Will I be less hungry when I stop breastfeeding?

I feel like I'm ALWAYS hungry and could eat around the clock, nonstop. I'm afraid that once I wean my daughter (who is currently 6 months old), I will still be hungry all the time but I won't have the extra 500 calories that I currently get from breastfeeding to allow it. Please tell me this ravenous behavior will subside once she weans.


  • mebuthalf
    mebuthalf Posts: 167 Member
    Yes! It will go away. I remember when i was pregnant and breastfeeding (all 3 times) I had to carry snacks around with me BC when i was hungry...I was hungry. But that have to eat need/craving went away soon after the babies were weaned. Good luck.
  • launa18
    launa18 Posts: 8 Member
    I am also breastfeeding and trying to lose weight, my son is 7 months old. I try to stay around 1500 calories a day and make sure that I get about 80g of protein and lots of fiber, this makes me feel full longer so I don't get the hunger pains all day long. BTW 80g of protein is super important while breastfeeding along with a multi vitamin. good luck.
  • Is there anyway that I can program into my fitness plan that I am breastfeeding so that when I put in everything on my food plan my totals dont go negative? I know I need extra calories everyday, but seeing the red numbers bother me.....
  • theoddlittleduck
    theoddlittleduck Posts: 37 Member
    If you enter breastfeeding as a "food" it will give you an allowance. There's a few options (everywhere from 100-500 calories depending on the age of your child).

    I'm nursing my 18 mo old daughter still (1-2x a day). I don't find myself famished as much as I did when she was younger. I do seem to be holding onto my extra weight. I don't even use the breastfeeding allowance now, and if I did I would set it at 100 calories.
  • kazr11
    kazr11 Posts: 30 Member
    I havens 2 1/2 year old and 20 week old. I had forgotten just how hungry breastfeeding makes you. I fed her till 13 months and it does easy as the nursing decreases. As I write this my mind is asking me what I can have to eat now :-( Good Luck
  • I am on the same boat. I eat like a starved woman when I would have eaten only a couple hours before. I hope this returns to normal after I stop feeding!
  • princessleia1980
    princessleia1980 Posts: 81 Member
    I set my calories to maintain. That way I lose according to breastfeeding deficit.
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 349 Member
    My baby is now nearly two. I breastfed him for 9 months but my problem once when u stopped I continued to eat like I was still doing it. My weight has really ballooned since I stopped. My own fault I know least I'm doing something about it now.

    I'd Luke to haVe another baby in about a years time and I don't want to be the size I am now and then pile on even more with my second pregnancy and breastfeeding again.

    It's a bit strange wanting to lose weight so I can get pregnant and put on weight again but its working for me LOL
  • CPowner
    CPowner Posts: 2 Member
    I know!!! I am breastfeeding and I feel hungry ALLLLLLL THE TIME! My mom just found out she is the beginning stages of diabetes and the doctor put her on a diet. She is counting carbs and she was, like I am a sugar and carb addict. I am starting this program today because still 3 months after giving birth, I am still in my maternity clothes. I refuse to buy new clothes in this size.

    I had already gained 13 lbs when i got married. My goal is to get back to working out, maybe find a new routine that incorporates baby, and up my protein and count calories. I want to weight 124 again and I am at 154. I would love friends to motivate and we can cheer through losing weight!!!!
  • KWKY
    KWKY Posts: 110 Member
    I have a three year old and a nine month old and in both cases I was starving all the time until I stopped nursing. With my nine month old I just weaned about two weeks ago and already my calorie intake has dropped quite a bit (it's probably the same with my three year old but I wasn't using MFP then so don't know if this is true).

    I also am finding that I am craving much less sweet things. When I was nursing (particular the first three months) I could mow down large packets of chocolate in no time.
  • KnitChick89
    KnitChick89 Posts: 56 Member
    I don't feel hungry more often than usual... I'm guessing it's because my boy is only a month old though, lol. Loved reading this, now I know what to expect!
  • A suggestion of mine would be to ake sure you are PROPERLY hydrated. Make sure you are drinking yur 64 oz PLUS the oz for baby nursing. One mistake I used to make was always eating when I felt hungry but that is what got me to 270 lbs. Once i realized that sometimes the hunger feeling is actually more about dehydration and started drinking more water.. i found my "hunger" declined. Nowadays, despite having a 22 month old nursing, I dont have a lot of cravings nor do I eat constantly. Mind you, he is about 80% still on breastmilk so his caloric needs are high from me... So try upping your water and see if that will help your food cravings go down
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    My baby is now nearly two. I breastfed him for 9 months but my problem once when u stopped I continued to eat like I was still doing it. My weight has really ballooned since I stopped. My own fault I know least I'm doing something about it now.

