the new year and have lost a little over 30 pounds. My goal is to do challenges and push eachother but I also like the idea of just checking in and supporting eachother. I think I will post a challenge every Sunday night an see how it does from there.
  • tammybunnie
    tammybunnie Posts: 2 Member
    HI, I am excited to be in your group. I have a desk job and I am just staring to workout. and I am having trouble eating enough each day ... any suggestions would be welcome. I have over 130 lbs to lose and I am trying to boost my metabolism!
  • skatters
    skatters Posts: 48
    Hello hello! I want to hang out with the COOL kids!! 36 yrs, 5'9" and need to lose 140 pounds or so. Good golly that's frightening to say out loud.
  • jayayach
    jayayach Posts: 178 Member
    Hi everyone! I just found the group, and am thrilled to find a group of people facing similar difficulties to mine. I started on MFP last summer and lost almost 30 pounds. Unfortunately, I got discouraged and gave up. That led to a horrible gain of most of the weight back. I now realize that the lack of support I experienced may have been a contributing factor in that. I'm looking to lose about 150 total and I know that we can all do this together!
  • smariere
    smariere Posts: 459 Member
    I really like the way the people on this site are so supportive. Its really helpful to me to see other people reaching their goals and encouraging each other.
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    Hi this will be my first group. I've lost 35 pounds already and now I'm finding that I want more friends and support. It is true that those who have less to lose don't understand. If anyone wants to add me as a friend as well, feel free!
  • ALHicks
    ALHicks Posts: 104 Member
    HI, I am excited to be in your group. I have a desk job and I am just staring to workout. and I am having trouble eating enough each day ... any suggestions would be welcome. I have over 130 lbs to lose and I am trying to boost my metabolism!

    Welcome to the group!!! I also have a deak job so I know how hard that can me sometimes. As for your question I wonder if you are eating enough protein. Usually my protein is where a majority of my calories come from.
  • ALHicks
    ALHicks Posts: 104 Member
    Hello hello! I want to hang out with the COOL kids!! 36 yrs, 5'9" and need to lose 140 pounds or so. Good golly that's frightening to say out loud.

    Saying it out loud and then begining to do something about it is the first step. Just think you are doing more then that person sitting on the couch.
  • ALHicks
    ALHicks Posts: 104 Member
    Hi everyone! I just found the group, and am thrilled to find a group of people facing similar difficulties to mine. I started on MFP last summer and lost almost 30 pounds. Unfortunately, I got discouraged and gave up. That led to a horrible gain of most of the weight back. I now realize that the lack of support I experienced may have been a contributing factor in that. I'm looking to lose about 150 total and I know that we can all do this together!

    Well I hope this group is the support and motivation you need.
  • faithcas
    faithcas Posts: 2
    Hi all,
    I've never joined a group before but am excited to have and hopefully give a little support.Glad to know I'm not alone on this long journey!Thanks.I'm 53 and need to loose . I just started this program and have lost 5 lbs it is daunting but you all are encouraging.
  • ALHicks
    ALHicks Posts: 104 Member
    Hi all,
    I've never joined a group before but am excited to have and hopefully give a little support.Glad to know I'm not alone on this long journey!Thanks.I'm 53 and need to loose . I just started this program and have lost 5 lbs it is daunting but you all are encouraging.

    Well we are happy to have you as a member of the group.
  • Hi! I'm Monica - I'm a total newbie! My sweet sister sent me an iinvite and I think this is just the tool I'll need to get started :) I've got a long way to go but I've done it before so I know I can do it again. It's just such a long road. Oh well, here I go again :)
  • kuhndog61
    kuhndog61 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm new too. Love MFP! I'm getting married May 12th. I'm not trying to lose weight for the wedding - I just don't want to die early now that I've found my soulmate.