What's happening in your life?



  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    Napa as in wine country? AHHHHHH....
    I spent tonight listening to my favorite group, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. They did a special concert in the Apollo theater in Harlem, NY. and for those of us not able to get invited, it was broadcast over Sirius XM satellite radio. I have danced and exercised to Bruce's music since I was 22 y.o.. No change in that tonight!!
    If Bruce can give a wild concert at 62 y.o. and climb to the balcony, I guess I can exercise too!
    Sweet dreams.
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    scsgaras I know what you mean about the older body. I realized about a year ago that as I lose weight I will not look the same as I did 15 years ago when I gained all the weight! What a shocker! My cellulose will never leave me now nor my crepe like skin. :sad:

    Most of the women in my family were overweight or obese. But they scrubbed floors, waxed the floors on their knees and generally did for free what I pay to do in exercise classes. Somewhere along the way I lost their smarts! :ohwell:
  • Punkicoleman
    Punkicoleman Posts: 78 Member
    Good news! The doctor is comfortable that the lump in my armpit is nothing of concern. Yeah!

    I was also able to snag the first-class award flight that I was trying to get, routing Zurich/Frankfurt/Seattle. I did in on line so now we are double booked and I am on hold with United trying to straighten it out. They merged with Continental a week ago and it has been virtually impossible to get through by phone ever since. Hopefully they will get it straightened out soon.

    Last night we went dancing at the Elks which has an amazing dance floor. I think I told you that I was sick last October through December 31 and got horribly out of shape. So being able to go out dancing is still a real treat for me.

    Sorry you guy have been losing posts. That is soooo frustrating. I always try to do a control C copy every paragraph or so to prevent total loss if my computer blips.

    I am hoping United will answer soon so I can go back to sleep. I have currently been on hold ffor 50 minutes. This is crazy.
  • graycatbird
    graycatbird Posts: 14 Member
    HI, everyone! I just joined this group -- just joined MFP about a week ago. Was looking for a group to join, and I liked the intro to this group. My name is Sue; I'm 65 years old and live in Portland, Maine. I love to garden and am getting really excited about spring coming!

    I've struggled with my weight and overeating my whole adult life. I've finally gotten myself into the habit of exercising, but am still struggling with the food. I'm reading "The Mayo Clinic Diet" (from the real Mayo Clinic, not one of the many diets that are not from the clinic), to try to get a plan going that emphasizes good nutrition more. Any one else have any experience that that diet? The first part, where you supposedly lose weight very quickly, is just too strict for me, so I'm not doing that. I need moderation, or I'll end up in a big backlash! It's happened to me more times than I care to think about.

    I belong to a gym and see many young, thin women there. I still feel like I'm 18 inside, but when I look at myself in the mirror, it's all too obvious that those days are gone forever! I'm working on acceptance of myself and acceptance of the reality that I'll never look like one of those young women in the gym again. But I can be healthy, and I can still look good (in an "older" kind of way!), and those are my goals.

    Anyway, I'm trying to get more involved with MFP in order to increase my motivation. This looks like a great group!

  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Graycatbird: Welcome aboard...we are kind of a new group but the support has been terrific. Gardening is a great exercise.:smile: Post on this message board or ask to friend any or all of us. Good luck in your journey, I think MFP is a powerul place to be.

    Punki:.great news now you can breathe free.

    Smackadoodle. Bruce concert sounded like fun. My son was born in NJ . Always tell him he is from Bruce's place. Yup, Napa is about 30 minutes away. Yesterday was such a good day. A dear friend who now lives in Southern Cal came to visit . She wanted to go over there for the day- It was a beautful sunny day about 72 degrees with the sun shining off the river. We strolled looking at the shops, ate lunch at one of the great places and caught up on our news. It just raised my spirits, so much. Winter back this week which means rain for us
    Keep dancing! :heart:

    Good thoughts for the weekend to all.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • scsgaras
    scsgaras Posts: 12 Member
    Stepping Stone - I love, love, love Nappa!! We have been there several times. Actually, we are heading to CA again in April but, unfortunately, not Nappa area this time. This time it's Yosemite and San Fran! Can't wait! Love SF too!!!

