First Challenge for Month

DocNikki7 Posts: 24 Member
We are going to limit our sugar and simple carbs intake this month. Share your struggles and victories. I know the less we spike insulin in our bodies, the more we will lose weight. Please log in the next day with your daily points. I will make a spreadsheet to keep up with them and send out to everyone.

Accept the challenge;
1. You get 3 pts daily for every simple sugar you deny. One point for eating one.
2. You get a bonus of 12 pts for going all week. 7 pts for 5 days. Not points for less.
3. You get 10 pts for adding complex and raw veggies or fruits instead.
4. You gett 5 pts for water intake over 8 cups.

You can do this. Lets celebrate our victories.


  • DocNikki7
    DocNikki7 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello Team

    No one has posted in this forum. Please do so we can help each other and add up those points and drop those pounds.
  • KayeArlana
    KayeArlana Posts: 42 Member
    Not sure I fully understand how the points work but here goes:

    5 pts. for 9th glass of water
    10 pts. for having a buglur/spinach salad, fruit and cucumber slices
    1 pt. because i ate a slice of cake at work during the tasting instead of just tasting

    Total 16 pts.
  • suthernbelle
    suthernbelle Posts: 566 Member
    I don't understand the point system either but I can give it a try.

    Denying simple sugars...well lets just say 0
    14 cups H2O-5pts
    Garden Salad-10pts.
