On Eating

I just wanted to share with you guys how important a nutrition plan is while doing P90X. When I started my first round of P90X, first 2-3 weeks I wasn't really paying attention to the food I eat. I thought by workout alone, I could achieve the transformation that the program promises. So, I looked at changing my diet to the nutrition plan (funny, I follow the Insanity nutrition guide coz I got it as xmas gift). I went from eating salty and fatty foods to lean and less salty foods. I started eating whole grain breads etc. Fish, tuna, turkey and almost avoid fried foods, I mostly eat egg white omelet, my meal for the day is planned ahead for most days of the week, added supplement to my diet such as B-complex and use whey protein shake to drink as snack after workout. It made a huge difference when I did all these and I saw such dramatic transformation when I cleaned up my diet. Of course I slip and use my weekend to eat less healthy foods, but I realized, I workout well and burn more if I discipline myself to eat foods that will support my workout routine. I learned NOT to starve myself and most importantly, to focus more to the goal I want to achieve. After my round 1 of P90X, I lost 15 lbs. I am on my round 2 and I am doing hybrid with Insanity. I will continue to follow the eating and workout routines I started and decided to get rid of the weight I shouldn't have for good. I hope my little tip helps.


  • yolste07
    yolste07 Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks for sharing that info I will be starting P90X on Monday, this is my second time of doing this I did not complete it the first time but I am determine to complete this time around.
  • carlachristinewhite
    carlachristinewhite Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks for sharing that info I will be starting P90X on Monday, this is my second time of doing this I did not complete it the first time but I am determine to complete this time around.

    Great decision! I am glad you decided and committed. Like Tony said, no one said this is easy, but hey, all hard work will pay off in 90 days :)
  • sarahmoyta
    sarahmoyta Posts: 23 Member
    How closely did you follow the nutrition plan? Just curious because I'm doing my best to - I'm upping my lean protein and going low fat and lower carb, but I'm not following it exactly. I'm also exclusively breastfeeding my 7 month old, so I have to have more fats (fish, avocado, etc) than would normally be allowed.