3/13 Tuesday's Challenge-EXERCISE! IT'S TIME TO GET MOVING!

Almost a week down now! We are still focusing on getting exercise to be part of our daily lives. If you are still having a hard time fitting this in consider this article from the Mayo Clinic -


My son has been taking health in high school this semester. They are studying diet & exercise right now and the effects on our body. Some of the info he has shared with me has given me even more ammunition to get my weight and health in control. I will share more of this later when he comes home. I thought the info was very interesting.

Here's to a great day today! It's beautiful here in Utah. I had planned on riding my bike with my kids to school this week but with Daylight savings, we are barely making it on time! YIKES! Hopefully the shift in time with kick in soon.

Quote for today -
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. ~Albert Einstein


  • kady11
    kady11 Posts: 82 Member
    yes mam! lets have a great day!
  • mb8963
    mb8963 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in! Heres to a great day!
  • skimom7
    skimom7 Posts: 70
    Finished! I went for a walk tonight after I tucked the kiddos in bed. It was great and my hubby joined me!