


  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    Hello, I am not single so I am not sure how welcome I will be to this group. I saw the post Where are the Happy People, and requested an invite from my friend Carl01, I accepted the invite, then went over everything in the group.

    Please let me know if I need to leave the group because I am not single.

  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Hello, I am not single so I am not sure how welcome I will be to this group. I saw the post Where are the Happy People, and requested an invite from my friend Carl01, I accepted the invite, then went over everything in the group.

    Please let me know if I need to leave the group because I am not single.


    Welcome Tea! You are welcome here, anyone can join! Please don't be shy and feel free to comment on posts or even start new ones. JT
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    Hello, I am not single so I am not sure how welcome I will be to this group. I saw the post Where are the Happy People, and requested an invite from my friend Carl01, I accepted the invite, then went over everything in the group.

    Please let me know if I need to leave the group because I am not single.


    Welcome Tea! You are welcome here, anyone can join! Please don't be shy and feel free to comment on posts or even start new ones. JT

    Ty JT, you are so sweet!!
  • lizzieollie
    Hi my name is Elizabeth and I am 31 never married. I am not new the MFP but I am finally joining a group to get support and help me rach my goal of getting healthy.
  • PeekABooGirl
    PeekABooGirl Posts: 218 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I'm Melanie, and new to MFP and enjoy poking around in the message boards. (Great info out there and amazing support!) But that's how I found out about this group so here I am. I'm 40yr old and have 2 little girls. I'm (almost) divorced after about 7 years of marriage. I've got nobody around to exercise with or diet with so I'm totally lovin' MFP so far!
  • gaberieger
    Greetings. Most of my information is found on my profile page. If you want to know anything else- just ask. If we are not friends on here... let's be!

    I saw Melanie's (above) post in this Group so figured I would join. Good stuff.

    Houston, TX
  • greenmanspirit
    Hey, I am Adam, 24yo and I am from Southwest PA. I found MFP one day when I was bored looking through apps on my phone. I used to do the calorie counting with fitday but I would never keep up with it for very long. The social aspect of MFP is what has made me get my 15 days of logging in message this morning. I believe that weight loss and any health improving activity is much easier and much more fun when you have people to do it with. At my heaviest I was 280 and growing. That was when I graduated college. I have lost some weight since then and gained some back. I started MFP at 260 and have already lost 5 pounds!

    As for the single half of me. I have always had issues finding gf's because of my lack of confidence. I also don't believe my weight and general round shape has helped much either. I would love to find someone who loves me when I am big and will just take the smaller me as a bonus but I am not all that hopeful anymore. I admit that there is a part of me that is striving for the weight loss because I want to be able to attract more women.

    Feel free to friend me if you want, the more friends we have, the more motivation we have.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Renee, from Texas. I've been on MFP for a while now. Used it when I lost my weight (110 lbs). Long story short - now single (divorce final for a year). I didn't get on the message boards before. The divorce kinda threw me for a loop, in the last 4 months I've gained about 30 pounds. Holidays were hard. So, now it's time to get me back.

    I'm 46, have two daughters, a granddaughter and two dogs. I know a few people that workout, but they are guys I work with and not too concerned with losing weight. So, there is no support system at all. It's been that way for about 3 years, but the stress of the last year just go to me. I've set some goals to work towards - 1st one is a bike race - The Hotter Than Hell. It's held here every year. A 100 mile race. 2nd is a 5K (I'm sure I'll do that one first).

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone. Feel free to add me as friend.

  • BettyBudski
    BettyBudski Posts: 54 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Pam, 32 years old, single and crazy (lol) from Cambridge, Ontario, Canada! I've been single for quite some time but I am enjoying the freedom. I am very busy, opening my own business this spring, working full time in auto manufacturing, part-time fire performer and skydiver :happy:

    Eventually I will find that guy that will settle me down, in the mean time I work to make myself healthy and financially secure, I have a bad pattern in my past of gaining large amounts of weight whenever a relationship goes bad, I am determined to break that pattern and MFP is a great way to keep myself on track!

  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    I've been lurking around MFP, and posting, and logging (though not EVERY day), for a year now, but just found this group. My name is Kaye, and I am in my early 50s. I've been a widow for over 11 years.
    Lost about 70 pounds five-six years ago, gained back about 20 of that, and am now trying to lose 10 that i gained back. In all honesty, I was probably too light at my lowest. I bounce around 140, and would like to bounce between 130-135. :wink:
    I work in a small high school in southwest Nebraska.

