Who's up for a challenge?



  • jennyneel0423
    jennyneel0423 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm doing great on the exercise...not so great on the eating. My biggest issue the past week has been overeating and drinking too many sodas.
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Well tomorrow is halfway...March 15! So how is everyone doing!! I am down to 29 miles left and I had better step it up if I'm gonna make it!! I have to do 2 miles a day in order to meet my challenge. I lost 3 pounds last week and this week my scale seems to be stuck on that number...I suppose this is my first plateau :cry: I refuse to give up though and will work right through it!! This week has been a challenge with a youth conference last weekend and baseball season has begun, so I never know where I will be eating. I think I have eaten out somewhere everyday since last Thursday!! I am making good choices with my meals. I just don't think they are as healthy. I will keep going though!!
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Just found the group.

    Goal 1-Also an 8lb loss for March.
    Goal 2-Gym 4x a week.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Last week I feel off big time in a lot of ways, almost all of my over eating is caused by temporary loss of judgement if you understand what I mean. Im not failing at life but so overwhelmed I reached out to a mentor of mine recently and hes kind of plopping down into the drivers seat to figure out how to navigate all I have to do. I will try to do better but for the first time in a year I have put on a bit of weight. And while I do care and feel unattractive its actually not the most important thing right now, close to it, but other stuff is temporarily in front of it. Usually if Im sexually active I do raelly well, that whole being seen naked thing, but been to occupised with work and school to be lately. TMI Im sure, just wanted to say Im still here, probably wont lose much this month and I have been walking, yoga and abs, not at all. oh well
  • debk3p2
    debk3p2 Posts: 82 Member
    Walking and exercise are on target - and I'm only a pound away from my goal. Hurrah! I have been starved the last few days though. I'm not sure why I'm so much hungrier this week. I haven't been eating less. If anything I've been eating a little more. Hopefully it will pass.

  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    25 more miles!!! I can do it!!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    23 more! Trucking right along!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    I'm down to 21 more miles, but my stinkin' scale is not wanting to move, so tomorrow I am going to drink my 8 glasses of water if I have to sit on the toilet all night...lol... I want a loss this week!!!
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    Extra water will help!.

    I have have a rough month so far. I was in the hospital with pnemonia two week-ends ago and in bed all of last week. Last night was the first night of excersize i have done in 2 weeks. It felt good to get a good sweat on again! I won't be able to meet all of my goals for the month, but I am getting back on track now to finish out the month strong!

    Good Luck everyone!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Glad you are feeling better! That pneumonia is rough!! Don't worry about those goals...we'll all work together in April to make new ones!:wink:
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Up and at 'em this morning. I am down to 19 more miles. I will accomplish my 45 miles this month!! Hope all is going well for all of you!
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    Up and at 'em this morning. I am down to 19 more miles. I will accomplish my 45 miles this month!! Hope all is going well for all of you!

  • jennyneel0423
    jennyneel0423 Posts: 17 Member
    The scale has been all over the place the past two weeks and I'm stuck exactly where I was at the beginning of March. There's a good possibility I won't make it to my goal, however I would just be happy with losing two more pounds by the end of the month. I'm working on drinking more water.
  • csouto
    csouto Posts: 30
    oK I didn't see this till after I made a new topic:( Well I will say it again. I am down 4lbs this week and that is a total of 6 for the month. Yeah!!! I am also working out my 3days I said I would and walking all the other days:) I hope everyone else is doing great too:) I am feeling really good and postive about losing weight and being able to keep it off. Thank you all for your support!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    I have 17 more miles to go! Tonight I even ran!!!!! (for 3 minutes, but hey I RAN!!!!!!) I also set my grade up to 7.0 to "shock" my body a little (as if the running didn't already shock it...LOL) :laugh: I felt great!!!! I expect a weight loss tomorrow! Keep up the great work everyone! I am so proud of all of you!
  • melwilson6
    The past two weeks have been so stressful...My mom has been in the hospital...my grandfather in South Carolina passed away and I broke a back tooth.....My mom is home now but still not well....I made a road trip for the funeral and got my tooth fixed today....so I'm on my way back to being on track again....Friday will tell. Needless to say I have not exercised for several days now. God is good and he will see me through this journey!!
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    WooHOO!!! My ticker now says 25 pounds gone!! I broke through another one of those 10's today too!! I am thrilled! Praise God!!!!
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    WooHOO!!! My ticker now says 25 pounds gone!! I broke through another one of those 10's today too!! I am thrilled! Praise God!!!!

  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    My goal is to lose 8 pounds this month...I have already lost 7! I will definitely make it and hopefully even a little bonus! I am down to 15 more miles on the treadmill... Good, attainable goals this month. I will be rewarding myself on March 31 with a sandal wearing pedicure!!
  • pegruhl
    pegruhl Posts: 7
    I need to lose a total of 75 pounds. I will put my weekly goal of atleast 2 pounds and Exercise 6 days of week doing at the minimum of 30 minutes of walking. I try to do 60 minutes everytime but somedays I can only get in 30. I am trying to eat more because I was keeping my caloric index too low. Most days I was only eating around 1000 calories and that would be on a good day.