So here we go!



  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wow! We had 23 menbers when I went to bed last night, this morning we have 73! Way to go group!

    For those whe asked, it doesn't matter when you start as long as you keep track and try and log in each day to say you have completed your shred and how you're feeling. I'll start some new topics for each level so we can log it there.

    As for logging in the exercise diary, as ClareB said, if you don't have a HRM circuit training general is pretty good. It tend to show slighly less for me than my HRM, but as my HRM was a cheap one I don't know how accurate that is either. I use t more as a guide rather than anything else. Speaking of which, I just reset the settings on my HRM to reflect my weight now, I had to put it up by 11lbs. Ugh! That just shows how long ago it really was that I exercised last. I've also taken my measurements and pics that I'll post up a bit later, because if I procrastinate any longer I'll never get my shred done. So here goes L1 D1........ Good luck to everyone for today!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I've just started doing the 30 day shred 4-5 days a week. It's so hard but when it's over I always feel great, like I've really accomplished something. I haven't been sore yet, but I do sweat buckets!! Does anyone else feel like they're 'going to die' as Jillian says during the workout? I sure do!

    Only everytime I work out with Jillian lol!
  • ClareB13
    ClareB13 Posts: 202 Member
    Just been for a swim and taking the dog for a long walk later so might take today as a rest from 30DS - will see how I feel this evening. I'm finding level 2 tough on my shoulders but loving the variety of ab work in it.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Just been for a swim and taking the dog for a long walk later so might take today as a rest from 30DS - will see how I feel this evening. I'm finding level 2 tough on my shoulders but loving the variety of ab work in it.

    Yeah, level 2 has the toughest strengh sections doesn't it?
    Clare, were we in the same row the world challenge a little while ago? I know there was a ClareB there, but now that our personalised signatures arn't allowed I find it difficult to recognise people.
  • weezykid
    weezykid Posts: 50
    Just did my first one today, although I did break out in a sweat my heart rate didnt get very high (119 bpm average) so im thinking Im going to have to do day 2 at level 2

    (I have been dong Jillian Michaels Shape up and Maximize dvds 3 times a week the past couple of weeks)
  • karlos988
    karlos988 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone, I just started the 30DS two weeks ago, and now have just completed Day 3 of Level 2. I am finding it much harder and intense than Level 1! I keep reminding myself that since I am working out at home alone, I am the only one who can push myself! I like to work out first thing in the morning, and as soon as I get home after work. I find that if I work out first thing in the morning, and then something comes up where I can't work out in the evening, at least I have gotten one 20 minute workout in. It took two weeks to see any results on the scale or in inches, but now (finally!!!) i am seeing some progress, and I am thrilled with it! 3 pounds and 4 inches total!
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 196 Member
    I have had the DVD for a week now and have been so busy to do it.

    I am going to stop using that as an excuse and start it today!! It will be hard to fit it into my life but my time is not going to change in the near future so I just need to bite the bullet and get stuck in.
  • ClareB13
    ClareB13 Posts: 202 Member
    Just been for a swim and taking the dog for a long walk later so might take today as a rest from 30DS - will see how I feel this evening. I'm finding level 2 tough on my shoulders but loving the variety of ab work in it.

    Yeah, level 2 has the toughest strengh sections doesn't it?
    Clare, were we in the same row the world challenge a little while ago? I know there was a ClareB there, but now that our personalised signatures arn't allowed I find it difficult to recognise people.

    Nope, wasn't me!
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    Going out to lunch with some friends today... then some serious shredding afterwards!! Wish me luck: I'll need it. :o)
  • cschmidt45
    Just finished day 2 of shred and it was a tiny bit better than yesterday. Been so long since Ive done any real exercise, I'm finding it pretty difficult. I did have a couple bursts of adrenaline today that kicked in. None yesterday, so for me that's huge because it means the body is responding. Still a very tough program. My legs are like leaves shaking in the wind.:ohwell:
  • cschmidt45
    Anyone in the group using B-12 or protein powders or just anything for added energy? Love to hear from you if its enhanced recuperation time.
  • weezykid
    weezykid Posts: 50
    I drink a Whey protein shake. I started drinking it last week while i was doing another DVD and i found it certainly helps with recovery, i dont hurt as much as i did the week before when i drinking mars milkshake instead
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    Ok how do you work through the soreness for day 2??? My arms are killing me! Is anyone doing 6wk6pack and alternating everyother day? Im thinking of throwing in the abs and buns series on day like today??
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Ok how do you work through the soreness for day 2??? My arms are killing me! Is anyone doing 6wk6pack and alternating everyother day? Im thinking of throwing in the abs and buns series on day like today??

    Lol mine too, I'm not looking forward to shredding when I get in from work, just do as much as you can and lower the intensisty (lighter weighs, less reps) if you need to. In a couple of days (Typically around day 4 for me) the aches will go and you'll feel great!
  • Dec2009Mama
    Today is Day 3 of Level 1 for me!
    I took yesterday off ~ I think either Sat or Sun will be a break day for me.
  • ClareB13
    ClareB13 Posts: 202 Member
    Just done day 5 of Level 2
    It's getting a little easier but still pretty tough going!
  • Meee2012
    Meee2012 Posts: 14 Member
    Started 30DS again and L1D1 nearly killed me! It's worrying how far 2 weeks off can set you back.... Bring on day 2!
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    Ok I did it but OMG am I shaking! That was tough but I sweated more which I found weird..
  • ord3_mommy
    I just started today. I hope we all see some results.
  • Michelleypoo82
    I just finished my 1st round, did it 28 out of 30 days... I am very, very happy with the results! 11lbs down and 7 inches off my waist, 6 off my hips! I had 2 babies in less than a year (the 2 youngest of 4 kids) and I figured now that the youngest is 6 months old, it was time to start a serious workout! She definitely works you hard, I'll start again this time using a heavier set of weights. I also just finished week 1 of TurboFire and I don't think I could have done it without starting with the Shred.

    Did you add any other exercises or just 30 day shred?