Love This Group!

brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
First of all, I love that I have people with similar goals that are on here. Also, I love that you all are doing Turbo Fire! I get all excited about it with my friends, but they just don't get it :)

The second thing that I want to say is that I appreciate all of the support you all give me, either in this group or on my wall-or messaging. It really DOES help.

YOU ALL inspire me so much to do my workouts. I always check the boards (LOTS of times a day) and I see that you have done your workouts, so I feel like I have NO excuse not to myself.

So, another week of TF is almost done and I am still excited and I wanted to thank you all!

So, let's get fired up, ladies :) I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!


  • I feel exactly the same!!! I try to tell my friends about TF and they look at me blankly...then talk about random workout DVD's they've done in the past and haven't worked. I think you have to do it to get it :-/.

    I definitely see you all as a support group, and you definitely inspire me (including you Brooke!). We all help each other - when I finally broke through my plateau this morning on the scale, the first thing I thought was "oooo what did I do that can help Brooke get through her plateau!".

    Couldn't do it without you all. I definitely push harder and feel like I really can make a permanent change because of all of you!

    Spread the loooooovvveee everyone! <3
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member

    I definitely see you all as a support group, and you definitely inspire me (including you Brooke!). We all help each other - when I finally broke through my plateau this morning on the scale, the first thing I thought was "oooo what did I do that can help Brooke get through her plateau!".

    I hope that your suggestions work- you are the best~
  • jaszmyn
    jaszmyn Posts: 66 Member
    I feel the exact same way ladies. Even though I feel off the wagon because I felt a little discouraged last week (cause the scale didn't move). I hopped back on the wagon this week FULLforce, becasue I knew my group would be supportive. I just REALLY hope to see the scale move more in Month 2...Finishing up week 4. (well 3 and a half).

    You ladies are sooooo supportive. Keep up the good work. YAY TF!
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    Good job Jaszmyn! I had a fun( but rough calorically ) weekend out with friends, so I definitely have to make it up this week!
  • I am so excited to have just discovered this group too! I only just started TF and am really enjoying it and feeling really motivated so far. Nobody in my real life other than my hubby gets it, so I am thrilled to have found some people here to chat about it with!!