    Graycatbird: Welcome aboard. You'll love this group!

    Punki - Fantastic!! Now you can really enjoy your blue gown!!

    Smackadoodle - Raised in NJ and spent many a day at the Jersey Shore (beach to non folks from NJ). Attended an Elton John Concert last night and that also brought many memories back.
  • Punkicoleman
    Punkicoleman Posts: 78 Member
    Welcome, Sue. We are a new group launching ourselves on a journey to slim together. We are very glad to have you join us.

    I know I need all of the help, encouragement and enthusiasm that I can get to keep me going on my long journey to where I want to be. I have lots of little interim goals, some of my major target dates are April 29th for a cruise (-11), July 21st for my niece's wedding (-6), September 21 for my 50th HS reunion (-5). Then by December 5, another cruise where I will see an old flame, I want to be really toned and buff.

    I am not sure what I will be able to do with the thunder thighs, but I will just keep experimenting until I find something that works.

    So, please, everyone, help me keep on the straight and narrow and accoplish my goals. I promise that I will do whatever I can to help you as well.

  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Sue: Me too. Lucky to live close enough to visit when I feel like. Yosemite in April...Just the best time to go! Before the great crowds of summer. Although we have had a crazy winter, I hope the wildflowers are in bloom.
    Also, lived in NJ before moving West. Loved the shore.
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Welcome Sue, This is a great group of friends. You'll like everyone here. So encouraging. :drinker:

    Punki, I'm so glad the Dr."s visit turned out well for you.:smile: Your summer plans sound like they are a go. You are going to be really busy.

    Steppingstone, Isn't it fun to get together with friends for a day.

    I think we are all looking for winter to end and spring to get here. Don't forget to "spring forward" with your clocks tonight. Maybe that will make us all feel spring like. We can get out the bright clothes to cheer us up.

    Have a nice rest of the weekend all. :flowerforyou:

  • graycatbird
    graycatbird Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks so much for all the warm welcomes! I really appreciate it. This seems like such a friendly and supportive group; I'm glad I found it.

    I let myself sleep late this morning instead of going to the step aerobics class I usually go to. The class is at 7:30 (they just changed it from 7:45, which is bad enough!), and with the time change that would have felt like 6:30, so I decided I needed the sleep more. This time time is a challenge for me biologically! Probably for many of us!

    This morning I'm going to make a poster with my weekly health goals on it, incorporating some nice pictures I found. Someone suggested it, and it seemed like a good way to help get myself motivated.

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

    Maine, USA
  • Punkicoleman
    Punkicoleman Posts: 78 Member
    Well I had a crappy weigh-in. Despite and extra work out and being perfect, I was up 1.5 pounds. Oh well it will pass.

    Last night, late, I made a new cauliflower recipe and ate it later than I usually eat. It was probably the salt to late in the evening.

    This morning I made eggs baked in avacados. They aren't worth the effort.

    Now we are going to run down to Costco and then going to an artshow of our friends work. Then we have to come home and pack for our trip.

    Time to run, Punki
  • graycatbird
    graycatbird Posts: 14 Member
    I'm sorry about your weigh-in, Punki! I had a bad one, too -- gained 2 1/2 pounds. But I definitely did something to deserve it -- ate a ton of Girl Scout cookies. I'm really glad they're gone, and I'm not buying them again.

    I made my "daily health goals" poster and put it up by my computer. I like looking at the pictures, and I think it's going to help me get into the mindset to eat in a healthy way, meditate, exercise, go to bed earlier (I'm terrible about that), and take time to be in the moment and cultivate joy.

    Have a good night, everyone.

  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Had a good nap after church. The time change gets to me for about 3 or 4 days.:grumble: I gained 1 1/2 pounds last Friday and I had purchased a new scale. Hoped it was wrong. I checked it against my old scale. It was right on.:sad: I had been eating over my calorie goal last week so figured that did it. So this a.m. I got on the new scale and it showed 4 pounds lost. Don't trust it so I will wait until tomorrow morning and see if it reads the same. Maybe there is something to that eat more for a bit then back at it as I hadn't lost any for 3 weeks.

