Just joined =)

Lizzymaep Posts: 24 Member
Hey everyone,
I'm new to MFP (just joined this week) and I'm now your newest member of "Not That Heavy Girls." My name is Elizabeth and I am 24 years old. I am trying to get in better shape (especially in the toning area) and my goal is to get in shape by August 17th or 18th for my wedding. My problem areas are my love-handles and my bum area. To be honest, I have never felt comfortable enough to be able to wear a bathing-suit alone without some type of clothing covering me up. So this year I am determined to be able to strut my stuff in a bathing suit. Anyway, that's all for now I guess... lol.


  • Ashleyanne271
    Ashleyanne271 Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome! I just joined a couple weeks ago and I'm loving the site! I got married last June and since then I gained about 10 pounds and all the weight seemed to go to my love handles or thighs. We are currently doing the Biggest Loser at work and that is what motivated me to join this website. I eat around 1200 calories a day and workout by walking or using Biggest Loser DVDs. I've lost about 9 pounds so far and I'm winning Biggest Loser (two more weeks left)! The best part is that my muffin tops are almost gone!

    Good luck with your workouts and congrats on getting married!!
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Howdy, welcome!!

    I know what you mean, I have always looked good "on top" but my butt/hip area is oversized....I read on a forum awhile back about the "Butt Bible" program that showed some pretty fantastic results, and once I get to my goal weight I am going to check that out to get the ol' bum tightened up. I'm TOTALLY looking forward to swimsuit season this year too!! :D Let's keep it up!
  • Lizzymaep
    Lizzymaep Posts: 24 Member
    To Ashleyanne271: Awww, well congratulations on getting married! =) And huge congrats for loosing 9 pounds! Keep it up! =) Yeah, I feel your pain... "all the weight seemed to go to my love handles or thighs..." It stinks! My weight seems to be between my love-handles down to my very upper thigh. Anyway, thank you for your warm welcome and for the congrats on getting married.

    To jannspizziri: Yeah, that's exactly what I mean! It feels like I am fine on top but all the fat goes straight to my love handles and booty area! I hatteeee it. I recently purchased "Hot Pants," due to one of the deal sites having a major deal on them, and have been trying to wear those when I work out. Man, do they make you sweat! It reminds me of going to a sauna and just pouring sweat... the only difference is, is that the sweating really only occurs under the shorts. I'm hoping it helps to even me out a little better. I'll have to check out the "Butt Bible" but like you, I'll have to wait until I reach my goal weight/size. I did the Brazilian Butt Lift program before I transferred over to Turbo Fire and let me tell you, that program works on your caboose! But unfortunately, because I wasn't doing much cardio... my 'perky' bum was only adding to my Booty problem. So ultimately, I switched to Turbo Fire which has been great but because I have a weak knees, I have to be careful to not jump the wrong way or anything. Personally, I am not looking forward to bikini season, but then again when have I ever been. I cannot remember a time in my life that I was able to wear just a swimsuit and feel comfortable. Maybe this year with this site I can finally do it. Hmm.. it would be a dream come true to be honest. Anyways, if you try the "Butt Bible" you'll have to let me know if it works. =)

    Thank you both for such warm welcomes, honestly thank you, and good luck on reaching your weight-loss goals!