3/11 Sunday's Challenge

Who exercised today? I decided to take this day off! I will be back tomorrow ready to continue with the daily challenge which will continue to be exercising for 4 more days until we switch to week's 2 challenge. If you did exercise, report it here and WAY TO GO!

Love the comments and remarks. Keep up the great work. I love MONDAYS! A new week and a great time for renewal!

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”
~ Henry Ford

“I think I can, I think I can.”
~ The Little Engine That Could


  • mb8963
    mb8963 Posts: 15 Member
    Sunday is my day off too. muscles need a rest. Will report back on Momday!
  • mommy2girlies
    mommy2girlies Posts: 56 Member
    I went on a walk with my kids and then did sit ups and push ups...
  • photogmama
    photogmama Posts: 32 Member
    I had a photography class for seven hours...lots of sitting...but I did take the big long stairs up the the fourth floor three times! On my fitbit, it showed each flight of stairs counting as two! So I was excited to blast my stair climbing out of the water yesterday. :):wink:
  • jessmarie84
    I had a pretty rough eating weekend and did not work out on Saturday - so I went jogging in a local park with my fiance for 30 mins. It was nice to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather we've been having here and i'm working on doing more stints of running/jogging than walking! Definitely seeing some (though slow) improvement.
  • amberntay20
    amberntay20 Posts: 28 Member
    i didn't get a chance to workout on Sunday unless if you call packing from the time I got up till i went to bed :)