    Punki, Are you getting excited for your trip? Packing is the worst, deciding what to take with you. You will have such a good time. Take the eating as it comes. You'll find that you will be careful on your own. You'll see that It's become a habit for you.

    Have a good evening and sleep well everyone.:flowerforyou:

  • Punkicoleman
    Punkicoleman Posts: 78 Member
    Actually, packing was more or less fun--more fun when I found things that fit well and less fun when I tried outfits that weren't quite ready for prime time. :laugh: :laugh: Oh well, I still have 49 days until my cruise and that is when I really want to be able to just walk into my closet and pick out anything and have it fit.

    I really don't need a lot for this trip as it will mostly be flying and hanging out on the mountain, except for two days in Zurich at the end, and then one night in Frankfurt.

    I think I told you that we return from Switzerland at 2:00 p.m. on the 24th and have to be at a black-tie dinner dance by 6:30 p.m. Planning ahead, I prepared my gown and accessories this evening, after we got home from the art show. The fabric of my gown was so fine and light that I couldn't sew it on my machine--I tried and failed. :sad: So, I had to take it all out and start over, just like when we messed up in Home Ec, and do it by hand. It took a long time, but it turned out perfectly so I am saved from trying to find a tailor who could finish it before Wednesday.

    Do they still teach Home Ec? Back when I was a girl even the very most acdemic girls had to take Home Ec. I am not at all sorry as it laid the ground work for my sewing and cooking skills, which I highly treasure. My kids went to private schools that had no Home Ec or Shop, so we were careful to teach both our son and our daughter how to cook, sew, clean, garden, build, etc. When our son was 10, he made a bathrobe with perfectly matched plaid. The owner of our local sewing shop was so impressed that she display it in the window of her shop. He still loves to sew and does all of his own mending and makes all of the Halloween costumes for him and his girlfriend.

    Holy Cow, how on earth did it get to be 10:30 already? I guess time flies when you are having fun.

    Catch you tomorrow.

    P.S. I did cave in and have a glass of wine at the art show. :blushing: Other than that I was perfect all day.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Punki sounds like you are getting excited about your triip..I think Home Ec was valuable and we learned lots of basic things but sadly it is no more.

    Not a good night...the time change disrupted my sleep . I just could not fall asleep. I finally got up and read myself sleepy. But the worst is the monster munchies attacked last night and they won. 1 scoop of ice cream and then crackers and cheese. \\But today is a new day! Right? Right!

    I am off to a luncheon given by my volunteer group. So we shall see. I hope to stop and the way home and finally buy a scale.

    Well running late and must dress and run. Talk later.:love:
  • scsgaras
    scsgaras Posts: 12 Member
    Actually, packing was more or less fun--more fun when I found things that fit well and less fun when I tried outfits that weren't quite ready for prime time. :laugh: :laugh: Oh well, I still have 49 days until my cruise and that is when I really want to be able to just walk into my closet and pick out anything and have it fit.

    I really don't need a lot for this trip as it will mostly be flying and hanging out on the mountain, except for two days in Zurich at the end, and then one night in Frankfurt.

    I think I told you that we return from Switzerland at 2:00 p.m. on the 24th and have to be at a black-tie dinner dance by 6:30 p.m. Planning ahead, I prepared my gown and accessories this evening, after we got home from the art show. The fabric of my gown was so fine and light that I couldn't sew it on my machine--I tried and failed. :sad: So, I had to take it all out and start over, just like when we messed up in Home Ec, and do it by hand. It took a long time, but it turned out perfectly so I am saved from trying to find a tailor who could finish it before Wednesday.

    Do they still teach Home Ec? Back when I was a girl even the very most acdemic girls had to take Home Ec. I am not at all sorry as it laid the ground work for my sewing and cooking skills, which I highly treasure. My kids went to private schools that had no Home Ec or Shop, so we were careful to teach both our son and our daughter how to cook, sew, clean, garden, build, etc. When our son was 10, he made a bathrobe with perfectly matched plaid. The owner of our local sewing shop was so impressed that she display it in the window of her shop. He still loves to sew and does all of his own mending and makes all of the Halloween costumes for him and his girlfriend.