    I'd Luke to haVe another baby in about a years time and I don't want to be the size I am now and then pile on even more with my second pregnancy and breastfeeding again.

    It's a bit strange wanting to lose weight so I can get pregnant and put on weight again but its working for me LOL

    This happened to me, too. I am currently nursing my fourth child but with my other three I started to gain weight again when they were between 9-12 months or so, even though I was still nursing. I did not change my diet even though I assume I no longer needed as many calories. I will definitely be more aware of that this time around.
  • I am also breastfeeding and trying to lose weight, my son is 7 months old. I try to stay around 1500 calories a day and make sure that I get about 80g of protein and lots of fiber, this makes me feel full longer so I don't get the hunger pains all day long. BTW 80g of protein is super important while breastfeeding along with a multi vitamin. good luck.

    I totally agree with this - I too am getting roughly net 1500 cals/day, (eating 2000, burning 500 w/ breastfeeding) lots of fiber via whole grains, veggies and fruits and protein and a multivitamin (and lots of water) If you're feeling hungry, that means you're not getting enough to eat.... hormones are released that make you feel hungry when you're nearing starvation mode. If you're struggling with not feeling full, definitely start cleaning up your diet and drinks and eat more "good" calories. I hardly ever feel hungry now that I'm eating better, and enough. :-)

    If you want ideas on foods, my diary is open to my friends - feel free to add me! Would love more momma friends! :-)

  • Is there anyway that I can program into my fitness plan that I am breastfeeding so that when I put in everything on my food plan my totals dont go negative? I know I need extra calories everyday, but seeing the red numbers bother me.....

    Yes - take a look at my diary if you want to make it super easy - I have Breastfeeding set up as it's own section and I add Breastfeeding as a food item there, and if I pump and store any additional milk (not fed to baby) I also add the "per ounce" there too... along with my multivitamin - that way these items don't get bungled up with all the food and I remember to take my vitamins too! :-)

    I only have my diary open to my friends - feel free to add me - sar123bear

  • I set my calories to maintain. That way I lose according to breastfeeding deficit.

    Yep... you're so right for doing this - you can lose a lot of weight just by breastfeeding and eating your regular amount of calories for maintenance. 20-30% caloric deficit is all you should be doing to lose weight and avoid plateaus... usually you burn 500 cals breastfeeding at least for the first 6 months or as long as the baby is getting the bulk of their calories from you. Per Tom Venuto's school of thought, the typical female needs 2000-2100 cals to survive/maintain... so, that tells you at a 20-30% deficit, you should be getting roughly 400-600 cals less / day... that's your breastfeeding right there! That's all I'm doing really - getting net 1300-1500 "good" cals / day and I've lost 62 lbs (let's say 30 of it was baby)... that's since 12/14/11 (about 3 months) My highest weight with pregnancy was 250 (eek!!), I'm down to 187.6 now (never thought it was possible this quick). My first goal is 185, next is 165, then 145, then 125. I finally feel like I can do this. FINALLY! :-) I'm going to "milk it" for all it's worth - pun intended. :-) And to top it off, I hardly EVER feel hungry - that's a major change in my life... MAJOR!

  • Another trick to remember - get protein in at EVERY meal... turn to more protein vs. carbs and you will feel fuller longer. :-)
  • one more too... lots of fiber - fruits and veggies naturally have fiber, but you can get "Arnold" Extra Fiber breat, La Tortilla Factory Low Carb High Fiber wraps, and if you like cereal, make the switch to Kashi Go Lean High Fiber / High Protein Cereal (not the crunch variety, but just the regular Go Lean... a lot lower sugars in that). If you're used to sweet cereals, you may have to wean yourself by mixing 1/2 Go Lean to 1/2 of your other cereal, but it's a great diet switch if you're wanting to still eat cereal. :-)
  • merricker
    merricker Posts: 7 Member
    [This is my first post in this group. I just joined. So, hi!]

    It's hard to answer your question because, as I think you'll see from the responses, women's experiences are really individual. I am nursing a 12 month old, and I don't feel more hungry than usual. I was famished and couldn't eat enough up until about 5 months though.

    This is the second child I've nursed, and with my first, I actually found it much easier to lose the pregnancy weight after I stopped nursing. I know some people say nursing makes weight fall off, but for me, I feel like I hold onto it more when I have nursing hormones in my body. I feel guilty, but I'm even considering weaning my daughter earlier than I would otherwise, to help my weight loss.

    ETA Thank you guys for the tip on how to record nursing! I tried to figure that out for a while, but had kept trying to find it under "exercise."
    ROGUES2 Posts: 7 Member
    All you ladies breastfeeding and feeling very hungry, make sure you drink some water at every feed. Sometimes you're just thirsty. If you're hungry, eat sensibly and don't snack on junk. All the best.