Important stuff will go here one day.
How did everybody do?
I didn't make it to 15 lbs but I did lose inches so can't complain! Lol also seeing muscle build up... Especially in my legs. :-) dropped at least one size.. Maybe two not sure since I have no pants that size to check lol Anywho hope everyone has an awesome memorial weekend!!
This weekend was AWESOME...not the eating part so much....
Mother's Day was great! My kids and hubby showered me with so much love and thoughfulness. I hope you guys all had wonderful weekend too! My hubby made me the BEST french toast! MMMMmmm more like a dessert. Made with a cinnamon swirl bread and the syrup was Oh So YUMMY! With that being said, I still have 3 lbs to go within…
Sat 5/12 - Quote for today...
“The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right. Which one are you?” Henry Ford “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” Jimmy Johnson Have a super weekend everyone. For me, I am not going to indulge so much that I feel bad about it all week however I am going to…
Fri 5/11 - Quote for today
"Fall seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese Proverb The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!" Marvin Phillips STAY COMMITTED! :wink:
Wed 5/9 - Quotes for today...
"How long should you try? Until." - Jim Rohn "Just do it" Nike
Mon 5/7 - Quote for today as well as goal...
If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. Michael Jordan I made a spreadsheet for myself so my goal is to record my…
Roll Call......Who's here? We have 3 more weeks and....
Hi All, Whew! What a past couple of weeks, but that's life isn't it?!!! How are you all doing? Boy, have I been a yoyo, up, down, up, down! Ugh! I put the 5 goals I listed on the other post on a spreadsheet to post in my kitchen and you know what? I wasn't able to reach them! I looked at them each day and felt so guilty.…
I've been sick - I'm back! 4 more weeks.......
Hey All, How's it been going for you? As for me, s l o w l y, HOWEVER, I am down 5lbs from when I started and I fluctuate between 5-7 lbs which means I need to get more focused in order to meet my goal of losing 15 lbs by Memorial Weekend. So.........I am going to concentrate on 2 1/2 lbs per week in order to reach that…
Keeping track of the weight
I made a spreadsheet if anyone is interested. I think it will keep me more accountable. It has weekly weigh ins on mondays (i will be weighing tomorrow since i just thought of this today. Anyone that wants to add their info is welcome to :-)…
Tuesday 4/17 A BRIGH NEW DAY! ;o)
OK Actually it is cloudy, rainy and cold here in Utah but inside ......... Bright and Warm! I'm looking forward to a great week. Here's to each one of us! LET"S SLIDE OUR SCALES DOWN THIS WEEK!!!!! WE CAN DO THIS GIRLS! Hugs to all