    Holy Cow, how on earth did it get to be 10:30 already? I guess time flies when you are having fun.

    Catch you tomorrow.

    P.S. I did cave in and have a glass of wine at the art show. :blushing: Other than that I was perfect all day.

    Like you we travel quite a bit. Leaving next week for Atlanta to see all the grandkids and our kids. I really love to travel, but hate packing. It'll be especially difficult in June, when we will be gone a month in Europe. Not sure how to do it but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Not sure whether or not to bring 2 sizes of clothes. :laugh: Maybe I shouldn't then I'll be forced to eat lighter. :bigsmile:

    Don't worry about your weight gain, you are a good soldier and will get back into form in no time...I'm sure you are already there. I hope my daughter doesn't have too many snacks in her house, as I love them - especially the salty ones. She is watching what she eats anyway, so that should help and she tries to cook healthy but her kids don't like to eat too many things other than plain pasta, pizza and chicken nuggets. Thankfully, I don't like nuggets but I love pizza and pasta. Two of my great weaknesses.

    Enjoy the trip!! Keep us posted. Will you have a means of staying on MFP? Enjoy!!
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    Just came in from a walk with my dog. My constant trrining is paying off. He did not lunge happily at anyone today! What beautiful weather. People flood the streets when there is warm weather and you always meet new neighbors or random people you would never have spoken to otherwise.

    Since I have plateaued at my weight, 7 ponds lost)) I am looking for additional exercise to bump up my metabolism. I've been a member of Silver Sneakers a few years now and I THINK I am ready for something a bit harder. MAYBE!

    Punki your trip is getting close enough to pack. I always like packing IF I have a few outfits I love. If they are just.. well, they fit, no so excited.
    I am with Ginnylee about the time change. My nbody really likes its schedule and fight back. Usually in the morning when it always fights me.
    Sue, Girl Scout cookies actually helped me this year, crazy as that may be. I ordered the shortbread cookies which I love and ate 2 a snack and they are not too high calorie wise but I love them. Between my granddaughter and a neighbor my diet survived better than other years.

    Steppingstone, one day does not defeat us. Giving up defeats us. Say, I like that! I'll use it for myself.
  • Punkicoleman
    Punkicoleman Posts: 78 Member
    You are so right smakadoodle. It is in giving up that we fail. I know that I have all too often hit a rough spot and just given up and gotten fatter. If, however, I had been able to tell myself to get over it (whatever "it" was) and get back on the wagon, I would have avoided a lot of pounds that were all to anxious to become my friends.

    I can't believe that in only three days from now I will be on the plane flying to Germany. By then, my caviar and iced vodka will be a memory---until our return flight. I can pass up a lot of stuff to enjoy my caviar, and I will have toast with it as well.

    Really all I have left to pack are some socks and underwear and, of course, a bunch of books.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Thanks Smackadoodle...Not feeling at all defeated :wink: ! This site and the group has somehow given me the confidence through the support system to say..."it is a new day!" I was much more on track today. And did more exercise than I recorded.

    Bon Voyage, Punki. Enjoy every bite of the caviar :happy:
    Sue- enjoy your family visit to Atlanta.

    Hey, it's Women's History month. Let's all be fearless and make our own history.:smooched:

    Cheers :flowerforyou:
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    Well I practiced being a fearless woman today Steppingstone. I tried a sit up!!! OH MY!!!! I do a lot of exercises for my core and chair sit ups, but no no with a regular one. So I did crunches and will continue daily to see if I can improve. my kettle ball class will not be. It is at 6 AM not 6 PM. I don't do mornings. I am looking into either Pilates or belly dancing at a private studio (inexpensive) 3 blocks from my house. My gym is 3 blocks the other way!

    Punki, have a lovely trip. You look lovely in your new photo and I am sure you will shine.

    Hello to my new friends here and welcome. Since I am a hunt and peck typist, I will not be as gabby as I am in person. Be grateful!!!