  • Dorianlg
    Dorianlg Posts: 71 Member
    Hi! I'm Dorian and I'm in Chicago, IL. It feels a little strange to be posting here but I am a single girl who uses this site a lot so I should try more communities!
    I'm fairly newly single- I got out of a 2 year relationship about a month ago. Being single isn't as difficult as I thought it would be, although it's really weird to flirt with people. Four years ago I lost about a hundred pounds, but with school and a relationship, I let twenty pounds slip back on.
    I have to admit, one thing I've loved about being single is getting to eat what I want (vegetables), go to the gym any time I want, and never having to worry that my boyfriend is going to look down on me for worrying about my weight or think I'm not being fun because I won't get pizza. I can obsess about my diet and exercise as much as I want.
    It's weird how this extra 20 pounds makes me feel less confident in myself. I think it's being out of shape as much as anything. I feel like, if you can run a 10k, you can't be fat. My goal for February is to get back up to 4 miles.

    Anyways, if you would like to be friends, or talk about adventures in dating, I am certainly up for it! I fell off my bike in front of a potential beau on Saturday night! I don't think that one's calling me!
  • TBoom915
    TBoom915 Posts: 115 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Tawndra, I'm 29, from MD (right outside of DC). I have been single for 2 years in March and I'd have to say that I've become comfortable with it. I used to hate being single but after my last relationship I took the time to really get to know and enjoy me and can say that now I am more passionate about everything I do and pursue, especially diet and exercise. I am purposely using this time to get my life together emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

    I find that now I smile more, I am more excited about life and what's to come. I know that I will successfully complete this weight loss journey and if I happen to meet a special man while on the journey I will be ready for him. While emotionally I am ready to be in a relationship again I am not rushing anything. I look forward to discussing experiences with you all. :)
  • Jessifer123
    Hi I'm Jessica! I ended a four year relationship about a year ago. I've dated some since then but mostly have been concentrating on me, my job, and school. I've learned alot about myself in the past year, who I am, and who I want to be. I was on here a while before and then stopped. I'm really glad to be back and living a healthy lifestyle! Looking forward to supporting each other. Feel free to add me :flowerforyou:
  • simoriah_angel
    I, my name is Regina. Been on MFP since 1/3/12 and lost 33 lbs so far (total). And been single since last January, when I had enough of my emotionally abusive boyfriend. I am sick and tired of feeling I have to put up with unnecessary bull**** and drama because I am fat. Currently, I am losing weight due to a health scare, but the dating benefits help as well.
    What surprises me is that people are so quick to judge you by your weight. It's like this unwritten rule that your kindness, intelligence, compassion, etc. is cancelled out by your weight.

    WORD. Internet dating, in general, is better than the bar scene but it is still so bad. What cracks me up are the guys who say in their profile that they are sick of superficial women. Then I will friend them, and.....crickets. Apparently superficial women > fat women. Grrr!!
  • greybeh
    greybeh Posts: 72 Member
    I'm single... 32 years old, and living in Pittsburgh, PA. I dated a guy for 10 years, but broke it off because it became clear we didn't have the same goals in life. We'd been living with his parents. I was saving to get out... He was going in debt and buying video games. I was buying us groceries.

    I expect a lot of guys want a family and I don't. And don't want pressured into it.

    There was a guy who kept striking up conversations with me until he found out that I don't care to drink. Then, he started acting like a jerk about it.

    I am who I am. Maybe someday I'll find the guy who likes me for that.

    I used to play sports and wish I could meet guys that way, but I've got two bad knees and back pain. Maybe I'm not meant to meet anyone until people my age are going at my speed. LOL! I love nature... bird-watching, photography... I've fished before and enjoyed it. I love musicals, theater... I think I'd enjoy watching dance. I like just being out and about, and having a nice lunch.

    I was smiling at the chivalry thread. I'd like to meet a guy who is thoughtful, kind, respectful. But it seems pretty rare.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Im 32 in NYC and single as CRAP
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Hello and welcome to the new peeps, 975 strong and counting!
  • PinkStar6
    PinkStar6 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm Karen, 29 from England and very much single. Dreading reaching the big 3.0 and still being on my own :(
  • GabeRami
    GabeRami Posts: 210 Member
    Hi, I'm Juan, 39 from WI, I joined in February and I just found out about this group. Oh yeah, I've been single for about 2 years now. I have 2 children, girls, who really are my love and motivation. I want to be around as long as I can, especially to be able to walk them down the aisle when they need me to.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Now 1071 members!!!

    Shame we missed the 1000 mark...