Introduce Yourself

Please, if everyone wouldnt mind, introduce yourself....tell us your name, start date, fitness & nutrition goals, and what your motivation is!

Hey guys! My name is Shannon and I am starting P90x 3/12/2012. I just completed 40 days of Turbofire and lost 15 pounds and Im ready to kick it up to lose the last 20 pounds with P90x because we all know MUSCLE burns FAT! Im so ready to BRING IT and get into the best shape of my entire life thus far....whos with me??? You can find me in WOWY and on Team Beachbody. My name is FITNESSismyBFF. Good Luck!

"Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become."



  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    Let's name is Rich. In two weeks I will have finished P90X, but my intention is to repeat phase 3 for another 90 days. I started at the new year. My weight loss so far is 37 pounds (some of which occurred prior to the new year before starting P90X). I've lost 7 inches from the center of my waist and 5 inches from my belt line. My lovely bride feigns frustration because I keep having to buy smaller pants and belts.

    I noticed in phase 3 my weight loss slowed, but my waist continues to shrink. I've started to step up the weight lifting aspects of the program so I am offsetting the weight of my fat loss with muscle gain. As a result I'm not sure what my goal weight is anymore. I would have said I'd like to lose 30 more pounds but now I'm thinking I'd like to be in the vicinity of 10% body fat at whatever weight that ends up being. I recommend taking measurements and/or buying a BF monitor to prepare for this. It will keep you motivated during those inevitable stalls on the scale.

    I've been very impressed with the program. If you stick to it you will see results (that goes for eating properly as well). My abs are starting to make their first appearance in many years. In fact this is the heaviest weight at which my abs have ever made an appearance, which means I have not lost the muscle that I've lost on previous "diets".

    Finally, two definitions and a quote:

    Pain is weakness leaving the body.
    Sweat is fat crying.

    "Wow, I really regret that workout!" - No one ever
  • UGatorBaitF
    UGatorBaitF Posts: 21 Member
    My name is Mason. I am 29 years old. I have a history of knee injuries/surgeries etc...and need to give up basketball and high impact sports. Therefore, I NEED P90X and a support system. All the crap going on with my knees...I have crept up in weight. I want to start a family with my wife soon and want to set a good example for them all.

    TeamBeachBody: UGatorBaitF
  • imaginativa
    imaginativa Posts: 20 Member
    I'm Jasmine, 22 years old. I'm starting next Monday (hence the making of the group) and I really miss being in shape. After a long period of sedentary life, I want to be out there being active again! I just joined a rec soccer league and am hoping to add some yoga in as well. Another big motivator for me has been Cassey Ho with Blogilates. She does youtube pilates videos and is such an inspiration to making healthy changes. I'm really happy that so many people have joined the group and are posting!
  • captainbeadheart
    Hi all. I just received my P90X in the mail yesterday, and am going to start tomorrow 3/16. I've never done a BeachBody workout before, and am pretty excited (and a bit nervous as well!)
    I'm 25, and joined MyFitnessPal a bit over 7 months ago. In that time I have lost about 35 pounds. I've been diligent about recording food & exercise, but haven't delved into the community aspect of the site until just now. I figure I might need it for P90X!
    I don't really have a weight goal in mind for the program, but would like to use it to get stronger and leaner.
    I don't eat meat, so I will be modifying the nutrition aspect pretty heavily, but am going to try and keep to the same principles in the nutrition guide.
    Best of luck to everyone!
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    I'm Larry. This will be my 4th round of P90X. I started P90X when I was around 300 lbs and now I'm down to below 220 lbs. The program works wonders if you stick with it. My goal is to get below 200 lbs for the first time in over 20 years. My advice is to not weigh yourself until the end of the 90 days. Instead of using a scale, use your eyes and a mirror. You'll see and feel the change before you'll see anything on the scale.
  • slmckay79
    I'm Shawna. I'm a mom, wife and full time employee. I just completed Shred from Julian Michaels. It was nice to only have a 20 min workout but I'm thinking I need more. Working full time and having to take of the kiddos its hard to find time.

    I am going to start P90X on Sunday 3/18. I have a 5K to run on Saturday. I'm hoping to thin out my waist line. My shoulders are already big for a woman so I'm hoping to use an alternative video on shoulders and arms.

    I've been watching my calorie intake for the first time in my life...I'm totally surprised on how many calories are in everything. I do hope to cut the alcohol out by half. I'm not sure if I’m willing to give up my glass of wine on the weekends.

    I tried P90X 8 months ago. Got three weeks into and then got sick and never went back.

    Its time to Bring it this time! Looking forward to everyone’s posts.
  • sarahmoyta
    sarahmoyta Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there! I'm Sarah. I'm a USMC wife and mom of two beautiful girls, Jordan, 3, and Harper, 7 months.

    The last year has been very challenging - my twin pregnancy was diagnosed with TTTS (twin to twin transfusion syndrome) at 17 weeks and we lost one of the girls at 20 weeks. Part of the treatment for TTTS is a high calorie high protein diet (to try to force nutrition to the babies) in conjunction with bed rest. Even after our loss I had to continue this because Harper was still at risk and very growth restricted. She was delivered 5 weeks early at only 3lbs 6oz. I on the other had had ballooned up to 250 lbs. I've always been overweight, but I've also always been strong. This past year killed that. My upper body strength was gone and my lower body wasn't much better. Core? Yeah. Two kids and one csection had destroyed my core strength.

    My emotional health wasn't too good either. I had gone through 15 weeks of hell, having lost one baby and not able to grieve because I was too worried about my survivor and my older daughter. After delivery I suffered from extreme postpartum depression and anxiety.

    So I've decided to get my life back - my weight under control, my physical strength and my emotional strength. This is my first round of P90X and I really like it so far - I love that it's all explained so well. It's kicking my *kitten*, that's for sure, but every time I finish a workout or make a good food choice it's like a little win - it's me taking control and doing the right thing. My overall goal is to get to 170, but I don't plan to do it this week. It would be nice to be there by the fall. I want to be able to play with my kids without getting tired 15 minutes in. And I would LOVE to be able to run the Race for Fetal Hope 5K in October.